George, his parents, and his treatment team – credit: Press handout

Following three rounds of chemotherapy, a 2-year-old Englishman has become the youngest patient ever treated with ‘nanoknife’ technology.

This still-experimental cancer treatment helps to neutralize tumor sections via electrical currents.

George, from Camden, was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma—a cancer of the liver and bile duct last year.

Dr. Sam Godfrey, science engagement lead at Cancer Research UK spoke to the BBC about the treatment, calling it cutting-edge, and explaining how it uses electrical currents to ensure surgeons get a better margin of clearance around a tumor.

This “cutting-edge surgical treatment will inform the treatment of children around the world,” he said.

“The surgeons managed to remove all the tumor and had clear margins all the way around the removed section of his liver,” said George’s father, Johnathan. “This was the news we’d been hoping and praying for.

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After 18 months, George was declared cancer-free. Johnathan said that the family was proud their son’s treatment plan was able to advance medical science in the country, potentially helping to better the chances of other children like George.

CELEBRATE George’s Recovery And The Success Of This Unique Technology…

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