Leo and Jim Deveraux Football tooth Facebook

Seattle Seahawks fans didn’t have much to smile about after seeing their team lose to the Carolina Panthers Sunday.

But a five-year-old fan did have a grin with a gap after his own personal loss during halftime of the National Football League play-off game. He lost a tooth.

Leo Deveraux’s loose tooth had been bothering him while watching the game on television at home.

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During the break, his dad tied one end of a string to Leo’s tooth and the other end around a football. Dad then crossed the room and told him to make a pass just like his hero quarterback, Russell Wilson.

“To to add some excitement to a tough first half, Seahawks vs. Panthers, we decided to do a tooth extraction,” dad Jim Deveraux wrote on his Facebook page, calling it “12th Man Dentistry.”

The play worked — yanking Leo’s tooth out and sending it for a one or two-yard gain.

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His mom called it “the best play of the whole game” and Seahawks fans, reflecting on their season-ending, seven-point loss, might just have to agree.

(WATCH the video below from Jim Deveraux’s Facebook page)

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