It was an emotional reunion when old sorority sisters Megan and Jess met at the former’s house in their late 30s.
That’s because, Megan is scheduled to donate a kidney to Jess, whom she hadn’t seen in over 10 years.
After receiving a diagnosis of chronic kidney failure in September 2023, Jess Hause was stunned at the number of people offering to test themselves for a potential donation.
Her former sorority sister, Megan Schultz eventually FaceTimed Hause a few weeks later to tell her she was a match.
“I thought she was calling to say ‘I’m sorry, but I’m not a match,'” admitted Hause. The Cincinnatian said she was shocked and speechless, with the “super special” gesture taking her breath away.
Doctors first noticed Jess’ kidney function was low when she was in hospital being treated for shingles. But after losing her job and her medical insurance in April 2023 she stopped seeing the doctor regularly.
“I noticed from my knees down I started getting numb and tingling,” she explained to the British news media outlet SWNS.
Jess went to the emergency room and, after tests, she was diagnosed with total kidney failure.
“It was absolutely terrifying. I didn’t even know what kidney failure was.”
She started on dialysis last year which she now has for three days a week for three-and-a-half hours.
“I started making reels [on Instagram] of my day-to-day life,” said Hause. “It just so happened my sorority sister Megan saw it. God puts people in our lives for a reason.”

After getting tested, the hospital called Schultz and she “just started crying.”
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“It was immediate excitement,” she said.
Megan called Jess on June 13th, 2024, to tell her the news and the pair were then able to reunite over the weekend.
“It was wonderful. It’s one of those friendships where you haven’t seen each other for so long but it feels like no time at all,” said Hause.
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Jess and Megan are set for surgery on November 12th, 2024.
Even with one kidney, human beings are capable of living long, athletic, capable lives with certain small adjustments.
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