I always say that negative media is useful because, among other benefits, it can be a catalyst for inspired action. Meet 8-year-old Vivienne Harr of Fairfax, Calif. who set up a lemonade stand after seeing a gallery of photographs depicting modern day slavery.
She told her parents, “We need to make a stand”. And they literally did.
Utilizing social media and an old fashioned lemonade stand, called “Where do you stand?” She set a goal of freeing 500 child slaves.
She and her family quickly garnered tens of thousands of supporters from the local and worldwide community and raised more than $50,000 dollars in just under two months — two-thirds of the way toward her goal.
Perhaps more importantly she is educating ordinary people about how many people are living in slavery around the world. With 15,000 followers on Twitter are helping her spread the word.
(WATCH the video below from ToanLamTV)