10) Pelosi Seeks to Heal Rifts as First Female US House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi, 66, will become the first female House leader and the highest-ranking woman in U.S. political history — second in line behind the president. Voters weary of corruption cheered her election night victory speech when Ms. Pelosi stated intentions to lead the most honest and open House in history. She stressed her plans to proceed in a bipartisan fashion to find solutions to the Iraq crisis. Civility is something this grandmother wants to return to the halls of Congress.
In November elections nationwide, Americans seemed not to be as hypnotized by fear — and the suggestion that a vote for Democrats would be a “win for the terrorists”. It seemed like some of the poison had been drawn out of the body politic. The system of checks and balances — the genius of the US Constitution — won big, with civility and competence the winning platform. By voting against the arrogance of power, common sense Americans affirmed solution-oriented good governance. The vital center of American politics has realigned and it is a recipe for moderation.
Here’s wishing for a better year in 2007!
(c) 2006, Good News Network