A tear-jerking moment, captured on film, shows a toddler being reunited with her teenage brother after he saved her from drowning.
The 18-year-old in shot, Eric Johnson, saved his little sister by performing CPR after he found her floating in the family’s swimming pool.
Little Rose was only 2 at the time and was at home with her brother and mom Nina who said that their habit is to always have one person in the room with Rose.
Alert and aware, Eric came into the living room and noticed that the door was open, and neither Nina nor Rose was around. Checking the swimming pool, the big brother found his little sister unconscious in the pool.
He pulled her out immediately and performed CPR. By the time their mom was called 911, Rose was already regaining consciousness.
First responders arrived shortly after and rushed the two-year-old to hospital and put on a ventilator for two days.
“We normally have one person in the room with her but we both went to the restroom. It was only a few minutes,” Nina explained. “Every time I look at him I think about it. I don’t think he realizes that he didn’t just save her life, he saved my life as well, he saved our family’s life.”
The rescue happened two years ago but Nina has decided to share it now for the first time.
According to Nina, the incident has brought the two siblings together, who are now 20 and 4. The two have always been close, but are now closer than ever.
CPR IN ACTION: For 3 Hours Doctors Continued CPR on Toddler with No Pulse–Until Life Returned
She said: “Their relationship is wonderful. They are so close. They cuddle together. They watch TV together. She shouts at him when he annoys her. It’s beautiful.”
She hopes that the video will inspire others to learn CPR, which has helped her family escape unscathed from the terrifying incident.
MORE LIFE-SAVING STORIES: 12-Year-Old Saves Man Who Passed Out Underwater, Credits CPR Learned from ‘Stranger Things’
“Even if it’s just one person from each family it could make such a difference,” said Nina. “I don’t know where I would be now if Eric hadn’t known how.”
CPR, also known as chest compression, is routinely offered in courses at fire departments and schools, normally for free. It can restart the heart of people who have no pulse or breath, even hours after chest compression is started.
WATCH the reunion below…
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