Spencer and Beth in a before and after shot – credit: SB Mowing via TikTok.

Who knew that trimming bushes and mowing lawns could be the catalyst for so much good in the world?

Serially viral TikTok account SB Mowing has been featured on GNN before. Owned and operated by a young man named Spencer, it features him mowing people’s lawns who, for whatever reason, lack the physical strength or time to do it themselves.

In July, GNN reported that after finding a wounded tabby cat during one of his mows, Spencer took it to a cat shelter that was on the eve of closing down. Channeling his channels for good, SB Mowing sponsored a GoFundMe which raised $190,000 in donations to the shelter.

This time, Spencer was visiting an elderly woman with an overgrown yard named Beth.

Beth explains that after looking for someone to mow and sheer her yard and plants without success, a local government busybody paid her a visit and gave her a few weeks to take care of the mess or face a $240 fine.

“I’ll do the backyard—whatever you need, and I’ll do it for free I won’t charge you a dime,” Spencer says in the 6-minute video that accumulated 94 million views, adding that the lawn “isn’t even that bad, I’m going to get it looking like you’ve never seen it before.”

Off Spencer goes with his landscaping tools, needing about 4 minutes of extreme time-lapse videography to finish the job.

“I cried on and off just listening to your machines,” Beth admitted at the end of the video during the big reveal.

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That was the end of the video as far as Spencer was concerned, but not for his followers, who left over 21,000 comments, among which were hundreds asking if there were a way they could donate so Beth could afford to hire landscapers full-time.


A staggering $800,000 was raised in a GoFundMe set up for the purpose. In a January 13th update, Spencer announced he was working with an attorney to create a trust fund for Beth to ensure no one could take advantage of her for the new money she was about to receive. Some would be given to her in cash, and a portion would also be donated to charity.

“They kinda fell in love with you and your story,” Spencer explained to Beth in a follow-up video. “We just wanted to come together as a community to help you out and get you to a better spot.”

Overwhelmed, Beth remarked she “can’t even cry, I can’t even think… Those are the things dreams are made of.”

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