Bus stop in Fowey, England, ‘All you need is Fowey’ design from Jan. 2022 – via SWNS

A bus stop in Fowey, England, has been getting artistic makeovers from creative locals for two decades.

Dubbed the Pretty Bus Stop on Lankelly Lane in Cornwall, it was given its first makeover by Jane Tinsley after it became a target for anti-social behavior.

Over the next 20 years the stop has been decorated as a tea room, a yacht race, a library, and even donned an Elvis theme at one point.

Volunteers step forward to redesign the grotto a couple of times each year—especially during the winter.

Sarah Worne, the artist behind the new plant-themed design, has been helping to keep the tradition alive since 2021.

The latest theme is called Thyme to Stop, and features real—and painted—pots of seedlings and plants.

“It was cold coming into February and everybody needs warming up, so we have made it look like you are sitting in a green house.

The bus stop’s latest design ‘Thyme to Stop’ – SWNS

“It is just trying to bring a bit of warmth as you are sitting there waiting for a bus.”

“I am always liking to keep busy and always liking to do things that just make people smile,” said Sarah. “And, just for the fun of it.”

The bus stop even has its own Facebook page, with more than 2,700 followers which features many looks over the years.


“We like to delegate and engage with the local community,” she added. “I have challenged Fowey River Lions to do a design—and they are having a go this year at Easter.”

Nautical themed design from March 2021 – SWNS

Sarah has thought about decorating other bus stops, getting inspired while driving around, but hasn’t yet taken the time to talking to the owners.

“The bus stop in Fowey is actually owned by the town council. You do have to work out who owns the bus stops and I haven’t gone down that route—but I certainly got my eye on a couple other bus stops that could do with brightening up.”

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