screengrab from KKF-eq via TikTok

Dozens of stories and videos have come out showing heroic actions taken across Los Angeles County where 5 separate wildfires recently broke out in a single short period and burned thousands of homes down.

With the fires originating in the canyon systems north of the city, Kalyna Fedorowycz, a 16-year-old equestrian, was faced with a frightening ordeal as she and the other hands at a stable had to load the horses up into trailers and get them out of the path of the fire.

Famously ‘spookable,’ there was inevitably one horse that just wouldn’t get onto the transport.

Fedorowycz, not willing to leave the black mare behind, led the animal 14 miles along the road in front of the horse transport, sometimes riding, sometimes walking, sometimes jogging, but all the while coaxing the recalcitrant horse along.

In a stunning video taken by Fedorowycz’s father from the vehicle behind her, one sees her negotiating fallen trees and power lines, flaming debris, columns of smoke, powerful winds, constant loud, sharp noises like sirens, all while doing whatever it took to get the mare to continue on.

Posted on TikTok, the video vent viral, with commenters overwhelmed with the young woman’s love and determination.


“I don’t think most people realize how challenging something like this is 😳 as someone who’s worked with other people’s horses I say this was so brave and I have mad respect for you ❤️” said one. 

“Some of these shots are absolutely breathtaking. I’m so sorry you had to go through this. The bond you have with that beautiful animal is palpable,” said another, named Rachel.

WATCH the video below… 

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SHARE This Young Woman’s Incredible Dedication To A Scared Horse… 

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