surfing dog makes wish come truw-KillerImageDotComThanks to a surfing dog named Ricochet, a sick boy was able to feel like a normal kid again. Caleb lost the feeling in his lower body last July just weeks after he was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer.

The certified therapy dog famous for her surfing skills, joined the Make-A-Wish Foundation to fulfill Caleb Acosta’s request for a day in the waves with the four-legged star.

“It was life-changing,” Caleb’s mom, Cathy Acosta, told Good Morning America. “He said he felt light. He felt free. He felt like he was normal again.”

The dog is said to be the “only dog in the world who surfs with kids with special needs, people with disabilities, wounded warriors, military families and veterans with PTSD.”

(WATCH the video from the Surf Dog Ricochet

Photo credit: Dale Porter,


  1. Am sending this here- not sure where to send it

    Caleb – we have just had some measure of success with a young man with a very advanced brain tumor. It is recent so we will have to see but he has had a major change in his pain level after over 3 years of very deep pain in just a few days. The healing was for the tumor itself not just the pain. The woman who helped this occur is

    Dr Sha is a world renowned healer and I have an acquaintance who was cured of 4th stage cancer all through his body by Master Sha. He has a website if you have any questions

  2. Caleb, there is a buddhist Technique called Mindfulness, that essentially Works by living in the present momento fully all of the time, just as you did when you were surfing, that has worked with people with cáncer to live much, much more tan was projected. There was a case of a Young man who was given 3 months to live and, with mindfulness, he was able to live for 15 years. If you want to learn how to practice mindfulness please read “You are Here now” by Thich Nhat Hanh, or “the Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle.

    If you need help with mindfulness I can help you do that, free of charge, as I give mindfulness classes. We can speak over the telephone If you like. Send me an email at

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