A student smuggled lightsabers into his graduation ceremony—and challenged his principal to a fun impromptu duel on stage.
Star Wars fanatic Hunter Wark-Pantoja had an elaborate plan to combine his favorite film with one of the most important moments of his life.
The 18-year-old walked to the stage and after receiving his high school diploma he pulled two lightsabers from under his gown and challenged Todd Clerkson to a battle.
The Canadian kid from Port Moody, British Colombia, had already asked his principal earlier this year if he could bring one, and Clerkson said ‘maybe’.
“So I obviously took that as a yes,” joked Hunter.
But he wanted to surprise the entire audience of the Heritage Woods Secondary School ceremony—including the principal—and make it an epic moment to remember.
Mr. Clerkson said he was completely surprised but jumped straight into battle mode. when Hunter struck his Jedi pose.
“The whole crowd was screaming and applauding – it couldn’t have been a better way to graduate.”
Hunter’s friend Joey Aconley captured the moment on camera, saying “Ever since I’ve known him, he was always a big Star Wars fan.”
“Every May 4th—a globally-recognized Star Wars Day—he would bring lightsabers to school for battles,” said Joey. “In photography class, he would use them as light sources.”
“One day we were chatting about doing something on stage at graduation, but when he actually did it, we all screamed. We cheered so loud for him.”
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Hunter has also vowed to return to school on May 4th every year to relive the moment.
See the video below…
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