“Washington, D.C. has one of the highest concentrations of graduate degrees in the country. It’s a place full of smart, wealthy and educated people. It also has the highest poverty rate of any U.S. city, and the youth feel it especially badly.”

Some D.C. startups and local organizations have stepped forward, filling in the gaps where government stops short, according to a CNN “Most Innovative Cities” report.

One example is the Young Doctors Project. Founded in 2012, it trains African-American high school freshman through intensive summer programs and Saturday academies at Howard University, to provide things like blood pressure screenings and vision exams to underserved communities.

After the first summer these “young doctors” work at free health clinics under the supervision of YDDC staff doctors. Through their own initiative, the teens also conduct nutrition seminars and educate their families and communities about healthy lifestyle options.

(READ the story from CNN Money)

Photo: Young Doctors DC Facebook page


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