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Thanksgiving: A Seasonal RItual Tying Us to the Earth

I love celebrations that serve to remind us about important aspects of our lives. Mother's Day and Father's Day celebrate two of the most...

India Youth Spurring Locals to Trade Plastic Bags for Eco-Friendly Sacks

Every month more than 100 kilos (one quintal) of polythene bags are used to carry offerings into the famous Ram temple of Orchha. The...

New Las Vegas Casino to Build Green, Part of New Trend

Even on the Las Vegas Strip, where over-the-top casino and hotel complexes are the norm, the $4.8 billion Echelon is sure to stand out....

Dolphins Save Surfer from Becoming Shark Bait

A surfer in California was under attack from a great white shark when a pod of bottlenose dolphins intervened, pushing the shark away and...

Green Roofs Start to Sprout on Urban Homes

"Low-maintenance sedum cuts energy costs as well as greenhouse gases. Flowers and baby sedum on the flat roof will retain about half the...

White House Moves to Protect Striped Bass

On Saturday, President Bush visited the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum in St. Michaels, Maryland, to sign an Executive Order to protect America's striped bass...

Ethiopian Farmers Boosted By Improved Seed

Five years ago, Wegene Abebe was just another local peasant eking out a living in Tijo, 220km southeast of the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa;...

Cell Phone Revolution Eases Burdens in Haiti, Caribbean

In a country where most people live without paved roads, running water or even electricity, there's one modern convenience that more than a quarter...

Wetlands Restored After Centuries of Coastal Farming

England is again turning the clock back hundreds of years by dismantling a second sea wall to restore saltwater marshes that once was home...
Regatta photo by Adam Randolph

Sailors Raise Cash and Beer Mugs for Charity

This weekend marks the annual intersection of sailing, beer drinking and charitable giving, a mix more harmonious because it is set on the...

Get Outside – It’s Good for You

When your mom told you to go outside and play — she really did know what was best for you. Just being outdoors or having...

Dog’s Bark Leads to River Rescue

"Smooch the collie began barking incessantly Sunday morning when outside in the Amityville River, an empty kayak drifted toward the Great South Bay. A...

How to Clean Up the Slums — Cook on Garbage

Garbage is piled up and rotting, but now a "community cooker" project in Africa's biggest slum offers a way not only of getting rid...

Accomplishments in Two Years Since Katrina

The Katrina clean-up efforts by the Army Corps of Engineers in Louisiana have been substantial over the past two years judging by the list...

A Dollar a Day Transforms Teen Pen Pals in U.S. and Brazil

Imagine the thrill. You're an American teen, planting your toes into the sands of Brazil for the first time. Imagine total immersion into a...

Projects Across the Nation Seek to Harness Wave Energy

Forty-five wave energy projects have been approved around the U.S. "It's low visual impact... So far, these devices are attractive to marine life. There's...

Scientists Hail ‘Frozen Smoke’ as Material That Will Change World

NASA scientists nicknamed it “frozen smoke” because aerogel is 99.8 percent air, and almost as light. Yet, "it is capable of insulating against...
Native Americans and whites in Custer

Historic Healing for Native Americans and Whites Near Wounded Knee

(Custer, South Dakota) While some South Dakota whites will always be bitter about the modern Wounded Knee standoff three decades ago, a Native American...

Barn Owls Unite Israelis, Jordanians

"Even when tensions run high, the environment is one of the few areas where Israelis and Arabs cooperate. During the Palestinian uprising against Israel,...
Frank Shimkus

Boomers Answer Call to Service, in Legislatures and Classrooms

In the last four years, a growing number of boomers — those born between 1946 and 1964 — are showing up in the freshman class of...