A wish came true for this 8-year-old girl who wanted to attend the school’s daddy-daughter dance—because a compassionate security guard stepped in.
Avey Cox, now a second grader, had always been eager to attend the annual daddy-daughter dance with her friends at the Arkansas school—but after her father passed away over the holidays, the heartbroken youngster assumed she would not be able to go to the February soiree.
When Van Buren school resource officer Nick Harvey heard that Avey did not have an escort to the dance, however, he sought permission to be her date.
“I reached out to the mother because the last thing I wanted was to get rejected by a second-grader, and then the next day I formally asked if she’d be my date to the daddy/daughter dance,” Harvey told KFSM.
Needless to say, Avey was thrilled to accept the invitation, and the dynamic duo even made sure to coordinate their outfits.
After Harvey and Avey took pictures, they rode in a limo to the school and danced the night away with the other elementary school kids and teachers. It was an event the youngster will not soon forget.
Not only that, Harvey says he hopes to be Avey’s escort for all the school dances to come so she never has to miss another dance.
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