Jake the Doberman, the saddest dog in Warwickshire – credit: Dog Rescue and Adoption Kenilworth, retrieved from Facebook

You wouldn’t know it from this photo, but this Doberman was nicknamed the “saddest dog in Warwickshire” after spending a heartwrenching 850 days in a shelter.

This included the past two Christmases, and despite the shelter’s best efforts, no one seemed interested in adopting him.

According to local outlet Coventry Live, Jake the Doberman was scared of other dogs. He was also scared by other people, and sounds, and “pretty much everything.” Living with dysplasia, and receiving treatment from the shelter staff, he was seen as just too much of a handful.

But while Jake was facing a third Christmas at the Dogs Trust in Kenilworth, local couple John and Amanda, looking to add four paws to their family, stopped outside his kennel.

Where others saw problems, John and Amanda saw solutions. Where others saw disability, they saw potential. After a few weeks of involvement with his training and therapy, they decided to adopt the lonely pooch.

“We are so happy to have Jake in his forever home for the holidays. Jake was so loved by the staff at Dogs Trust, and it was clear how much care and dedication they gave him during his time there,” Amanda said.

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“When we collected him, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house—except for Jake, who happily jumped into our car! He’s settled in beautifully, growing in confidence every day, and has already made new friends, including the postie and a barman with dog treats.”

By the time of adoption, the shelter staff had come to view Jake as their own, and despite the joy of seeing him adopted, there was plenty of bittersweetness.

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“Jake is a perfect example of why we don’t give up on dogs who need a bit of extra help,” said Emma-Jane Thomas, Manager at Dogs Trust Kenilworth. “Jake had some challenges to overcome, but seeing him build his confidence and settle into a happy place makes it all worthwhile.”

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