a hand for leprosy vicitimsA white American housewife is helping to break the curse of leprosy in India, at first by simply not turning away from them in the streets, and now, through her organization that provides 20,000 people living in leprosy colonies with microloans, mobile health clinics and schools. A PBS documentary, "Breaking the Curse," has brought her amazing tale to the screen. Thanks to Diana D. for submitting the story in Utah’s DeseretNews.com! For more info on Becky’s work visit RisingStarOutreach.org.


  1. What a BEAUTIFUL thing. LOVE rules……… Don’t know where to start in your own efforts to make a difference in our world. Well, think “Globally”………..ACT LOCALLY. Yes, you can make a difference in our world by simply doing one very small act of kindness, then another and another. When you’re on your deathbed (transition), you’ll be glad you did. Your LOVE is the only thing that will matter. Practice random acts of kindness all the time and you’ll be happier too. (-:

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