A hero dad saved a woman and her three-year-old daughter after he saw their car being swept away in a flooded river.
Liam Stych leapt into action fighting a raging torrent after hearing the woman screaming “Help me, help me, please save my baby!”
A video shows the woman’s car being dragged under a footbridge as floods surged through Birmingham, England on Tuesday following Storm Henk.
Not only did the 28-year-old dangle off the bridge and smash the rear passenger window, the quick-thinking dad used ratchet straps to lash the Fiat to the bridge to stop it from sinking. (See the video below…)
“We were walking over a bridge and I heard a woman screaming from inside a car.
“The front of her car was pointing down into the water so I dangled off the bridge. I didn’t want to make the situation worse by sinking the car with my weight.”
“I told the woman to remain calm and unwind her window and to hand me her child.”
The woman could only get her window half-way down but he grabbed the baby and “hurled her” into the arms of his pregnant partner who was on the bridge. The highway engineer then sprinted back to his work van and grabbed a set of 3.5 ton ratchet straps.
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“Once the baby was safe I ran to get the straps and climbed back to the car and smashed the back passenger window.”

“I secured the car to the bridge with the ratchet straps so it wouldn’t drift any further under the bridge.”
“I then told the woman to climb into the back and get out the window.
“She managed to get out and we held hands to jump together into the water after a count of three. (The current) was really strong and I dragged her out of the water.”
West Midlands Police hailed Liam a hero, but the modest dad-of-two insisted he just acted “on instinct”.
“I think if I hadn’t done what I did the car would have been dragged under the bridge and there would have been no way of getting them out.
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“It was pure luck that we were there when it happened.”
He hopes people are educated about the danger of flooding.
“It’d been raining heavily and the roads suddenly turned into rivers and the streams turned into raging rivers.
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“The poor lady has lost her car and her shopping which was in the back but she and her daughter could have lost their lives.”
Watch the video below…
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