12-year-old Wanessa Bąkowska has been pouring her sensitivity through paints and onto canvas since she adopted as a little girl with Down syndrome.

From Lipka, Poland, the 6th grade student has also been enchanted with all things royal, and recently decided to make a painting for the queen. With her tutor’s help in translating to English, she wrote a letter and sent it off to the palace:
“Your Majesty, my name is Wanessa and I am 12 years old. I live in Poland, in the small town of Lipka.
“I have wonderful teachers and many friends. I have mum Karolina, dad Rafał, brother Alan and sister Nutka. I love them very much.
“I am a person with a disability and Down Syndrome. Nevertheless, I paint pictures. I would like to give you one of them, Your Majesty. The title of this painting is ‘Earth’. Greetings from Poland.”
She posted on Facebook about sending the painting, saying in Polish:
“I like breaking stereotypes and I like to pretend to myself that the impossible doesn’t exist… Although in real life I will not have such an opportunity, I visited the royal court through a letter I wrote to Queen Elizabeth… Beloved dreams are there to make them come true, even if they seem unreal.”

Well, the ‘unreal’ did come true on September 6, as they received a reply from the royal court in their mailbox.
The Queen’s response, dictated by an assistant, spoke of how ‘touched’ she was with the effort she put into the painting, describing it as “splendid”.
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The letter said Her Majesty was thankful to the 12-year-old for her “thoughtfulness for taking the time to write” and wished her success in the future.
Pictures of the official reply was posted to her daughter’s Facebook page with the words, “Dreams are made to be fulfilled. Today I got a reply to my letter from Queen Elizabeth.”

Her mom shares the canvases from her talented young daughter to social media at ‘Pictures Painted With Heart’ (Obrazy malowane sercem), which has over 2000 followers.
There you can see details about how Wanessa uses every day objects, like plastic cups, balloons, beads, and plastic wrap, to move paint in unique and ethereal ways.

She’s creating more complex and beautiful works every week.
In fact, the Labirynt gallery in Pila hosted an exhibition of her works and one of her paintings was even shown in the National Theatre in Warsaw last year.

“We didn’t expect an answer. Nobody was set on it,” Karolina Bąkowska told the Polish news outlet, Fakt. “Regardless of whether the lady of the court responded to it on behalf of the queen, or someone else, it was a huge surprise for us, and above all for Wanessa.”
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Does anyone know where I could buy one of this lovely girl’s paintings?