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When Woman Moves into Run-down House Following Divorce, Neighbors Help Fix it Up For Free

“I didn’t know a single person when I moved here a year ago, and now I feel as though my neighbors are family,” says Tammy Bacon, the woman who is nominating the town as one of the nicest places in America.

Town Has Uncanny Knack for Kindness in a Pinch, From Hurricane Weddings to Rescuing Lost Planes

When this compassionate town orchestrated a wedding for two hurricane evacuees, the groom said: “If I had a car, I wouldn’t leave. I love it here.”

In Latest Breakthrough, Scientists Successfully Regrow Brain Tissue That Was Damaged by a Stroke

The results of the research showed success in stroke treatment that “had not been seen before.”

Self-Driving, 3D-Printed Boats Could Free Up Traffic Congestion by Sailing on City Waterways

If you're distrustful of self-driving cars carrying people, what about these autonomous boats that can free up traffic congestion by ferrying goods?

Café That Hires and Feeds the Homeless Has Just Built a Village for Their Rough Sleeping Employees

Social Bite has been lifting up Scotland's homeless for the last six years – and this eco-friendly village is just their latest achievement in their quest to end homelessness altogether.

Watch Soldier’s Emotional Reunion With Dog She Rescued From Iraq Seven Months Ago

“I can't believe it,” says the sergeant about the reunion. “It feels like a miracle is happening.”

This Epic Town Wrote a Manual On How to Take Care of Each Other

This story was submitted as a nomination to the Reader's Digest “Top 10 Nicest Places in America” contest: a crowd-sourced effort to uncover nooks...

World is Encouraged to Ditch Trans Fats By 2023, Thanks to New Plan

A new initiative launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) has the potential to save millions of lives from the dangers of unhealthy food. On...

World’s First Soccer Pitch at a Subway Stop Brings Joyful Exercise to Underserved People

Since the free soccer field is on top of the station, it makes the sport more accessible to low-income residents who can't afford to drive a car or pay field fees.

Waitress Stunned by $2,000 Mother’s Day Tip From Truck Driver, ‘I thought I’d just help her out a bit’

“Money is just paper or numbers on a screen,” said the truck driver. “Self-gratification only goes so far. So, when you're helping another person, you're adding something to the world.”

California Becomes First State to Feed Chronically Ill With Specially Prescribed Meals

The “Food is Medicine” initiative launched in California, making it the first state to have a pilot program that will use food to help treat chronically ill patients.

Britain May Build ‘Road Network’ to Protect Bees, Butterflies, and Moths

Legislators are stepping up to protect important insects by proposing a “road network” that would act as a kind of wildlife corridor for bees,...

Instead of Plane Making Emergency Landing, Engineer Fixes Medical Device Using Only a Pen

The resourceful student credits his ingenious rescue to a freshman year engineering class that he had always “loathed.”

5 Last-Minute Mother’s Day Gifts to Provide Health, Wellness, Romance, or DNA Tests

After everything that your mother has done for you, do you really just want to settle for flowers when you can get 20% off of a DNA testing kit?

Sudden Urge for a Slurpee Puts Woman in Place to Save Man’s Life

When a New York man found himself in trouble last week, this woman was in the right place at the right time to help – and she says it's because of a sudden food craving.

Aging Chefs Find a Way to Serve, Instead of Slaving on Their Feet for Long Hours

Instead of enduring the back-breaking pains of working in a stressful restaurant environment, professional chefs can now cook with you thanks to Cozymeal.

When Woman Unexpectedly Goes into Labor at Foreign Hotel, She Uses the Internet to Give Birth on Her Own

While the internet is also used for cute cat videos and keeping in touch with distant relatives, Tia Freeman sped down the information highway...

Cheap ‘Plant Pods’ That Can Grow More Lettuce in a Room Than Half-Acre Plot May End Hunger

As a means of tackling food security, this company developed a cheap micro-garden that produces tons of nutritious food without needing to be watered every day.

After Man Plays His Cello at Bomb Site, He Spurs Citywide Movement to Combat Violence With Music

One day after several car bombs were detonated in his city, a cellist took to the streets to combat violence with music – and according to him, it's working.

Hotel Gives Best Friends Unforgettable Night Together After Hearing About Woman’s Brain Cancer

When this group of women were trying to arrange a weekend trip for their sick friend, a California hotel surprised them with an astonishing amount of kindness.