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Ecuador Breaks World Record for Planting Most Tree Species in 8 Hours

Thousands of people teamed up this weekend to break a world record while doing something good for the earth. They planted the most species...

Ex-NASA Engineer to Plant One Billion Trees a Year Using Drones

A start-up plans to help solve the world’s climate problems by using drones to plant forests of seedlings. “We are going to counter industrial scale...

3M Vows Not to Source From Deforested Areas, Ignore Human Rights

3M announced this week a new sourcing policy that ensures all the virgin wood fiber going into its paper-based products and packaging comes from...

A Decade After Asian Tsunami, New Forests Protect the Coast

The tsunami that struck Indonesia in 2004 obliterated vast areas of Aceh province. But villagers there are using an innovative microcredit scheme to restore...
Forest stream deep green Tasmania DSEWPaC-attribution

Corporate “Villain” Vows to Stop Clear Cutting Trees

Few companies have done as much damage to the world’s tropical forests as Asia Pulp & Paper. But under intense pressure from its customers...
purring Caqueta titi monkey -WWF-Javier Garcia

Purring Monkey Discovered in the Amazon

A purring monkey and a vegetarian piranha are among the new species of animals discovered during scientific expeditions in the Amazon rainforest. Discovered by researchers...
Eco Recho stove founder in Haiti

Making Stoves and Changing Lives in Haiti

Disaster struck Haitian eco-preneur Duquesne Fednard only a week after his workers were trained and ready to start production: his new stove-making factory was...
Solar panels Mirebalais hospital Haiti-PIHorg

New Hospital in Haiti is Fully Powered by 1,800 Solar Panels

Over the past 25 years Partners In Health (PIH) has been working to bring the benefits of modern medical science to poor residents who...
Photo by Kakisky, via Morguefile

Burger King Announces Shift to Cage-free Pork and Eggs

Burger King's baby steps toward more humane treatment for animals in its supply chain took a whopper of a leap forward today when the...
Google doodle for Earth Day

Going Green by Going Google

From mowing it’s Googleplex headquarters’ lawn with a herd of goats to proposing a $4.68 trillion plan for changing alternative energy policy in the...
boreal forest in British Columbia

Rising Forest Density Offsets Climate Change, Says Study

Rising forest density in many countries is helping to offset climate change caused by deforestation from the Amazon basin to Indonesia, a study showed...

World’s Largest Beef Company Signs Amazon Rainforest Pact

The bulk of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon occurs as a result of illegal cattle production. Now, the world's largest meat processor, JBS-Friboi, has agreed...
Brower Award winners from 2008

6 Young Environmental Leaders Win Prestigious Brower Award

They are the green generation. Six young people who are doing incredible things to safeguard the environment were honored this week with the prestigious...

40 Victories Since the First Earth Day: 40th Anniversary Timeline

Since the first Earth Day 40 years ago, America has become a cleaner, safer, more beautiful place with less pollution, more pristine rivers, fewer...

How One Man Planted a Million Trees (Video)

Gashaw Tahir, an American citizen, traveled back to his birth country of Ethiopia to find the green hills that surrounded his home eroded and...

Brazil and U.S. Agree to Cooperate in Rainforest Pact

The United States and Brazil signed a memorandum of understanding to work together to slash greenhouse gas emissions from tropical deforestation, one of...

Relief Work Provides Opportunities for Haitians

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and former U.S. President Bill Clinton, the U.N. special envoy for Haiti, said Haitian citizens are now being employed in...

Pakistanis Breaks Guinness Record Planting 500,000 Trees in One Day

A Pakistan team set the Guinness World Record for tree planting, beating India in an international competition this month. Just 300 volunteers from the...

‘Comeback’ Forests Rich in Biodiversity, Say Scientists

Tropical forests that have regrown after deforestation are proving more significant havens of biodiversity than previously thought, scientists said last week. A...

Brazil Commits to Cut Amazon Destruction by 70 Percent

Brazil announced on Monday a plan to cut destruction of its Amazon rain forest by more than half over the next 10 years, the...