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Healing the Globe: 11 Bright Spots
A quick rundown of 11 bright spots that are healing the globe, from Cairo to California, from Bolivia to British Columbia, From Moroco to...
Sports Arena Rises From Toxic Wasteland
Instead of looking for land in the outer suburbs to house a new stadium for its basketball and hockey teams, the city of Dallas...
Cruise Ships End Reckless Polluting
As of July 1, cruise ships belonging to the International Council of Cruise Lines (ICCL) will implement a new set of dumping standards that...
Oyster Tide is Turning
In a rare show of consensus, scientists, fishermen, environmentalists and area residents are joining together to restore the Chesapeake Bay's historic shellfish bars, or...
Fishermen Take Lead in Helping Endangered Whales
The decades-old saga of the endangered Northern right whale has long stranded animal welfare advocates and the lobstermen on opposite shores of Cape Cod...
U.S. Navy Saves Money by Going Green
The U.S. Navy set a goal for the year 2000 to reduce hazardous waste and emissions by 50%. At the Annopolis, Maryland Naval base...
Wildlife Thrives in Restored Chicago Wetlands
The northwest corner of Chicago, framed by the lanes of traffic along Interstate 94 and State Route 14, seems an unlikely address for wildlife....
Corporations Mimic Rainforest Efficiency While Creating Profits
In natural systems like rainforests, one creature's waste is another's food, and virtually nothing is lost forever. Contrast this highly efficient natural system with...