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1 Million New Seagrass Seedlings Will Protect Sardinia’s Beaches While Storing 35-Times More Carbon Than Trees

To any government reading, there's a plant that provides habitat for nearly all the species of the sea, anchors the sediment on the seafloor,...

30% of Barbados Seas to be Protected Under “Blue Bond” Financing That Saved The Seychelles

As part of a debt-for-nature refinancing program, the island nation of Barbados is set to unlock $50 million in funding for conservation of its...

Chinook Salmon Introduced to Mountain Streams Not Inhabited for 100 Years

The historic reintroduction of Chinook salmon into a California creek this spring will help secure another generation of this iconic species. State and federal biologists...

This Week’s Inspiring Horoscopes From Rob Brezsny’s ‘Free Will Astrology’

We’ve partnered with our friend Rob Brezsny to provide his weekly wisdom which can enlighten your thinking and motivate your mood. Rob’s Free Will Astrology,...

Científicos Entusiasmados Después de Encontrar un Enorme Arrecife de Coral, el Primer Arrecife Descubierto en 120 Años

Los científicos australianos están encantados con el descubrimiento del enorme arrecife que se encontró recientemente en la Gran Barrera de Coral.