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Plankton Power To Build Algae Biofuel Facility on Cape Cod
To help meet the federal mandate of quadrupling biofuel use by 2020, a public-private consortium announced plans to construct a new facility on Cape...
Ex-Fighters Build New Businesses Under UN Reintegration
From raising chickens and growing tomatoes to washing cars and renting out party equipment, combatants emerging from the civil war in the Ivory Coast...
Michigan Town may be First in Midwest to Build Electric Car Charging Stations
In Michigan, Grand Blanc Township may follow in the footsteps of West coast communities in installing charging stations for electric cars for about...
Alzheimer Symptoms Reversed With Stem Cells
A new stem cell treatment reverses Alzheimer-like memory impairment in mice, according to researchers at the University of South Florida and James A. Haley...
Passenger Spots Leaking Jet Fuel, Averts Mid-Ocean Crash
Staff Sgt. Bartek Bachleda spotted a fuel leak during take-off and possibly saved the lives of more than 300 airline passengers in route...
Coke Unveils Bottle With 30 Percent Plant Material
Coca-Cola unveiled on Thursday a new plastic bottle made partially from plants. Trademarked the PlantBottle, it is fully recyclable like other plastics yet...
53 Wind Projects Awarded $8.5M, Includes Environmental Impact Research
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Steven Chu last week announced a list of 53 wind energy projects that will receive up to $8.5...
UN Seeks to Ban DDT Pesticide, and Still Fight Malaria
The United Nations announced a plan on Wednesday that aims to finally rid the world of DDT, a toxic pesticide still used to spray...
MIT Roof Hosts Vegetable Gardens on Little-Used Garage
This summer, vegetables, flowers and herbs will take the place of some of the cars and trucks atop a MIT garage becoming the Institute's...
Flying Car Lifts Off in Maiden Flight
History was made this month when a flying car, called the Terrafugia Transition, lifted off the runway for the first time in New...
Salvation Army Reports Record-Setting Red Kettle Donations
Holiday donations to The Salvation Army's iconic red kettles set a new national record of $130 million, despite the ongoing economic downturn, surpassing the...
The Front Line of Health Reform: Teaching Parents How to Treat Their Own Kids
The innovative program that provides a dose of hands-on health care training, boosting parents’ ability to care for common childhood ailments at home while...
Miracle On The Hudson
The passengers of Flight 1549 were soaked and freezing, but they were also alive. "We had a miracle on 34th Street. I believe now...
Obama’s Honored Guest for Inauguration (Video)
An American pilot from the first all-black flying unit, the Tuskegee Airmen from World War II, will attend Barack Obama's inauguration as an honored...
Free Laptops Arrive for Kids in Mali (Video)
Children in rural Mali are being given the opportunity to develop their computer skills, thanks to the charity, One Laptop Per Child. 30 laptops...
Bush Creates Largest Marine Protection Zone in the World
With the stroke of a pen today, President Bush will designate three new areas in the Pacific as Marine National Monuments to create the...
Japanese City Finds Treasure in Recycling Unwanted Electronics
After 11 months of collecting discarded handheld electronics, one small city in Japan has reduced its trash burden and found a source of income...
Airline Completes World-First Biofuel Flight
Air New Zealand has completed the world's first commercial test flight using a new biofuel. The two-hour flight around the Auckland region was powered...
Ten Signs of Peace on Earth: The Children’s Culture Connection
The good news that is the common thread running through children in war-torn Iraq or poverty-laden India, is that they all still have hope....
Waste Coffee Grounds offer new source of biodiesel fuel
Researchers in Nevada are reporting that waste coffee grounds can provide a cheap, abundant, and environmentally friendly source of biodiesel fuel for powering...