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The Green Cleaning Guide to British Housekeeping

green cleaning products

green cleaning products"Is it really true that you can get your house clean using only lemons, baking powder, vinegar — and plain old water? A british reporter rolls up her sleeves and, with some expert help, puts the theory to the test." A hilarious look at what happens when a green auditor comes to your home with eco-friendly alternatives for all your nasty chemical products. (Guardian) Thanks to Paul Tingen for the link — He should send us a British-American dictionary for translations of all the Brit household terms! What’s a hob? If you live in the US you can check here for similar stuff: Green Cleaning Products for US Households

Countries Rally to Protect Mediterranean Fish Stocks


trawler hauls netsFifty countries concerned about the depletion of fish stocks in the Mediterranean Sea have committed to a set of measures that includes better netting to allow for the escape of juveniles and an annual six-month hiatus for many fleets. The measures were adopted earlier this month in Rome during the annual UN meeting of a Mediterranean fisheries commission and launched new ways to manage unreported and unregulated fishing…

Artist Turns Mount Everest Trash into Beautiful Bells

bells from everest

bells from everestInspired by a television documentary about the heaps of trash on Mount Everest, Jeff Clapp climbed upon an astonishing idea: to create art sculptures made from the aluminum oxygen cylinders abandoned by mountain climbers. Bells From Everest makes beautiful bells, bowls, and ornaments that literally come from the top of the world. They’re sold online and in art galleries across North America. Each purchase, in a way, helps the Himalayan Sherpas who collect, recycle and sell the trash…

Whale Sounds Gain Popularity as Music


northern right whale“There is anecdotal evidence of whale music stopping babies crying, that the sound has soothed foetuses, women during childbirth and people who are dying. Though no one seems entirely sure why. Samuels says: ‘The whale’s moan is long, slow, contains a range of pitches, and is repeated in patterns. These characteristics make it perfect for relaxation. And people associate it with the tranquillity of the ocean.’ “… Whale music is making a comeback! (The Guardian) Thanks to Paul Tingen in the UK for the link!

Gratitude: Accepting Ourselves for the Beautiful People We Are



As far as understanding ourselves is concerned, many of us need to work harder at accepting ourselves for the beautiful people that we are.

It is important to realize that understanding and knowing are not the same. It is understanding, not knowing, that leads to right action.

We need to spend more time developing our individual gifts and less time worrying about what others think of us. I told someone this once and they asked me what would happen to the world if everyone did whatever they wanted to do and my reply was that we would have a lot more bad poets.

We need to love ourselves more, and in doing so, we open ourselves to loving others and being loved. When we fail to understand ourselves for being the miracles that each one of us is, then we lose sight of our own incredible potential. We also tend to look at others with less understanding, tolerance and appreciation than we should because we are in fact projecting our lack of understanding of ourselves onto others.

When we put more effort into understanding the reasons why people act as they do we can become more positive, grateful human beings. By removing the ego component and not reacting instantly to their questionable behavior, but instead, choosing to understand the actions first — putting ourselves in other people’s shoes — we save ourselves a lot of negative energy that can result if we are too hasty. When someone else judges us without understanding our situation we get upset, yet we do the same thing.

sepia streetWhen we lose sight of understanding our role here on earth and we allow ego to intrude, we tend to strive towards personal achievement or victory at any expense. Many times the cost is great and the results devastating, including a body battered by stress, destroyed families, ruined friendships and an ecology left in tatters.

Once we accept that our role here on earth is to help each other reach our fullest potential, we start looking for ways to help others reach that potential, just as others try to help us reach our fullest potential. When everyone is in sync, bringing everyone and everything around them to new heights of success and achievement, then the world becomes a better place. Take care and be well.

-Harry Tucker


TV Helicopter Pilot Saves Stranded Deer Blowing it off Ice

A deer was trapped on an icy pond and couldn’t get its footing. A TV chopper pilot had the bright idea of using the blades of his helicopter to blow the deer to the shore. Sure enough, it worked!

Former Terrorists Take Seats in New Nepal Legislature

nepal landscape

nepal landscapeObservers hailed the inclusion of "Maoist rebels, once branded terrorists, into the country’s interim parliament and the declaration of January 16 as a public holiday to celebrate the new nation that put behind it a decade of conflict," reported the Ecumenical News service in Switzerland. A total of 83 Maoists were sworn in this week as MP’s in the legislature. Most significant is the fact that the new party filled more than one-third of its seats with women — truly breaking ground in Nepal…

GNN Archive Updated w/ Business Stories

Victory Project in Dallas

Victory Project in DallasI took some time recently to work on updating the archives at GNN-i, where all the stories are stored that I published from 1997 through Jan. 2004, before leaving for a two-year sabbatical. There is still much content to be uploaded, but am happy to report a large chunk of the Business stories are now online again! One of the most uplifting stories from Aug. 2001 is about a new sports arena in Dallas where city officials tried to avoid sending sports fans — and tax dollars — to the suburbs, by building the complex where a toxic waste dump once had been…

Police Close Motorway to Rescue Kitten

"Six lanes of full-speed, weaving, Auckland traffic" kept rescuers away from a kitten cowering under the center median strip until, in an unusual move, police blocked off the road for a few minutes to grab the little guy, "which had been stranded for more than an hour." Nice photo, video only shows cat on the desk. (

A Beggar’s Lucky Day

photo by sealion of Sacramento

It was late Saturday afternoon when I went to Cavendish to get movie tickets for that night’s movie. As I walked around the corner at McDonald’s the beggar with no legs was sitting in his wheelchair begging.

He had a beautiful face and toothless smile…

Cancer Deaths Down for Second Year


american cancer society logoFewer people died of cancer in 2004 than in 2003, marking the second straight year that cancer deaths declined in the United States. A new American Cancer Society report says there were 3,014 fewer deaths in 2004 compared to the previous year. Early detection and improved treatment have been credited. (CNN)

Honey Cure Saves Leg From Amputation

honey bee photo by John Stone,

honey bee"A New Zealand man says his leg was saved from amputation thanks to regular applications of manuka honey. Manuka honey, made by bees that collect pollen from the manuka bush, has been long known as a cure for infections by the indigenous Maori people. Tests in New Zealand are proving successful at clearing infection." (Scotland’s Daily Record)

Muslim Sitcom a Big Hit in Canada

little mosque on the prairie logo

little mosque on the prairie logoWhen it comes to creating a funny television show or movie in Canada, producers here have a reliable stable of topics — French-English relations, urban-rural dynamics and anything that involves a bumbling politician or the United States. But Islam — something of a third rail of comedy throughout the Western world — did not make the list, which is one reason the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s new situation comedy, Little Mosque on the Prairie, is attracting such attention here…

Evangelicals, Scientists Join Forces Against Global Warming

Leading scientists and Evangelical Preachers will gather at a joint press conference in Washington Wednesday to describe their recent discussions and evolving action plans for combatting catostrophic climate change, which religious leaders point to as hurting the poor disproportionately. (AP)

U.S. Firefighters to Help Hard-Pressed Australians

Bound by a mutual assistance pact, the U.S. is sending 143 firefighters to Australia this week to battle fires alongside weary Aussie crews, and volunteers from Canada and New Zealand that have already joined the fight. (Reuters)

Company Uses Kite to Propel Cargo Ships


An oversize paraglider-shaped kite could help cut fuel costs for ocean-going vessels while reducing their emissions.

German company, SkySails, is now offering a wind propulsion system based on large towing kites that can reduce a ship‘s fuel costs by 10- 35% annually — and, with strong winds, by up to 50%.

On December 15, 2007, a huge cargo ship outfitted with SkySails will make its maiden voyage for the Beluga Group shipping company.

(READ more from CNET)

Teacher of the Year Takes on Failing Alabama School


Eighty-two percent of last year’s fourth-graders couldn’t read. This year, 73 percent of that same group are reading proficiently. "It should be obvious why a teacher would want to go into a needy school," says Betsy Rogers, National Teacher of the Year in 2003. "I don’t see this as being a big sacrifice or a big thing. I just think it should be the norm." (CS Monitor)

House Passes Plan to Negotiate for Lower Drug Prices

congressman stupak

congressman stupakThe U.S. House of Representatives on Friday passed a bill that would allow the federal government to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies in order to lower drugs costs for Medicare patients. Democrats were joined by some two dozen Republicans to pass the legislation by a vote of 255 to 170. "It is simply common sense to negotiate for lower prices," said Congressman Bart Stupak (D-MI), who co-sponsored the bill… (photo)

Israel names first Arab minister

"Israel’s Labour party leader has appointed Raleb Majadele as science and technology minister – making him the first Arab Muslim in Israel’s cabinet…

Mr. Majadele said, ‘It’s great news for the Arab public. It’s a correct step in the direction of equality.’" (BBC)

Free Secondary Education Unveiled in Uganda

ugandan student

ugandan studentKAMPALA- Uganda has begun implementing a free universal secondary education program in 700 public and 280 private schools in the first phase of a plan aimed at making education accessible to all, officials said on Monday. Already, since 1997, Uganda has offered free education in all of its public primary schools…