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Cinema With Soul: DVD Club Features Only Inspiring Movies

Have you heard about the mysteriously titled documentary, The Secret? It was featured on Oprah this week and on a Larry King episode promoted as, “How to attract more money, a new career, and a better love life into your experience today”. Have you been awaiting the film release of Conversations With God? Have you ever attended inspirational film screenings at a local church in order to see titles like, What the (Bleep) Do We Know? If “inspirational” is one of your favorite film genres, and you’re bored with the choices offered by Netflix, then a welcome alternative may be the Spiritual Cinema Circle…

‘The Secret’
A compelling and life-changing film featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show!

Discover The Secret that transformed the lives of every person who ever knew it — Plato, Newton, Carnegie, Beethoven, Shakespeare, Einstein.
Buy It On DVD icon ______________________________________________

This DVD-of-the-month club was launched in the spring of 2004 by Stephan Simon, the Hollywood producer of Somewhere In Time (Christopher Reeve and Christopher Plummer) and the made-in-heaven Robin Williams movie, What Dreams May Come.

For $21.00 per month plus shipping Spiritual Cinema Circle members get four or more films on DVDs to keep – no returns necessary. One is a feature film, and the others are short films.

Simon maintains that at the core of all these films are fundamental questions about our lives: What is most important? Where are we going? Why are we here?

A fine example is the 15 minute selection from January’s collection, The Danish Poet. Charming with its whimsical animation and simple characters, and narrated by Liv Ullman, this short film answers the question: Where would I be now if certain steps I’d taken had been withheld, or certain decisions that once seemed inconsequential, had been decided differently? Retracing the simple steps of a Danish poet teaches us that all the coincidental details of our life intermingled with others’ lives have delivered us to the special place we each now reside.

The tantalizing question brought up by the feature film, Illusion, the Circle’s feature pick for May, 2007, is, “What if I could do this life over? Illusion features 88 year-old Kirk Douglas as a once-famous film director alone and remorseful in his final days. The character is visited by a ghost image of his late friend who shows him the effect of his neglectful parenting on his son’s life.

Simon says, “The purpose of spiritual cimena is to make us feel better about being human.” His selections also seem to help us feel more hopeful about our potential to build worthwhile lives.

Start an Inspirational Film Discussion Group

The monthly mailings lend themselves perfectly to the formation of film discussion groups, especially because the Spiritual Cinema Circle already provides the discussion questions. 2-3 questions per film are included, both on a 3-color insert inside the cases, and right on the DVDs themselves. Additionally, preceding each of the films is a brief introduction by the group’s co-founder, Simon.

Maybe, the world’s largest spiritual film discussion group is the company’s annual Film Festival-at-Sea held on a cruise ship. This month’s festival will set sail on March 31-April 7.

Simon and his Spiritual Cinema collegues have recently produced their first film. It is their February 2007 featured selection, Conversations With God, based on the best-selling non-fiction book by Neale Donald Walsch.

Just a few years before he wrote his first book, Neale Donald Walsch was homeless with a broken neck. He certainly had no intention of writing 22 books, or becoming the New York Times best-selling author of “Conversations with God”. In desperate need of help, he was only crying out to God.

The Spiritual Cinema Circle calls itself “America’s fastest growing DVD Club” and delivers to members in 70 countries. They are eager for new members, though, using free trials and bonus disks (not to mention cruises) to garner attention.

For instance, new members signing up this month will receive Conversations With God, along with a welcome gift — a bonus DVD called Soulmates, containing “6 short films about the magic of relationships”. They’ll give you a trial membership if you wait and sign up in March or April — a month’s DVDs for free, not including a shipping fee of five bucks.

Here’s a more detailed sampling of films and documentaries the circle has featured since its inception:

  • Ram Dass: Fierce Grace, about the former Harvard professor-turned-spiritual guru and inspirational author
  • Farther Than The Eye Can See, about the blind man, Erik Weihenmayer, who scaled Mount Everest
  • Stuck, a short about people trapped in an elevator who share their life stories
  • The Yogis of Tibet documentary expands our concept of meditation
  • Ryan’s Well, about an elementary school child who raises money to dig a well that provides water to an entire village in Africa and spawns a heavyweight charity
  • The Secret, a documentary that assembles best selling authors, coaches and philosophers including Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, John Gray, and Dr. Joe Vitale to explain The meta-physical Law of Attraction and its application in various areas of life, from health and wealth to career and relationships., Inc

Heroic Rescue From Helicopter in Battle

"Four Royal Marines flew into a battle zone clinging to the outside of helicopter gunships in a bid to rescue a fallen comrade. Unwilling to leave behind one of their own following a retreat, the commandos strapped themselves to the small stabiliser wings of two Apache helicopters and returned into the midst of a fierce gunfight with the Taliban in southern Afghanistan." (story and photos Daily Telegraph)

Rare Vultures Discovered in East Asia

AP reports, researchers in Cambodia have discovered the only known colony of extemely rare slender-billed vultures. “Amazingly, there were also a host of other globally threatened species of birds and primates,” said Song Chansocheat, manager of the Cambodia Vulture Conservation Project. (story and AP photo of juvenile birds)

Take Our Poll: The Best Call Times for Interactive Tele-conferences

I added a poll in the right column! –> It asks which day and time you would prefer, if you were interested in participating in an interactive teleconference with GNN-i….
The first teleconference, to be held later in February, will feature special guest, Harry Tucker, a businessman and gratitude expert from Canada. Harry and I will host a call during which we will help you to find gratitude in situations where none seems to be merited: Finding the Good News in your life despite the conditions! (Take the poll, or click to read more)

Once-Endangered Sturgeon Rebounding in Hudson River

sturgeonShortnose sturgeon have made a surprise recovery in New York City’s Hudson River, a new study shows. More than 60,000 occupy the river, greater by about four times than the number in 1970. The sturgeon comeback has been "so successful" that it may become one of the few species resurrected from the U.S. endangered species list — "becoming the first fish to do so." (Nat’l Geographic News)

Cab Driver Returns Wallet and $5,950


The more we hear about honest cab drivers, like the one earlier this week in New York, the more it makes each of us in turn want to live with integrity. Another immigrant cabbie this week became a hero. In Seattle, Vinod Mago rushed back to the airport so he could return to its rightful owner, a wallet stuffed with almost $6,000 in cash. He, too, was rewarded with $100 (and presumably the inner fireworks that light in our chest when being kind to strangers)… (AP)

$25 Million Prize for Greenhouse Gas Removal

Money may not be able to buy you happiness but offering a large enough cash reward to anyone who can find a way to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere could be the answer to solving the problem of catastrophic climate change. Virgin’s Richard Branson is ready to hand over $25 million to anyone who can do just that. "For $25 million, people will do extraordinary things." The New Scientist has the announcement from London…

New HP Ink, Toner Packaging Reduces Greenhouse Gases


Hewlett-Packard today announced that its redesigned print cartridge packaging for North America will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an estimated 37 million pounds in 2007 — the equivalent of taking 3,600 cars off the road for one year…

Palestinian Factions Form Unity Government

"Rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas have signed a deal to form a national unity government after almost three days of negotiations in the Saudi city of Mecca… The two sides, faced with an embargo against the Hamas government, have been trying to reach such a deal for months." (BBC) Thanks to MJ Allen for submitting the link!

US Soldiers Volunteer Helping Iraqi Families


U.S. soldiers help to create goodwill within the hearts of Iraqis by volunteering their spare time to help families in need who are faced with chaos and hardship every day. The Civil Military Operation Center in Baghdad helps 1,000 Iraqis each month mostly with medical treatment, dental assistance or legal aid. When visitors leave the center they are carrying packages donated with food, clothes, toys, hygiene products and school supplies.

Located on the grounds of one of Saddam Hussein’s former palaces, the center is highly secure, which is one reason it is frequented by Iraqis. Children can play freely in the courtyard’s playground, while their parents seek treatment or advice. This is where you’d likely find 1st Lt. Christine Anouchian, 24, of Glendale, Calif, (right) who visits the center at least once a month…

Ex-rebel Becomes Aceh Governor

aceh flag

aceh flag"A former separatist rebel has been sworn in as the first directly elected governor of Indonesia’s Aceh province," reports the BBC. He won last December’s elections after a peace deal between the government and rebels from the Free Aceh Movement ended nearly 30 years of civil conflict that had killed 15,000 people. This cooperation between former foes blossomed as a direct result of the disasterous tsunami of 2004…

NYC Cabbie Returns Bag of Diamond Rings

A New York City cab driver from Bangladesh spent hours laboring to track down a rider so he could return a bag of diamond rings that she’d left in his trunk. The jeweler had given Osman Chowdhury only a 30 cent tip on an eleven dollar fare… (CBS)

Amazing Snow Sculptures Compete in Contest

Winners have been crowned, and hot chocolate dispersed, in the 2007 Winterfest Snow Sculpting contest in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.

First place was awarded to the home state team of David Andrews, Chris Andrews and Scott Pauli for their vegetarian sculpture called, Veg-Head. Second place and the Spirit Award was bestowed on this creation (right) portraying a roller coaster ride.

The weather at the 14th annual contest made it almost “too cold to sculpt,” but that didn’t stop the 15 three-member teams from across the U.S. from competing… (continue for more photos)

Singles Get Together and Make a Difference for Valentine’s Day

Heart hands graffiti-Flickr-CC-id-iom-700px

Heart hands graffiti- Flickr photo by id-iomSingles are being inspired across the nation to “get engaged” through volunteering this Valentine’s Day. Recognizing the power of community service to bring people together, the “Get Engaged” campaign wants to provide meaningful ways singles can make a difference in their communities while getting to know others, having fun and sharing their passions.

“We are excited to offer singles a memorable experience this Valentine’s Day,” said Jean Case, CEO of the Case Foundation, which is partnering with, and the Hands On Network…

“It is our hope that this Valentine’s Day and throughout the year, singles everywhere will get involved, meet new people and share the love through a volunteer service experience.”

This Saturday’s events in Philadelphia, Chicago and San Francisco will range from beautifying a zoo to celebrating the day with disabled adults and children.

RELATED: Volunteer to build kids’ playgrounds with KaBOOM!

Flickr photo by id-iom

Three Million Muslims Pray for Peace

In Bangladesh, some 3 million Muslims "raised their hands in prayer for global peace at one of the world’s largest religious gatherings." (AP Reports via CNN)

Wellspring House Gives Homeless Hope

wellspring house

wellspring houseWellspring bed and breakfast for the homeless has been around for 25 years, since Nancy Schwoyer and a group of friends at church decided to buy a historic residence to share with homeless families. They support the families with whatever they need to get on their feet, even helping them to find jobs.

“Perhaps because Wellspring is so comprehensive, its success rate is phenomenal: 80 percent of people who come to the homeless shelter are never homeless again.”

(Read full text or watch Video by Steve Hartman at CBS News)


Crash Victim Says Dog Saved her Life

A stray German Shepherd dragged a bloodied woman up to the highway so drivers would be able to stop and help after her car careened down an embankment 50 yards distant. (AP)

Dog and Family Reunited After Six Years

Lost a pet? Don’t give up hope. This golden retriever was recovered six years after he wandered away from his family, thus the miracle of Web sites for adoptable and lost pets. (AP photo/story)

Whey Remedy Saves Hemlock from Devastating Pest


wooly adelgidA beautiful Eastern Hemlock tree in my backyard died years ago, infested with an invasive species of aphid that has devastated trees throughout the eastern U.S. since 1924, the noxious "woolly adelgid," which was accidentally introduced from Asia. Now, a University of Vermont researcher has discovered an ecologically safe spray made of cheese whey and bacteria, that effectively controls the pest and its sticky white egg masses. (AP Story)

College Students Compete to Conserve Energy in Residence Halls

The University of Central Florida is using friendly competition between residence halls to encourage more students to turn off lights when they leave the room, turn off computers and other electrical equipment when not in use and take other steps to conserve energy. Throughout February, residence halls on campus will compete to determine which building can reduce its electrical consumption by the greatest percentage compared to the consumption during the same month of previous years… (right, Shaina Duffey turns off lights in Lake Claire residence hall – photo by Jerry Klein)