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Afghans Flock to First Coffee Shop in Kandahar


“The success of Kandahar’s first – and only – cafe is a reminder that amid images of soldiers, bombs and Humvees, Afghanistan is still a place where many people mostly want to get on with life, perhaps over a game of snooker and a soda.” (Christian Science Monitor)

Old Computers Rescued, and Donated to the Poor

A computer geek named Oso came up with an elegant solution to the problems of too many old computers piling up — and where do you put them — and, low-income families being left behind in the digital age. It is a brilliant concept: Oso and his cool-geeky friends in Portland collect the old ones, refurbish them and give them to those who need them, even offering training for building computers. The idea has spread to other cities too.

Here’s the best part: when a component is too old, they recycle the dangerous toxic parts right here in the U.S. Free Geek. It’s worth being nerdy, so you can help the needy! Watch their cool new 5-minute video, and check out to donate, volunteer or just ogle.

Fla. Community College Checkmates Harvard, Yale

Chess pieces

"Don’t underestimate the grocery store deli worker, the security alarm salesman or the 34-year-old computer science student who anchor the Miami Dade College chess team. The community college undergrads have already faced Yale, Harvard, Dartmouth, Northwestern and beaten them all." (By SARAH LARIMER, Associated Press)

Chef Turns a Life Dealing Drugs into Life of Fine Food

"Jeff Henderson’s harrowing journey toward a life as a high-profile Las Vegas chef led through kitchens of fried chicken and rolls in the various federal prisons he called home for nine years after his drug-trafficking conviction in 1988. " ‘Chef Jeff, the bad boy of cuisine’ is what they call me now."" (USA Today)

Historic Northern Ireland Deal Reached

Ireleand flag map-Wikipedia

Building on peace efforts over the last 10 years, Northern Ireland’s arch foes have finally agreed to a power-sharing executive governing body for the province.

“Mr Paisley, leader of the Protestant faction, and Mr Adams of the mainly Catholic Sinn Fein, are committed to full participation and said the day dawned a “new era.”

UK Prime Minister Tony Blair said it was a very important day for the people of Northern Ireland.” (READ the story at the BBC)

Costly Tax Mistakes and What You Can Do about Them


The time for filing your tax returns is just around the corner. Are you ready? Here is the third in a series of tax advice articles posted on GNN-i, like Freelancers’ Tips here on the Business page.

It’s worth your time — and money — once you’ve completed the necessary forms, to double check on them. Why? Millions of taxpayers commit mistakes when preparing and filing their returns, errors that cost them hundreds to thousands of dollars. Even if you hire the services of a professional tax preparer, that won’t guarantee you an error-free tax return…

France Opens Secret UFO Files from Last Half Century

UFO over water-AlphaTangoBravo

UFO over water-AlphaTangoBravoFrance became the first country to open its files on UFOs Thursday unveiling a Web site documenting more than 1,600 sightings spanning five decades.

The online archives, which will be updated as new cases are reported, catalogues detailed cases ranging from the easily dismissed to a handful that continue to perplex even hard-nosed scientists.

(READ the AFP story in The Insider)

Photo by AlphaTangoBravo

New Harry Potter Book Friendly to Forests

deathly hallows

deathly hallowsThe printing for the final Harry Potter book will not only be the biggest, but also the greenest. For the initial U.S. printing of 12 million copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the publisher, Scholastic, has committed to making sure 65 percent of the 16,700 tons of paper used is FSC-certified, which means the paper comes from forestlands that are managed in a socially and environmentally responsible way…

Millionaire Gives Mansions to Homeless

Japanese billionaire, Genshiro Kawamoto, cried as he presented the keys to a multimillion-dollar home to a low-income single mom with 5 kids. “Her family will live there rent-free, but must pay utility bills. He plans to open eight of his 22 Hawaiian homes to poor families for ten years.” (By AUDREY McAVOY, Associated Press – with photo) UPDATE: An alert GNN reader pointed to this same billionaire’s eviction of 420 California families five years ago on 30 days notice… perhaps he is repenting for his sins.


Biofuels Get Big Boost in Canadian Budget

Canada rolled out a budget this week that includes $2 billion in new incentives for renewable fuels. Experts say if properly implemented, the program will lead to 20 new world-class biofuels facilities in Canada, create 14,000 new jobs in rural communities, and provide a new market for over 200 million bushels of Canadian grains and oilseeds.

Free Online University Lectures Offer Eclectic Mix


As we alerted you last year, major Ivy league universities have begun offering lectures — and whole courses — on the Internet for free. It’s called the OpenCourseWare movement and it’s gaining momentum across the world. There’s even a site now where you can browse a collection of online courses from schools like UC Berkeley, MIT, Yale, and Princeton — and click to hear university lectures by the likes of Microsoft’s Bill Gates, all without paying a dollar in tuition…

Free Movie Tickets for Re-Release of Peaceful Warrior

peaceful warrior

peaceful warriorTake your family to an inspiring film — for free!

$15 million in tickets are being given away in the U.S. to the March 30th nationwide re-release of the inspirational film adaptation of Dan Millman’s perennial best-selling novel, Way of the Peaceful Warrior. Universal Pictures teamed up with Best Buy to launch the innovative marketing scheme hoping to create enough interest in the film to carry it through the following weeks in April.

Best Buy has created a Web page to distribute 2 million free tickets good only for the weekend of March 30 – April 1…

Safety for Seagulls: Detangling California Fishing Piers

underwater net

underwater netThanks to a new university project, the sight of gulls or pelicans with fishing hooks in their mouths or fishing line wrapped around their legs will be less common on California beaches. Beginning this week, the California Lost Fishing Gear Recovery Project at the University of California Davis is commencing a yearlong effort to remove discarded fishing hooks and slice tangled lines from pier pilings, and establish fishing-line recycling stations to make the coastal ocean safer for wildlife as well as people.

Teens’ Right to Seek Alternatives to Chemotherapy Enacted

Virginia governor Tim Kaine enacted a law yesterday that ensures teenagers and their parents have the right to refuse medical treatments for ailments such as cancer and seek alternative therapies "so long as they have considered all other medical options." Kaine declared: "This is significant for health freedom in Virginia." (WTOP News)

Skinny New “Sliver Cells” to Slash Solar Costs by 60%

sliver panel

solar panelAustralia — A new type of solar cell, the "Sliver Cell," using razor-thin strips of material, has the potential to revolutionize the global solar power industry by dramatically reducing the amount of silicon required, the most expensive part of solar technology today.

Using innovative manufacturing techniques and cells less than 70 microns thick, the process requires 90 percent less silicon, yet delivers greater efficiency than current photovoltaic cells, and cuts the costs of production up to 60–80 percent…

Domestic Violence Plummets in U.S.

Domestic violence against spouses and intimate partners in the U.S. fell by nearly two-thirds in recent years, reaching a 30-year low. Government figures show the marked declines began in 1994.

Violence Down Sharply in Sub-Saharan Africa


african soldiers"After decades as the world’s most violent region, sub-Saharan Africa is finding peace. Most of the drop in violence is recent." From 2002 through 2005, the number of conflicts involving government troops dropped from 13 to 5. Battling between factions or tribes dropped from 24 to 14. (Full story by Frank Greve, in McClatchy Newspapers)

Turn Off the Bad News (Opinion)

soldier in iraq

soldier in iraqIf you surf the Internet today and go to any of the news sites, you will find story after story promoting bad news. Bird flu, WW III, Iraq, bad government and economic collapse are just a few of the many depressing topics you will find on virtually every site. Rarely do you find any good news. Broadcast media is no better. Various inspirational, spiritual, psychological and motivational teachers like Earl Nightengale, Dr. Wayne Dyer and others say in short words, “We become what we think about.” If we dwell on bad news day in and day out, that’s what we will attract to ourselves…

A Century Later, the Buffalo Roam in Colorado Again


bisons roamingA small wild bison herd was released in Colorado, only 10 miles from Denver, to roam on prairie grasses that haven’t felt the storied animal’s footprint in more than a century. What’s more, the 1,400 acres are adjacent to a toxic Superfund site that has been successfully cleaned up and renamed, the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge…

Tax Facts For Freelancers (Part 2)


tax formHere is the second part in a GNN series designed to help you with your US taxes — especially beneficial to folks like me who haven’t done them yet! Today, Julian Block, an expert on tax issues related to freelance artists, writers and photographers, will answer some common questions about how to report income on 1099’s (when some include reductions for expenses, and others do not) and if we can take deductions for articles donated to non-profit groups…