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200 Service Stations Make the Switch to Greener Fuels


Australia — The ethanol industry in Queensland reached a major milestone, with more than 200 service stations now offering drivers the choice of renewable ethanol-blended fuels. There has been a five-fold increase in the number of outlets supplying ethanol-blended fuels thanks to the Queensland Ethanol Industry Action Plan launched in November 2005.

Premier Beattie announced that together, the 200 +e fuel stations now represent 16 percent of the 1,300 service stations in the Queensland state.

“City dwellers have the greatest opportunity to purchase +e fuels with 60 percent of the total +e service stations.”

“Through the Government’s $7.3 million Queensland Ethanol Industry Action Plan 2005-2007, $4.8 million has been allocated to the Queensland Ethanol Conversion Initiative to enable independent and major retailers make ethanol- blended fuels more accessible to motorists.

“The initiative has been important in assisting fuel distributors overcome the additional expense incurred for blending infrastructure, storage facilities and transport of ethanol-blended fuel,” he said.

State Development Minister John Mickel said the benefits of using ethanol-blended fuels were also being promoted to Queensland motorists through the ongoing +e marketing campaign, which aims to educate motorists about the benefits of using renewable fuels.

“The +e Ethanol Powered by Nature campaign aims to increase consumption of safe, renewable ethanol-blended fuel in Queensland by informing and educating motorists,” Mr Mickel said.

Independent research commissioned by the Beattie Government shows that attitudes towards ethanol-blended fuel are changing. 42 percent of survey respondents are regularly fuelling up on ethanol blended fuel and most who try the fuel use it more than once.

Sixty percent of Queenslanders also recognise the environmental benefits from using ethanol-blended fuel, which is made from sugar cane or grains such as sorghum or wheat.

Mr. Mickel called on Queensland’s motorists to help drive this growth by filling up with ethanol-blended fuel.

Motorists are encouraged to check their vehicle’s compatibility with ethanol-blended fuel by contacting their manufacturer or visiting the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries Web site

For a list of Queensland service stations retailing ethanol-blended fuel visit the ‘+e Ethanol Powered by Nature’ Web site at

Botox to the Rescue for an Ailing Pianist

Leon Fleisher was a brilliant pianist when unexplainably two of his fingers seized up, robbing the 37-year-old of his ability to play professionally.

Now, after 50 years, and thanks to injections of botox into crucial muscles, Mr. Fleiser is playing more beautifully than ever. (Dallas Morning News)

Photo credit: Michiel Jelijs, CC license

N. Korea’s Return of U.S. Soldiers’ Remains Encouraging

In an encouraging sign for relations between the two countries, North Korea has handed over the remains of six U.S. servicemen killed in the 1950–53 Korean War to a U.S. delegation led by Democratic presidential candidate and New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, who left the North on Wednesday after visiting the demilitarized zone dividing the two Koreas. North Korea had suspended excavation of the soldiers’ remains in 2005 after relations with the U.S. soured. (Yonhap News)

Rebels in Central African Republic Agree to Sign Peace Deal

“The time has come to make peace and work together for the reconstruction of our country,” said rebels in the Central African Republic. They intend to sign a peace deal to share power and end hostilities. (AP via San Diego Union-Tribune)

U.S. Government Building Awarded Top Green Label in the World

LEED platinum building Nat'l Renewable Energy Laboratory

Green Building in COOnly 28 other buildings in the world have achieved the green label of excellence that is called the LEED platinum award. A government U.S. Department of Energy building in Colorado has become the newest member in the elite class of the most energy-efficient and environmentally friendly places to work in the world. The Science & Technology Facility at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden is a 71,000-sq. ft., $22.7-million, state-of-the-art multi-story building designed not only to fit into the gently sloping side of a mesa, but to conserve the precious water and resources of the land as well…

Six Million Children Immunized Against Measles In DPR Korea

measles shots in Korea

measles shotSix million children in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) aged six months to 15 years have been immunized in a massive United Nations-backed emergency campaign targeting more than 16 million of the country’s 22 million people following a recent outbreak of the sometimes deadly disease.

19 Hearst Magazines to Include “Please Recycle” Logo Beginning in July


Please Recycle logoHearst Magazines will use the Table of Contents page to encourage its readers to recycle those contents instead of tossing them in the trash. Beginning with July issues, all 19 U.S. glossies will feature the "Please Recycle This Magazine" logo, and Hearst will become the first to adopt, across its entire line, the green initiative launched by the Magazine Publishers of America earlier this year…

Animals are Smarter Than We Thought

baby chimp

baby chimp"Many animals exhibit smart behaviors. But do any of them show what humans would call "intelligence"? Some recently reported lines of research cautiously suggest that the answer is "yes." Chimpanzees have surprised a research team by making wooden spears for hunting. It’s the first known example of weaponmaking by a nonhuman." (CS Monitor)

San Francisco’s Garbage Trucks Go Green

All of San Francisco’s 400 garbage and recycling trucks now run on alternative fuel, cutting 21 percent of their greenhouse gas emissions with the use of liquefied natural gas, and biodiesel B-20 made from food scraps.

Mauritania a Breath of Fresh Air in Arab World

mauritania map

mauritania mapMauritania is a breath of fresh air in the Arab world. As the second round of presidential elections concludes, the country is set to welcome its new freely-elected president. Ely Ould Mohamed Vall will be peacefully and voluntarily replaced – a far cry from everything that is happening elsewhere in the Arab and Muslim world. Less than two years after the coup that ended the dictatorship, Mauritania is turning into a democratic and free country…

IBM Donates English-Arabic Translation Devices for Use in Iraq


translation softwareIBM has decided to donate a new automatic, portable software device for Arabic-English translation to help U.S. forces in Iraq, where one wrong word can have a significant impact.

The donation, worth approximately $45 million, was made in honor of an employee’s son who was badly wounded while serving in the Arabic-speaking country…

IBM Chairman and CEO Samuel Palmisano had been hearing from several IBM employees who returned from active duty in Iraq that a shortage of human Arabic translators has severely hampered communication on the ground for U.S. forces.

As a result, Palmisano called and wrote President Bush directly, offering to make immediately available for use by the U.S. military in Iraq, 10,000 copies of the IBM software known as MASTOR, plus 1,000 devices already equipped and portable, along with technical training and support.

The Defense Department had been testing MASTOR — along with another translator created by a not-for-profit company — and is now looking into the legality of accepting such a large donation.

The system can recognize and translate a vocabulary of over 50,000 English and 100,000 Iraqi Arabic words, and is designed for civil applications such as hospitals and training. It allows users to converse naturally, producing automatic translation through speakers as well as text versions, and can run on a variety of devices such as PDA, tablet PC or laptop computer.

The recent Iraqi Study Group report highlighted the importance of better communication and recommended this issue be given the highest possible priority. According to the report, of 1,000 U.S. Embassy workers, only 33 are Arabic speakers, and only six are at the level of fluency. Another concern is the safety of those providing translation services and protecting translators in conflict settings.

“The government sincerely appreciates IBM’s efforts in offering this donation,” said Admiral Edmund Giambastiani, Vice Chair of Joint Chiefs of Staff. “This type of technology can help to improve communication for U.S. and coalition personnel with Iraqi citizens and aid organizations serving in Iraq.”

There are fewer than 20 commercial translation systems currently available globally. Yet the need for cross-language communication has never been more urgent. A secondary goal of IBM’s contribution is to encourage other businesses to speed their translation developments and possibly offer their resources for similar humanitarian reasons.

In addition to Iraqi Arabic, Mastor is available in Mandarin Chinese, and IBM is currently extending the technology to additional languages.

This Year’s Tax Deadline, April 17th, Gives More Time To File


tax formDid you know that this year the deadline for filing U.S. Tax Form 1040 is Tuesday, April 17? Americans have two additional days because April 15th falls on a Sunday and April 16th is a legal holiday in the District of Columbia. Great news, but what happens if I miss the deadline? Find out from GNN’s featured tax expert, Julian Block…

L.A. to Turn Sludge into Clean Energy

Great news from the LA Times: “Los Angeles city officials broke ground Thursday on a renewable-energy project in San Pedro they touted as an innovative way to produce electricity for about 3,000 homes while saving money, reducing truck traffic on local roadways and cutting greenhouse emissions. The mayor says the plan, which will make money, is “absolutely electrifying.”

Pit Bull Dies Saving 2 Women From Cobra

pit bull

pit bullA pit bull terrier named Chief died saving two women from a cobra attack in the Philippines. "The snake entered through an opening in the family’s kitchen and struck twice at the women. Twice, the dog dashed from a corner and shielded them." At the dog’s funeral, a local pit bull club president addressed what he said was a misperception about the breed, "They are not natural-born killers; they are gentle and very loyal to their masters." (Manilla Times)

Malaysian Saves 100 from Sinkhole

“A Malaysian man paying a late-night visit to the toilet has saved about 100 people from being buried in the rubble of their homes, reports say.” (BBC) Kindly submitted by Andrew Norris.

School Enrollment Rates Double in Southern Sudan


The number of students enrolled in school in southern Sudan has more than doubled since the end of the long-running civil war two years ago, according to the United Nations Children’s Fund, which is backing a local campaign to provide hundreds of new or renovated classrooms and millions of schoolbooks, pencils and other materials to encourage better enrollment rates.

Cat Saves Family From Poisonous Fumes

A 14-year-old Indiana cat saved a family whose home was filling with deadly — though odorless — carbon monoxide. In the middle of the night, Winnie the cat jumped up and down wildly, while screeching madly, to spur the family into action. (AP via MSNBC)

7 Ways to Make Yourself Happier in the Next Hour

You can make yourself happier — and it doesn’t have to be a long-term ambition. You can start right now. In the next hour, check off as many of the following items as possible. Each of these accomplishments will lift your mood, as will the mere fact that you’ve tackled and achieved some concrete goals. The first one is to boost your energy, which can be an easy, quick transformation…

1. Boost your energy: stand up and pace while you talk on the phone or, even better, take a brisk ten-minute walk outside. Research shows that when people move faster, their metabolism speeds up, and the activity and sunlight are good for your focus, your mood, and the retention of information. Plus, because of “emotional contagion,” if you act energetic, you’ll help the people around you feel energetic too.

2. Reach out to friends: make a lunch date or send an email to a friend you haven’t seen in a while. Having warm, close bonds with other people is one of the keys to happiness, so take the time to stay in touch. Somewhat surprisingly, it turns out that socializing boosts the moods not only of extroverts, but also of introverts.

3. Rid yourself of a nagging task: answer a difficult e-mail, purchase something you need, or call to make that dentist’s appointment. Crossing an irksome chore off your to-do list will give you a big rush of energy and cheer, and you’ll be surprised that you procrastinated for so long.

4. Create a calmer environment: clear some physical and mental space around your desk by sorting papers, pitching junk, stowing supplies, sending out quick responses, filing, or even just making your piles neater. A large stack of little tasks can feel overwhelming, but often just a few minutes of work can make a sizeable dent. Try to get in the habit of using the “one minute rule” — i.e., never postpone any task that can be completed in less than one minute. An uncluttered environment will contribute to a more serene mood.

5. Lay the groundwork for some future fun: order a book you’ve been wanting to read (not something you think you should read) or plan a weekend excursion to a museum, hiking trail, sporting event, gardening store, movie theater — whatever sounds like fun. Studies show that having fun on a regular basis is a pillar of happiness, and anticipation is an important part of that pleasure. Try to involve friends or family, as well; people enjoy almost all activities more when they’re with other people than when they’re alone.

6. Do a good deed: make an e-mail introduction of two people who could help each other, or set up a blind date, or shoot someone a piece of useful information or gratifying praise. Do good, feel good — this really works. Also, although we often believe that we act because of the way we feel, in fact, we often feel because of the way we act. When you act in a friendly way, you’ll strengthen your feelings of friendliness for other people.

7. Act happy: put a smile on your face right now, and keep smiling. Research shows that even an artificially induced smile has a positive influence on your emotions — turns out that just going through the motion of happiness brightens your mood. And if you’re smiling, other people will perceive you as being friendlier and more approachable.

Some people worry that wanting to be happier is a selfish goal. To the contrary. Studies show that happier people are more sociable, likeable, healthy, and productive — and they’re more inclined to help other people. So in working to boost your own happiness, you’re benefiting others as well.

Feel happier yet?

Gretchen Rubin is writing The Happiness Project, an account of the year she spent test-driving the current scientific studies and wisdom of the ages about how to be happy. On her popular blog, The Happiness Project, she recounts her day-to-day adventures as she strives to be happier.

7 Ways to Make Yourself Happier in the Next Hour

You can make yourself happier — and it doesn’t have to be a long-term ambition. You can start right now. In the next hour, check off as many of the following items as possible. Each of these accomplishments will lift your mood, as will the mere fact that you’ve tackled and achieved some concrete goals. The first one is to boost your energy, which can be an easy, quick transformation…

World Bank Gives Africa $164.5 Million for Internet Connections

The World Bank approved a financing package of US$164.5 million in grants and credits for Kenya, Burundi and Madagascar to establish high-speed connectivity to make the countries more competitive…