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oil spill on water's surface

Obama Pledges Full Force For Oil Cleanup, Tripling Personnel in the Region

The President made his second trip to the Gulf Coast Friday announcing his administration had tripled the manpower along the shoreline, beefing up a...

Redirecting Nature’s Bounty to Feed the Hungry

A New Jersey man produced such a bountiful harvest in his vegetable garden that the neighbors received their fill and his wife wouldn't allow...

Homeless Mexican Boy Defies Odds, Becomes Valedictorian

At 14 years old, Victor Cardenas was kicked out by his mother, had no food and no place to live. Yet, what happened...

Wal-mart Commits $2 Billion to Combat Hunger in US

To help ease a growing hunger problem in the U.S., Wal-Mart announced yesterday that it will donate $2 billion in food and grants to...

Girl Makes Good on Bid to Recycle No. 5 Plastic

The slogan was "Gimme 5" and, with a little help from her school, 6-year-old Tess Mullen collected eleven large-size garbage bags full of No....
photo by geri (c) 1987

Chesapeake Bay Grasses Increase 12%, Pollution Controls are Working

A partnership of states and agencies trying to restore the health of the Chesapeake Bay said that bay grasses increased 12 percent last year,...

Scientists Tap An Electrical Current Stemming from Plants

In an electrifying first, new research could lead to  production of electricity that doesn't release carbon into the atmosphere. Stanford scientists have plugged into...

Army Medic Turns Heimlich Hero to Save Fellow Fan at Yankee Game

Army medic John Stone was enjoying a Yankee game Wednesday when he and his brother spotted a commotion ten rows in front of them:...

‘People’s Gardens’ Take Root With Agriculture Department Volunteers

80 volunteers at the US Department of Agriculture are lending their sweat and muscle to an organic garden created by USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack...

Once a Rising Star, Chef Now Feeds the Hungry of India

Narayanan Krishnan was a bright, young, award-winning chef with a five-star hotel group, short-listed for an elite job in Switzerland. But a quick family...

Madonna Visits Millennium Village in Malawi, Sees Progress She Funded

Madonna today visited Gumulira, a Millennium Village of approximately 5000 people in rural central Malawi. Raising Malawi, an organization co-founded by Madonna, has been...
boreal forest in British Columbia

Good News for World Forests: Deforestation Slows in Last Decade

The Earth lost fewer trees in the last decade as global deforestation over the past ten years fell by more than 18 percent,...

Humans Not the Only Ones Who Like to Share – Bonobos Prefer Company

Previously, it was thought that sharing food with others was exclusively a human trait. But now we learn from a team of researchers...

Chef Sets Out to Heal the Unhealthiest City in America

Jamie Oliver is not a doctor, but tomorrow he will launch a public revolution to heal the "Most Unhealthy City in America". Jamie...
the salvation army

Red Kettle Donations Break Salvation Army Record

By nickels, dimes, and dollars, Americans donated a record $139 million to the Salvation Army's Red Kettle campaign during the holidays, despite a continued...

Breakthrough Drug Could Help Gluten Sufferers

For millions of gluten sensitive sufferers, eating even a microscopic amount of gluten -- foods laced with wheat or other grains -- frequently leads...

The 100 Best Corporate Citizens

Corporate Responsibility Magazine announced its 11th annual 100 Best Corporate Citizens List and this year the list includes a number of companies whose rankings...

Obama Names Charities to Share His $1.4 Million Nobel Award

President Obama named ten charities this week that will share the $1.4 million award that comes with his 2009 Nobel peace prize. “These organizations do...

CEO Gives 20 Million Dollar Company to Employees

A CEO this week gave his entire company to the workers who've made his natural food company the success that generates revenues exceeding $20...
Photo by Sun Star

Doctors List 14 Ways to Show Children Love

From the American Academy of Pediatrics comes this list of 14 ways to show your love to your children: Use plenty of positive words with...