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Amazon Deforestation Reduced Dramatically

Deforestation rates in the Brazilian Amazon have dropped by 25 percent each of the past three years, according to Brazil’s environment ministry. From July 31, 2004, through 2007, an average of 4,000 more square kilometers of forest each year have been spared from clear-cutting over the previous period (1,544 sq. miles). — WWF

Dude, I’m Not Too Old to Skateboard

At 40, he is still as intense a skateboarding enthusiast as ever. "He started skating in the 1970s, when skateboarding was first popular, and he never let go. Not when he got married. Not when he had a daughter. Not when he started a job as a business-suit-wearing legal consultant."

UN Congratulates Sierra Leone on Peaceful Elections

The United Nations yesterday congratulated the people of Sierra Leone on the peaceful conduct of their presidential and parliamentary elections — the first held there since UN peacekeepers departed two years ago — and appealed for continued calm.

Chestnut Tree Poised for Comeback

A CS Monitor story hails the revival of the majestic American Chestnut tree, which was largely wiped out by a fungus in the early 20th century. Learn more from these GNN-i reports: Chestnut Tree Discovered Growing and Virginia Group Grows Blight-Resistant Trees.

How to Say You’re Sorry: Apology as Art Form

For some, they are the two hardest words to say. But learning how to make a sincere apology is not only a necessary skill, it’s an art. Just look at the headlines. Recently, singer Kelly Clarkson lashed out at record mogul and star-maker Clive Davis after they clashed…

Global Bird Conservation Effort Lifts Off

Sixteen bird species were saved from extinction between 1994–2004. Now a major effort by BirdLife International gets underway to help the other 189.

How to Succeed in Business: Meditate

From Fortune Magazine last month, a feature article takes a look at the CEOs who are into meditation, like NBA coach Phil Jackson and Bob Shapiro, the former CEO of Monsanto. Employees at Google have even organized "twice-weekly open meditation hours, at which it has hosted Tibetan monks and a team of mind-science researchers." (CNN Money)

State Offering Drivers up to $3,500 to Ditch Old Cars

In an effort to clean up the air pollution in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, "the state will offer up to a $3,500 bounty of sorts on vehicles that are more than 10 years old — pre-1996 cars and trucks that emit up to 30 times as much pollution as late-model vehicles." (Dallas Morning News)

Homemade Robot Reacts to Bad News

"One student, for example, made a robot that sits on the side of the road and, when it sees a car going too fast, lowers a sign that says slow down! Another made a flower robot that wilts every time an act of violence is reported on the TV news." (MSNBC) Andrew submitted this one

Spread of Hospital Bugs Halted


first-aid-symbolTwo recently qualified doctors in the UK have developed a new disposable tourniquet that can limit the the spread of cross infections in hospitals. Tourniquets are used to cause veins to expand enabling blood samples to be taken or drips inserted.

The problem is that tourniquets, used in 40 million procedures performed each year in the UK, are reused again and again. Their product, the ‘Tournistrip,’ — a long strip of plasticized paper — is already generating interest and is slated to be inexpensive.

(READ the story from the BBC)

Welcome to new GNN-i contributor, Zenda, from South Africa!

Jordan to Allow Iraqi Refugees into Schools

When Jordanian public schools start classes on 19 August, all children, including expatriate Iraqi students will be able to attend classes in the country’s public schools. The UN Children’s agency UNICEF hailed the decision by Jordan’s government, pointed out that Iraqi youngsters have faced numerous obstacles since fleeing their homeland.

Jordan’s Queen Rania Says Banking to Poor Yields Returns

Jordan’s Queen Rania believes that offering banking services to the world’s poor yields wide social benefits and launched a new microcredit campaign Wednesday, with insurance giant AIG pledging 1.5 million dollars to boost its operations. The new program seeks to offer small loans to 1 million of the world’s poorest families, including Jordanians and the needy Iraqi refugees who have flooded over the border. (The News Room is not loading properly at the moment; try back later for all the details on this story.)

New Patron Saint of New Orleans

Drew Brees

Drew  BreesNew Orleans Saints’ quarterback Drew Brees and his wife Brittany founded the Brees Dream Foundation to rebuild children’s facilities and programs throughout New Orleans. USA Today featured Brees, 28, at the unveiling of the Dream Foundation, calling him “the patron Saint of hope in a place where so much is still needed”…

Malaysia Commits to Protecting Rainforests

Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi pledged Friday not to indiscriminately approve logging licenses that threaten endangered species and tribal communities. (AFP)

Meteor Showers Light Up Weekend Skies

"Shooting stars are set to grace the night sky with a spectacular light display this weekend. The annual Perseid meteor shower will reach its peak sometime after midnight Sunday, but it will be visible from Saturday night until Tuesday morning." Look for the celestial show in the north-eastern part of the sky, to be most apparent from North America and Western Europe. A darkened moon will provide the best view in years, best observed away from city lights in clear weather. More info at BBC and from CBC, continued below. Thanks Andrew!

Wild Ferrets, Birds and Forests Recovering

Three papers published in the journal Science this week showcase success stories that may point the way to future victories for endangered animals and plants. Thanks to conservation programs, several European bird species are rebounding; the most endangered mammal in North America, the black-footed ferret, has recovered rapidly from a low of only 18 ferrets in the late 1980s to 223 last year; and Peruvian rain forests are faring better. (AP) Thanks to Abigail for submitting the link!

Aerial Robot Camera Helps to Fight Fires

It may look like an invention straight out of a science-fiction film, but a new remote-controlled helicopter robot is the latest gadget being used to help tackle fires and other emergencies.

Drug Prevention in Sochi Prior to 2014 Olympics

New GNN-i member LNat sent this from the Netherlands: The Russian resort capital of Sochi is advancing the slogan, "Sochi is a drug-free city” in preparation for the Olympics, mobilizing efforts in advance to stem an expected tide of drugs and anabolic substances. (Russia

New Artificial Disk May Offer Real Pain Relief

Last week a dozen patients around the U.S. were the first to receive a "stainless steel replacement disk that could offer hope to hundreds of thousands of people nationwide who suffer from neck pain."

All-Electric Sports Car to Hit Road by Year End (Video)


One of the first electric sports cars to hit the U.S. market is the Tesla Roadster. No gas and no emissions, plug in this gorgeous sports car for seven hours and you’re set for 200 miles of non-polluting fun! As CBS’s Manuel Gallegus reports, some Hollywood stars have already put down deposits.

(See the CBS video here