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Countries Agree on Plan to Save Animals

Over one hundred countries are taking action to save endangered livestock breeds using genetic stockpiling to preserve a wide variety of species, according to a new report by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.

Canada’s Jobless Rate at 33-Year Low of 6%

Canada churned out a better-than-expected 23,300 new jobs in August amid strong employment growth in education and construction. Analysts had been expecting the economy would add 18,000 jobs. 

Chad Backs Darfur Peace Talks

Chad offered its support on Friday for UN-led efforts to bring peace to neighbouring Sudan’s troubled Darfur region by hosting a conference for rebel groups.

Pint A Day Keeps the Doctor Away (if it’s Guiness!)

“A pint of the black stuff a day may work as well as an aspirin to prevent heart clots that raise the risk of heart attacks. Drinking lager does not yield the same benefits, experts from University of Wisconsin told a conference in the U.S.” (BBC) Thanks, Andrew!

Oregon Woman, 76, Found Alive after 2 Weeks in Bush (Text/video)

A 76-year-old woman has been found alive in the Oregon bush, surviving two weeks without food or supplies after becoming separated from her husband during a hunting trip. Thanks to Michelle for the link! (text and video)

Good News on Vacation?

Editor’s Blog – If you subscribe to my newsletter you know I am away from the office taking the kids on their vacation. We are in Black Mountain, North Carolina, just outside Ashville, and although our secluded conference location is equipped for internet connectivity, as sometimes happens, the isp connection was down for two days. I’m taking two hours now to catch up on e-mail and find some good news, and will again do so tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, I hope the absense of stories helps you to even more realize your appreciation for the Good News Network.

Jerry Lewis Telethon Raises Record Amount for Muscular Dystrophy

Jerry Lewis raised a record amount in his annual Labor Day telethon for the muscular dystrophy charity — $63.8 million dollars for research. (Read details at WSBT, South Bend)

Americans Remember Their Debt to French Nobleman Lafayette, 250 Years After His Birth

Across the United States, Americans are celebrating the 250th anniversary of the birth of a French nobleman to whom they still feel indebted, centuries after he helped them win independence, the Marquis of Lafayette…


School Features Flat Screens in Bathrooms; Trips Overseas: Ron Clark to Make Leaders of Poor Kids

Ron Clark, a NY Times best-selling author who was featured in a made-for-cable-TV movie, opened a private $3.5-million, state-of-the-art school in one of the poorest sections of Atlanta: “More than 350 students applied to the new Ron Clark Academy where flat-screen TVs are mounted in bathrooms, graffiti art fills the walls… Before they reach high school, Clark’s students will travel to six continents; every one except Antarctica.” Great story — thanks to SG for the link!

British Organic Food Sales up 22 Percent in 2006

Dynamic public support boosted organic product sales in Britain 22 percent in 2006 from 2005, a report published Saturday said.

What Africa Taught a Kindergarten Teacher

SG sent this story saying, I found this so inspiring. We hear about what we can do for others, but look what others taught this teacher: "She traveled to Ghana through a grant from the Fund for Teachers, volunteering with a Global Solutions group teaching mentally challenged students with hardly any resources. ‘I had to be really flexible. I was able to draw on a lot of strengths as a teacher that I didn’t necessarily know I had.’ " (CS Monitor)

Family of 10 Homeless No Longer After Husband’s Death, Thanks to Businessman

Maine businessman Brent Burger

Maine businessman Brent BurgerNine children and their mother in Fairfield, Maine were saved from homelessness by a local business owner Brent Burger.

He says he doesn’t know why he was so moved by the story in a newspaper, but decided he had to help, “paying out more than $70,000 and donating countless hours of labor and planning” to a project he devised for returning their house.

Karen Champagne and her children, ages 4 to 15, were facing eviction earlier this summer, unable to pay the mortgage after her mentally ill husband, Richard, accumulated about $145,000 in debt before committing suicide four years ago.

Not only did Mr. Burger return the deed and key to the family , he set up a Nine Days for Nine Children, a home-makeover challenge.

”I am overwhelmed by the generosity of so many people who have come forward to offer their time, and their money to support Nine Days for Nine Children, said Burger, the owner of Agway True Value in Winslow and four other stores across central Maine. “This will forever impact the lives of these terrific, deserving children. In spite of the difficulties these children have faced, they are bright, sociable, well-adjusted youngsters who have embraced life and hold their heads high. They play team sports, are honor roll students and maintain summer jobs.”

“It is my privilege to lend a helping hand to the Champagne family and set them on a course for self-sufficiency. It will clearly be up to them to use this opportunity as a launching pad for financial stability.”

(READ the Kennebec Morning Sentinel article here)

Pope Leads Eco-Friendly Rally for Half Million Youth (Video)

The Catholic church held a massive "eco-friendly" youth festival in Italy pronouncing it to be "Save Creation Day." Biodegradable cutlery and trash bags were distributed, and the prayer cards were printed on recycled paper. The Vatican has recently installed solar panels to save on electricity.

Bosnian Town Goes for Kissing Record (Video)

A crowd gathered in Tuzla, Bosnia, hoping to set the world record for most people simultaneously kissing at the same time.

Israel Tops Green List

The IUCN-World Conservation Union named Israel the nation with the highest percentage of preserved land in the Mediterranean region (France preserves 11.7 percent) with 16 percent set aside for nature preserves, forests, parks and agriculture. (Haaretz)

Schwarzenegger Pushes Universal Health Care for California

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is pushing a plan to provide universal health care for all state residents, where he said some 6.7 million people live with no type of health insurance.

Latest Good News Podcast Ready for Listening

Editor’s Blog — Listen to The Good News Podcast from August 31 online or download to your iPod. The latest episode at the link above will begin playing immediately. No need to register to listen to all the shows in the series, which features a Top Ten Countdown of good news for the week. Enjoy!

Singing Our Way To Truth: Peace Chorus Travels To Venezuela

choir practice-FBphotoMobileUpload “The Seattle Peace Chorus accepted the invitation to sing at Venezuela’s 5th Annual International Choral Festival. They were the sole U.S. representatives and took their mission seriously: to engage in peaceful communication through song. Their signature piece, “Si Somos Americanos” (We Are All Americans), won the award for Best Song.”

(READ the article from Seattle P-I)

Photo from Seattle Peace Chorus FB Page – Story tip from John M.

Iraqi Community Leaders Talk Peace in Finland

“Sunni and Shiite leaders from Iraq met in Finland on Friday to study past peace processes to see if lessons can be learned to end Iraq’s inter-communal violence, Finnish officials said.”

Readers Head Down Kerouac’s ‘On the Road’ Again as the Book Turns 50

“Fifty years ago this week, a generation of Americans went “On the Road” and discovered Jack Kerouac’s picaresque narrative of his mad travels across postwar America…”