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Powerful Post-It-Notes Make Every Woman Feel Beautiful

I saw my first Post-It note from Operation Beautiful in the University bathroom at UNC Charlotte. On that day, I was feeling tired and...

Michelle Obama Joins Disney in Healthy Living Campaign

First Lady Michelle Obama joined the Walt Disney Company in a new media campaign designed to give parents and kids more reasons to eat...
oxygen mask by Smith Medicine

Boston Firefighters Get Oxygen Masks for Pets

The Boston Fire Department on Wednesday received a donation of small oxygen masks designed for pets, which will become standard equipment on every fire...

General Mills Reverses Palm Oil Policy, Saves Rainforest

U.S. food-maker General Mills is the latest multinational firm to announce it will stop buying palm oil from companies accused of destroying rain forests....

30 Baseball Stars Nominated for Giving Back in 2010 Roberto Clemente Awards

The Roberto Clemente award recognizes professional baseball players who not only represent the game, but exemplify sportsmanship, a commitment to community and the value...
Trey Morgan helps at a food bank - courtesy photo

Radio Personality Searches for Passion as Volunteer for 30 Charities in 30 Days

On September 1st, New York City based radio personality, Trey Morgan embarked on a journey designed to shock him into a more philanthropic way...

UN Finds Global Hunger Easing in 2010

The number of people in the world suffering chronic malnutrition fell for the first time in 15 years  -- down 9.3 percent in 2010,...
Hunger in Ethiopia -USAID photo

Good News on the Hunger Front

There is some good news when it comes to the battle against global hunger. The United Nations today lowered its estimate of the number...
Amalaki fruit growing in foothills of the Himalayan Mountains

Ancient Fruit Shows Promise For Modern Healing

Amalaki, a simple fruit from India, has been a superstar of eastern medicine for thousands of years. Unknown in the west, the fruit has a...
soda can photo by Mike via

Scientists Discover Way to Power Devices With Soda Pop and Vegetable Oil

Researchers looking for new, cheap energy sources have found one answer in the junk food aisle at the grocery store. Sugary drinks as well...
Photo by Sun Star

Doctor’s Orders: Hit the Beach and Go Surfing (Video)

A new treatment is providing hope for some patients who suffer from a debilitating illness, not through drugs or surgery but a trip to...
German daughter thrived on CARE packages growing up

German Woman Gets to Thank American in Person for Post-WWII CARE Packages

A now-67-year-old German woman finally got to thank in person an 88-year-old American woman for her middle-class family's generosity toward 'the enemy' after World...
Bill Gates Foundation with farmers in Africa

Ghana’s Incredible Path Out of Hunger and Poverty

Ghana is on track to be the first country in Africa to achieve the Millennium Development Goals for halving poverty and hunger by 2015. Between...
Samaritans Purse aid worker freed

US Aid Worker Released After 105 Days in Darfur

A Christian relief organization says its aid worker kidnapped in May in Sudan's Darfur region was freed Monday. Samaritan’s Purse relief worker Flavia Wagner...
Pakistan floods - WFP photo

Pakistan Thanks World for Opening Wallets

Pakistan thanked the world Friday for opening its wallets and said more than 20 million flood victims now know that nations and people around...
Restaurant owner, Bruno - CBS video

Upscale Restaurant Owner Feeds Pasta to Homeless Kids – for Five Years

Bruno Serato, owner of the White House Restaurant in Anaheim, admits he had a pretty carefree life - hosting and hobnobbing with Orange County's...
homeless for one week logo

Muslim American Spends Week as Homeless Man for Ramadan

Many of New York City's Muslims will fast, pray and give alms to the poor in their observance of Ramadan, but Yusef Ramelize has...

Good News About Stress Management: How “Good” Stress Keeps Us Going & Growing

Every health and lifestyle magazine contains articles claiming stress is bad for us. They list dozens of ways to relieve stress, from exercise to...
mother with baby - USAID photo

US Aid Winning Friends in Flood-ravaged Pakistan

U.S. Army choppers carrying emergency food and water buzzed over the swollen river and washed-out bridges, landing in the valley once controlled by the...

From Beer-fueled Brainstorm to Life’s Work of Helping Others

Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow was enjoying a pint at his local pub in the Scottish Highlands when he got an idea that would change his life...