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Houses Built on Plastic Bottles Combat Poverty, and Litter (Video)

A house made of littered plastic bottles filled with sand and reinforced with concrete has given a Bolivian family a much-needed sturdy dwelling, while combating trash build-up.

Ten more homes are planned with an eye toward tourism.

(WATCH a Video below or READ more at the Temas Blog) Thanks so much to Carolena Costa for the fabulous link!

NEA Takes Stand Against Homeschooling – Sign the Petition

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reading outside boy-wsh1266-flickr-cc These statistics, along with the accompanying Wall Street Journal article, show that home-schooled students do exceptionally well. “They excel in (and win) spelling bees, score high on tests like the SAT, and go on to be accepted into many colleges.” Now, the National Educational Association in their 2007-2008 Resolutions has adopted a rigid stand against homeschooling with sad and punitive consequences for the kids should their local school districts fall in line. Please take a moment to tell the NEA that homeschooling is a real option that does produce wonderfully rounded and productive members of society… Read their unbelievable resolution below, which even goes so far as to restrict teaching by adults other than parents, presumably outlawing the social centers within homeschooling known as co-ops!

Look Foward to Aging – for the Fitness

Beach walking elderly couple-Don Johnson 395-cc-Flickr
(By Wedding Dreamz)

Beach walking elderly couple-Don Johnson 395-cc-FlickrThis story is a great feature on aging with fitness, from the LA Times. The paper also reports that age can actually be an asset in sports. You can be as fit or fitter than a much younger person.  “I firmly believe that we have underestimated as a culture, and maybe even in the field of exercise science, what older adults are capable of doing. It’s really important for people to realize that you should not underestimate what someone can do based on age, gender or chronic disease.”

Loss of Leg Doesn’t Stop Hunting Dog

"A champion pointer hunting dog, can run, swim and jump despite the loss of a leg after she was accientally run over by her owner, who agonized over whether to put her down." (AP) Thanks to Kim S. for the link.

The Secret of Successful Failing


 Secret of Successful FailingEDITOR’S BLOGI am very excited to let you know about a new book that just came out called THE SECRET OF SUCCESSFUL FAILING, by Gina Mollicone-Long. Gina is a friend of mine and I really admire her fresh perspective on failure. Even more exciting is that I have joined with over 60 authors and best-selling experts, including Bob Proctor, to offer $5862.00 in free bonuses to anyone who buys this book TODAY, on October 16! (I offered an MP3 download featuring my first Great Mentoring program with Tal Ben-Shahar on Learning to Be Happy.) The Secret of Successful Failing shows why failure is a good thing and how you can leverage it by mastering the Law of Attraction. It provides practical techniques for turning failure around so you can confidently move toward your objectives. Click on this link to get the details of this special offer and begin to re-frame your failure.

Lennon’s Imagine Peace Tower Unveiled

Yoko Ono urged the world to give peace a chance last week as she unveiled a tower of light dedicated to her late husband, John Lennon, near Reykjavik, Iceland on what would have been his 67th birthday.

Great Mentors Program 3: The Mind-Money Connection

The Great Mentors audio series is surging ahead with another great mentor joining me for a free LIVE tele-seminar. David Neagle’s teachings are transforming my life and business. He joins me on Wednesday, October 24, to teach the Secrets of the Mind-Money Connection. Question: Have your limited beliefs around money been preventing you from achieving the success of your dreams? David is a Millionaire Success Coach whose Las Vegas seminars have provided eye-opening coaching to challenge notions around money and success, while transforming people’s businesses and their lives. On GNN-i’s Business section is the quote by Emerson: "Money, the prose of life, which is hardly spoken of in parlors without apology, is as beautiful as roses." If you want more roses in your life, DON’T MISS THIS UPCOMING seminar. You must sign-up if you are not already subscribed to the GNN-i newsletter. I have posted all the details of the Great Mentors program at (You can still listen to the Recorded Playback of program 2, So You Want to Be An Author?, with best selling author, Debbie Macomber, until Oct. 24. If you’ve envisioned selling a book someday, you must hear this.)

GET A  FREE DOWNLOAD OF David’s 3-part Art of Success workshop — it is what started me down the path to success…

Artists Examine Middle East Conflict

A first of its kind art exhibition, entitled Offering Reconciliation, features the work of 135 leading Israeli and Palestinian artists exploring the Palestinian-Israeli conflict through pottery. It is on display in the Hall of the United Nations headquarters.

Historic Run for Blind Triathlete (Video)

Aaron Scheidies, who is legally blind, completed the U.S. Open Triathlon in one hour, 58 minutes and eight seconds. It was the first time a disabled competitor had ever finished the Olympic-distance triathlon in under two hours.

Golden Retriever Nurses Stray Kitten (Video Update)

"Honey, a golden retriever from Stephens City, Va., hadn’t given birth in 18 months, but the cries of Precious, an orphaned kitten, made her a mother again."

UN Peacekeepers, a Blessing for South Lebanon Economy

Traders in Tyre’s bustling souk say UN peacekeepers have brought "baraka" and a dose of good fortune to south Lebanon, making up at least in part for the ravages of last year’s Israel-Hezbollah war.

Students Win Lawsuit Without Legal Help

Four college students from Milwaukee were able to overcome a lawsuit brought by their former landlord last week without the services of an actual lawyer.

Laid-Off ‘Super Star’ Nurse Gets Dream Job

A super-star nurse who drew widespread attention when budget cuts eliminated her job in Chicago has landed the job of her dreams.

Ex-Centerfold is Unlikely Savior for Haitian Kids

"A former Playboy centerfold over the last 15 years has become an unlikely patron savior for scores of abandoned Haitian babies." (AP) Thanks to Anthony M. for passing along the link!

Shy Phone Salesman Realizes Dream of Opera Stardom (Video)

A shy mobile phone salesman who’s always wanted to sing opera wows a national television audience to tears in this segment of GOT TALENT, Britain’s version of American Idol. Paul Potts’ voice thrilled the audience and led to a standing ovation for his amazing debut performance of Puccini’s difficult “Nessun Dorma.”

CLICK for PART II of the Paul Potts Story — his performance in the semi-finals.
Thanks so much to Maureen for the amazing link!

The Blind Can See with Their Tongue


buttercups-field-sunA new medical technology allows blind folks to be able to ‘see’ with their tongues. Incredible!

(ABC News)

Hope for Ovarian Cancer Vaccine

"A vaccine for ovarian cancer has produced "encouraging" results in preliminary trials, enhancing the body’s own immune response and mobilizing specialised T cells able to target the cancer cells." (BBC)

Unprecedented Muslim Call for Peace with Christians

"In an unprecedented letter to Pope Benedict and other Christian leaders, 138 Muslim scholars said finding common ground between the world’s biggest faiths was not simply a matter for polite dialogue between religious leaders." (Reuters) Thanks to Lynn for sharing the link.

Robot Suits Offer Super Powers That Help Elderly

Japanese scientists showed off their intimidating and clunky AIR-PRESSURE ROBOT SUIT, designed to keep old people out of wheelchairs and on their own. In one scenario, caregivers don the robotic-looking suits and magically gain super-powers to lift old people out of bed…

Canadian Mounted Police Don Pink Armbands to Support Anti-Bullying Movements

"The whole pink T-shirt thing has become very prominent as far as anti-bullying goes. We had to find a way to demonstrate to the kids just how much we appreciate and support that." ( Thanks, Andrew!