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Less Junk Food Seen in U.S. Schools, CDC Finds

U.S. schools have made considerable improvements in their policies to promote the health of students since 2000, particularly in the areas of nutrition, physical activity and tobacco use, says a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Thanks to Steve Ghent for the tip!

Czech Awakes From Crash Speaking Fluent English

"A speedway rider from the Czech Republic woke after being knocked out in a crash to discover he could speak perfect English. Matej Kus, who barely knew the language beforehand, came around in an ambulance after the smash and began speaking English fluently!" ( )

Pets Remain Priority for Displaced Californians Fleeing Homes From Wildfires


cat-destressing“Californians who couldn’t bear leaving home without their pets found shelters willing to accommodate the animals along with the people.”

(FoxNews) Thanks to Ed Smith for the link.

Dutch Team Wins Australian Solar Car Race (Video/Text)

A Dutch solar car beat entries from around the world in the 20th annual World Solar Challenge, a 3,000 km (1,864 mile) race through the Australian outback. It was the fourth win for the Dutch team Nuon Solar, which holds the race record. (Read more for report on the winner)

World’s Largest Freshwater Conservation Area Set Up by Canada

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced on Thursday that a section of Lake Superior’s northern shore has been declared a protected marine area, making it the largest freshwater conservation area in the world.

American Exports at Record Level, Shrink Trade Deficit

"In a major shift from the past five years, the US trade deficit, after stabilizing last year, is now shrinking. The dollar is sinking in value – down almost 9 percent so far this year – in a relatively strong global economy." (CS Monitor) Thanks to Steve Ghent for the link.

Helpers Pour into Fire-Stricken San Diego

"At least 1,000 volunteers reach out to evacuees and local fire crews get additional backup." (CS Monitor)

Churches Adopt Ex-Offenders

The CeaseFire anti-violence organization of Chicago has teamed with area churches to help ex-offenders get back on their feet and find jobs. "We’re getting each church to adopt one ex-offender to help them find a job. Some of them have families to support, or they just need to be able to support themselves and stay out of trouble. They want to be productive." (Chicago Defender)

Ex-Studio Exec Plays Noah in Malibu Fire

The animals may not have been in pairs, but a former Hollywood mogul could be called Noah for leading his 200-plus menagerie to safety from raging wildfires.

Scottish Schools Begin Free Meals Plan

Photo by K Connors via morguefile

school-doors-kconnors-morguefile“Primary pupils will receive free school meals as part of a six-month pilot project in Scotland that will improve the diets for all children by providing a nutritious lunch.”


Idaho Rehabilitates Scorched Land From Wildfires


idaho-gov-idaho.jpgA year after the devastation from Idaho’s worst wildfire, Governor Otter has drummed up support for a statewide, citizen-led volunteer effort to rehabilitate torched lands by replanting it with millions of sagebrush seeds, a plant critical to the local habitat, which will provide shelter and food for wildlife while preventing erosion.

Akron, Ohio, The International Peace City?

Dale Kline, a retired engineer, and the Akron Peace Council say, ‘Why not let world peace begin in Akron?’ It has to start somewhere. (

World-Changers Meet in Maine to Change the World

"Each year, Pop!Tech brings dozens of world-class thinkers and doers, along with hundreds of listeners, to a three-day retreat in rural Maine. Their goal: Save the world." (CS Monitor) Thanks to Steve Ghent for the link!

Major League Baseball Ships T-shirts to African Flood Victims

"Major League Baseball is teaming up with World Vision, a Christian humanitarian aid group, to save mislabeled clothing from the postseason for Ghanaians affected by recent flooding." (CS Monitor w/ photo) Thanks to Steve Ghent for the link!

Former Gang Member Saves Street Kids – and Himself – with Break Dance

"Once a gifted break-dancer in California, Tuy Sobil, 30, has resurrected his old passion – to help save Cambodian street kids from the sort of dead-end detour he took. And the kids, many neglected, some orphaned, love him for it." (CS Montior) Inspiring! Thanks to Steve Ghent for the link.

American Youths Bridge Religious Divides

"Teens in a Boston suburb lead the way in building relationships among religious faiths in their community through Interfaith Action, a program that has captured attention abroad." (CS Monitor) Thanks to Steve Ghent for the link.

Cities Try Going ‘Green’ With Blackouts

"On Saturday evening, it’s "Lights out San Francisco," where people will voluntary turn off lights for an hour. The aim is to raise awareness of light pollution and the energy wasted by lights left on." (CS Monitor) Thanks to Steve Ghent for the link!

Countrywide Announces Plan to Help Struggling Homeowners

The nation’s biggest mortgage lender, Countrywide Financial Corp., whose aggressive subprime lending has made it the poster child of the nation’s housing tribulations, announced Tuesday it will offer 82,000 customers a chance to adjust their mortgages and avoid potential foreclosure. (Thanks to Steve Ghent for sending this!)

Couple Get Wedding Pix After 27 Years

An Ohio couple, just before their 27th anniversary, finally got the wedding photos they could not afford when they married. Thanks to David for the link! (see below; or at NewsVine)

I Love Trump, but… (he needs to attend our Wednesday tele-seminar)

david-neagle-vegas07.jpgEDITOR’S BLOGDonald Trump was on Larry King Live this week. He said that most people will not — and cannot — achieve wealth because they weren’t born with the right genes! David Neagle, disagrees. He drove a fork-lift and was a high school drop-out. He left behind his mindset of lack and limitation, his excuses for failure — like, not being born with the right genes — to become a millionaire success coach who teaches others how to achieve the success of their dreams, despite their past.

David Neagle joins me tomorrow night for a FREE Great Mentors tele-seminar explaining The Mind-Money Connection. He is a wonderful teacher who can answer your questions about how to forge new beliefs, discard the old ones that block your success, and step into a new reality. It takes work obviously, he says, but changing your attitudes around money is the most important step. Here is the key that Mr. Trump misses…