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Transport Canada Approves 100% Electric Car


smyellowflowersTransport Canada confirmed Friday it has authorized a Toronto-based electric carmaker to produce a ZENN (zero emissions, no noise) vehicle for the Canadian market.

Not All Southern-Style Foods are Bad

Boiled peanuts possess qualities that protect against illnesses like cancers, diabetes and heart disease, according to a study from A&M University. (Atlanta J-C) Steve Ghent sent this link saying, "I actually just bought a bag of boiled peanuts after reading this article. I haven’t had any in years!"

A Beautiful Mind: the Schizophrenia Artist

"A 43-year-old photographer and writer was diagnosed with schizophrenia in 1996. On World Mental Health Day, he delivers a unique personal insight into how his condition has nurtured his artistic expression." (BBC w/ gorgeous photograph) Thanks, Andrew, for the great link!

Youth Orchestra of Venezuela’s Poor Wows the World

"The Simón Bolívar Youth Orchestra of Venezuela’s poor has been wowing the world, and arrives next week at the New England Conservatory." (CS Monitor) Thanks to Steve Ghent for the link!

College Grads Travel in RV Interviewing People Who Love Their Jobs (Video by GNN-i)

College Grads traveled across the country interviewing people who love their jobs. Their tour just ended and Brett says they are tired but looking forward to the future (though with some trepidation). The Good News Network caught up with them in Washington, D.C mid-way through their cross-country pursuit for people with passion… (seattletimes)

German Film Takes on Racism with Laughter

"An encounter between German Neo-Nazis and a mixed-race boy with an Afro wouldn’t usually seem to be a laughing matter, but it is in the new film "Leroy." A german director takes a different approach to dealing with Nazism — raising the issue through a romantic comedy." (AFP) Thanks to Brian for the link!

3-Year-Old Survives Plane Crash

A 3 year-old child survived a plane crash thanks to her Grandfather’s excellent care in protecting her for the flight.

Bystanders Help Out When $15,000 From Armoured Car Hits the Road in New York

“Three bystanders helped pick up $15,000 in dollar bills that flitted across a Long Island road after falling out of an armoured car on Halloween, according to two volunteer police officers at the scene.” (AP)

Firefighter Heroics Saved 4 from Calif. Blazes

A dramatic air, ground rescue came with seconds to spare saving 4 firefighters and a boy thanks to a helicopter pilot hero. (AP)

Halloween Candy is Safe, After All


 Once again we set out on Halloween to de-bunk the myth that trick-or-treat candy is in need of an x-ray before our children are allowed to dig in. (See our Oct 1999 GNN-i report)
Fact: There has never been a single confirmed serious injury from “tainted treats” having been altered by a stranger since fears began spreading among the public in the late 50’s…

Cirque du Soleil Founder Brings Water to Poor Nations

Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberte unveiled Monday a new foundation, One Drop, that will help the world’s poorest countries gain access to precious clean water, funding the program with (Canadian) $100 million. READ the report from CTV News, or at Cirque du Soleil

A Restaurant With No Prices

Like the One World Cafe in Salt Lake City, at the Karma Kitchen in Berkeley, Calif., "customers pay what they want – including nothing – for a meal. You are free to leave whatever you like when you are done." (CS Monitor) Thanks, Steve!

Anti-Emigration Strategy: Small Mexican Towns Try to Create Jobs at Home

"In rural Mexico, locals try to make a brighter prospect out of staying home." (CS Monitor) Thanks to Steve Ghent for the link!

Frog Killer Fungus ‘Breakthrough’

New Zealand scientists have discovered that common eye drops used by humans may be a lifesaver for frogs protecting them against the disease responsible for wiping out many of the world’s amphibian populations. (BBC, or more recent Nat’l Geographic )

Mexican ‘Bomberos’ Helping California Wildfire Effort

More than three dozen Mexican firefighters have been tackling California’s wildfires in what officials say is the first time firemen from south of the border have battled blazes on US soil. "Firefighters are firefighters; it doesn’t matter if they’re Mexican or American…"

How to Protect Yourself From Latest Credit Card Scam

I received a warning today of a telephone scam involving credit cards. I always check to see if email stories are true. They verified this one is true, but not new. The warning contains excellent advice for avoiding scams, so I am passing it along to you on the Good News Network. This slick sting can fool even the smartest consumer because they provide YOU with all the information, except the one piece they want…

Ex-Child Soldier Finds Healing and Purpose in Music

“As one of the “Lost Boys” of Sudan, he has traveled a road of pain many people cannot imagine, survived against all odds and come back to become an artist, rapping about those experiences. Music has provided him an outlet to deal with his boyhood suffering and transform it.” ‘I believe I survived for a reason,’ he sings, ‘to touch lives.’ Now he’s raising money for schools in Africa and performing for homeless kids there. (Huffpost) Thanks to Joseph Mold for submitting this incredible story!

African Nations Boost Gorilla Protection


gorilla-mountain.jpgA new agreement endorsed in Paris last week by nine African countries ensures better protection for gorillas and is being hailed as a major conservation achievement. This is the first time that countries agreed to be legally obligated to act in a coordinated manner against threats to great ape species in the wild.

Horse Therapy Helped Their Daughter

Horse therapy is helping a 3 year-old who has cerebal palsy to increase her mobility and, improve muscle tone and become more relaxed while boosting her self-esteem. (BBC) Thanks to Andrew for the link.

Less Junk Food Seen in U.S. Schools, CDC Finds

U.S. schools have made considerable improvements in their policies to promote the health of students since 2000, particularly in the areas of nutrition, physical activity and tobacco use, says a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Thanks to Steve Ghent for the tip!