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Windup Lights for African Homes

The same group that has supplied windup radios to 150,000 of the poorest homes in Africa is developing prototypes of a charging station for household lamps that it hopes will improve the quality of life for many. (BBC)

Support the Writers Guild of America

What is the Writers Guild strike all about? Fairness. Take a look at this cool video that explains the issue… Thanks to Heather (a writer and producer) for sharing their story.

Some Safeway Grocery Stores Going Solar

Safeway, the largest consumer of electricity in California, has installed more than 1,000 solar panels on the roof of one of its stores to help the environment and cut its energy costs.

More Students in Africa Thanks to Small Loans

"Microloans, often used to help small businesses, are now helping schools in developing nations like Ghana." (CS Monitor) Thanks, Steve!

Gas for 85 Cents a Gallon?

"1,000 Atlanta-area motorists with flex-fuel cars and trucks now can line up at the area’s first E-85 pump — offering a blend of ethanol and gasoline — a critical step toward the region’s embrace of alternative fuel." ( Thanks to Steve G. for the link.

No Trash Cans for This 100% Green Burger Joint

Boston’s Grille Zone may be the first burger joint in the nation to be certified green, composting all its cups, plates, and cutlery while aiming for zero-waste and 100% sustainability. "There are no trashcans in our eating area. We have a compost receptacle and a recycling receptacle. We don’t even own a dumpster," says its founder.

Water Reuse Helps Drought-Stricken Florida Wetlands

"South Florida is one of the wettest regions in the country, but this year it’s caught in a severe drought. Now, a project uses advanced wastewater treatment to divert up to 10 million gallons per day of reclaimed water to wetlands." (CS Monitor) Thanks to Steve Ghent for the link! (Also see No Water Wasted with State Capital Collection System, GNN-i link from August, 2007.

Wal-Mart and Clinton Join to Cut Costs for Greener Cities

Bill Clinton’s Foundation is partnering with Wal-Mart and 1100 American cities to create a buying pool that will receive dramatically reduced prices on environmental products — achieving gains against global warming through buying in bulk. (AP, KOMO video)

South Korea Promoting Bicycle Use

“South Korea will promote bicycle use as a way to cope with heavy traffic, air pollution and soaring global oil prices with more bicycle-only roads, bike racks and revise related ordinances.” (Int’l Herald Tribune)

Hospital’s Help to Dying Man Prompts Flood of Messages

A Boston Globe reporter was swamped with notes from people reacting to his story on Patrick Conway, a dying homeless man taken in by a hospital. Conway entered hospice care Wednesday afternoon. Here are a few of the messages, and the address to which to send cards: Globe Update. Thanks to Andrew in the UK for the tip!

Christians Respond to Muslim Leaders’ Historic Letter

A 29-page letter (pdf document) drafted by 138 prominent Muslim leaders to leaders of the world’s Christian churches has been met with enthusiasm and encouragement. (Steve G. recommends this report: CS Monitor) The historic Muslim document, entitled, "A Common Word Between Us and You," received a warm embrace from leaders of the Yale Divinity School in the form of a response that has been cosigned by the Harvard and Princeton seminaries…

Green Roofs Start to Sprout on Urban Homes

"Low-maintenance sedum cuts energy costs as well as greenhouse gases. Flowers and baby sedum on the flat roof will retain about half the rainwater that falls on it." (CS Monitor) Thanks to Steve G. for the link.

First Commercial Cellulosic Plant Breaks Ground

"Range Fuels, Inc. broke ground today on the nation’s first commercial cellulosic ethanol plant to be supported by the Department of Energy. The plant will use wood and wood waste from Georgia’s pine forests and mills as its feedstock to produce over one hundred million gallons of ethanol per year." (

Wildlife Makes Dramatic Return to Sudan

7,000 elephants, 1,500 giraffes, and 500 oryx antelopes have returned to Sudan after a 22-year civil war had driven them out. One wildlife official called it possibly the largest animal migration on earth. (AP via MSNBC)

Cancer Victim Invents Possible Chemo Alternative

cancer-cells-white-tcells“This is the story of a man whose reaction to a cancer diagnosis was to go to his garage and invent something — a machine that serious scientists are now taking seriously.” (ABC)

Colleges Pledge Support for Low-Income Students

19 state university systems – from Maryland to California  – launched the Access to Success Initiative to improve college attendance and completion for low-income and minority students – and to close the gaps between them and other students in half or more by 2015. (CS Monitor) Thanks to Steve G. for the link.

Death Rate for Afghan Kids Plummet

Access to health care has improved dramatically and the severe child mortality rates of six years ago have been stemmed so that 90,000 children who would have died each year before age 5 are today surviving. (AP) Thanks to Viktoria for the link.

Homeless Hospice Patient Forges Friendships With Care Staff

He was diagnosed with a tumor that would end his life in a few months. "The homeless man with virtually nothing to his name turned out to have a lot to offer others. And he found how love and compassion can enter a man’s life in unforeseen ways." (Boston Globe)

POLL: The Best Title for My Book


8-books-w-cat.jpgEDITOR’S BLOG — VOTING EXTENDED THROUGH THE WEEKEND: After receiving good suggestions for book titles — and sub-titles we need to choose the best options. Just use the clickable poll on the right and vote for your favorite titles (up to three) — Click VOTE after each choice. Then, go to the second poll and do the same for up to 3 sub-titles. Thanks! (YOU must be on the homepage to view the poll, and some people using IE browser need to scroll down. Cheers! Geri

Program Helps Kids Put a Stop to Bullying

Galesburg, Illinois 4th- and 5th-graders are benefitting from a new lesson plan by a former police officer that guides students through different situations they may encounter with bullies. He explains the difference between joking and bullying and offers tips for handling bullies. (Register Mail) Thanks to Andrew for the link!