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In Africa, a Papercraft Path Out of Poverty

Poor Ugandan women who were living on the streets begging for food, have now turned their lives around after joining BeadForLife, a small Colorado-based nonprofit group dedicated to eliminating poverty through handcrafts. (CS Monitor) Submitted by Steve Ghent!

Hospital Donates Life-Saving Surgery To Kosovo Girl

"An Albuquerque hospital and several of its surgeons donated life-saving surgery to a Kosovo toddler. Now, the 2-year-old and her mom are heading home." (KOAT) Link submitted by Andrew.

North American Exclusive! Eco-Friendly Steel Cuts Coal Use and Emissions


The process of manufacturing environmentally friendly steel not only reduces coal use by one-third, it also salvages plastic waste from garbage dumps, cooking it at such intense temperatures that carbon emissions and energy consumption are cut dramatically. Developed in Australia, this breakthrough advancement of turning plastic waste into steel has now commenced commercial production at a Sydney steel plant. (Read more of this Good News Network North American exclusive…)

Anonymous Santa Gives $100 Million to Struggling Town

In a beautiful story, an unnamed ‘friend’ gives $100 million to the struggling old industrial city of Erie, Pennsylvania, to be divided among its 46 charities including the food bank, a women’s center, and a group for the blind, and its universities. “What a godsend for some of these agencies,” says a resident. (CBS NewsThanks for the great link, Han!

NOTE: You May Have Log-In Problems!

EDITOR’S NOTE: Some people have had problems signing up for the Tuesday tele-conference, Tap Into Your Own Intuitive Powers. We have applied a technical fix and hope you will try again to SIGN UP for this Great Mentors Audio Program. Send me an e-mail if you are having trouble, okay? See my Editor’s Blog for details about our psychic guest, Joan Marie.

UPDATE at 9:00 PM: MORE problems — no one can log-in to the Web site — resulting from an upgrade! Patience, please…

Volunteers Build 200 Homes in African Slum in One Week

"1,400 Irish workers brought hope to hopelessly misnamed Freedom Park slum. The initiative, now in its fifth year, was organized by Niall Mellon, a Irish millionaire who bought a holiday home near Cape Town but could not accept the squalor in the townships nearby." (AP w/ photo)

Streetcars Welcomed Back in New Orleans

"On Saturday, streetcars in New Orleans resumed their historic service past the old mansions of the Garden District for the first time since Hurricane Katrina halted the St. Charles line more than two years ago." (AP )

Dolphins Save Surfer from Becoming Shark Bait



A surfer in California was under attack from a great white shark when a pod of bottlenose dolphins intervened, pushing the shark away and forming a protective ring around him, until he could get to shore.

“No one knows why dolphins protect humans, but stories of the marine mammals rescuing humans go back to ancient Greece, according to the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society.”

The society told MSNBC that one year ago in New Zealand four lifeguards were saved from sharks in the same way Todd Endris was — by dolphins forming a protective ring.

(WATCH the interview with Todd below from MSNBC)



$20M Donation to Hurricane-Ravaged Jamaican Schools

“Digicel Foundation has donated $20 million to repair hurricane-damaged Jamaican schools.” Thanks, Andrew.

Thief-Biting Alsatian Named Bravest Dog in Britain

"A crimebusting Alsatian dog has officially been named the bravest animal in Britain after winning the UK Animal Hero award." The owner also wins kudos for adopting and training the "untrainable dog." (Liverpool Daily Post) Thanks to Andrew for the find.

Two Neighbors Risk Lives in Fire Rescue

"Two hero neighbors who helped rescue a man as fire raged through his home in September are to be honored by the fire service." Read the dramatic account of their heroism in Bolton News. Thanks to Andrew in the UK!

5 Ways You Can Live to Be 100 (Updated)


healthy-at-100.jpgWould you like to live to be 100? Hmm? Maybe, with a couple of caveats: Loved ones who stick around, and good health for all. The author of Healthy at 100: The Scientifically Proven Secrets of the World’s Healthiest and Longest-Lived Peoples tells how you can live longer. 1) Strive for healthy relationships because loneliness kills quicker than cigarettes. 2) Attitude counts. People with a positive outlook live longer than negative oriented people (aren’t you glad you’re reading the Good News Network!) 3) Be joyful. Do what turns you on. 4) Your body craves movement: Dance, walk or do yoga. 5) Laugh. Laughter has been shown to decrease stress on the heart by adding more oxygen and boosting immune systems. (book review follows)

74-Year-Old Does 3,010 Push-Ups in One Day

"I wanted to make a statement that just because you’re old doesn’t mean you can’t do things," Magee said. "You can stay active." (AJ Constitution w/ photos) From Steve Ghent who said, ‘After reading this, no one can ever say they are too old.’

Radio Host Spreads Gospel of Debt-Free Living

Steve Ghent sent this story in about an inspiring motivational radio host who is an evangelist for helping people get out of debt. (AJ Constitution)

Video Game Retrains Focus on the Positive

A video game that health researchers at McGill University created can help to ease people’s stress, and actually attune them to the positive in their environment helping to ease anxiety.

Warped Art: Designer Transforms Vinyl Records (Video)

A Croatian designer has kicked off a new trend in interiors — warped records — using a hairdryer to mold old vinyl records into fruit bowls, flower pots and other useful items. (Video)

After a Stroke, Left-Handed Piano

Izumi Tateno rebuilt his career as a one-handed piano player after suffering a stroke that paralyzed the right side of his body. (Video)

Mythbusters Producers Reward Hero of Train Rescue

"The producers of MythBusters said they plan to present Julian Shaw with merchandise in a "hero pack" to honor his good deed." The 14-year-old punk rocker used what he had learned from the TV series MythBusters to save a 54-year-old from a freight train. (Sydney Morn Herald)

Reno Police Reward Teen Drivers for Wearing Seat Belts

Dozens of teen drivers got "carded" when they were stopped by Reno police during a recent National Teen Driver Safety Week — given free music download cards, a reward for wearing a seat belt. (AP) Thanks to Jim Corbley for the tip!

U.S. Wind Power Installations to Rise 63 pct in 2007

"U.S. wind power installations are projected to jump 63 percent this year amid concern about global warming and rising fuel prices, an industry group said on Wednesday." (Reuters)