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A Merry Christmas in Muslim Senegal

“Religious harmony in Senegal is on full display this year as Christmas and the Muslim holiday of Tabaski fall within days of each other” — and the Senegalese enjoy celebrating everything.

READ More in the CS Monitor…

US Accelerates Nuclear Stockpile Cuts

"The United States has accelerated the scrapping of its nuclear weapons, approving a "significant reduction" in the stockpile by the end of the year, the White House said Tuesday. As a result, the US nuclear stockpile will be less than one-quarter its size at the end of the Cold War." (Thanks to William F. for the tip!)

Woman on a Mission to Turn County Around


012_sm.jpgThe executive director of Swaziland for Positive Living is on a mission to alter an impending catastrophe. "In a country with a shocking rate of HIV/AIDS, the women of Swaziland live a life with no rights, no say and no hope – until now. “Give me $3 million and two years, and I’ll mobilize every woman in Swaziland. We’ll turn this country around.” Thanks to Gisèle Guénard for sending this!

New Tree For Every Child in Wales

“A schoolgirl’s idea for a scheme to plant a tree for every child born or adopted in Wales was launched. Parents will receive a certificate and notice of where the tree has been planted.” (BBC) Thanks to William F. for the tip!

Police Reward Good Drivers with Coffee

"Police in a California suburb are stopping law-abiding motorists and rewarding their good driving with $5 Starbucks gift cards." (AP WIre)

“Last Hope” Donor Conference Raises $7.4 Billion for Palestinians

"A donors’ conference in Paris, which US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called ‘the last hope’ to avert bankruptcy, has raised 7.4 billion dollars in aid for the cash-starved Palestinian from the US, Europe and Arab countries." (Deutsche Press) Click read more to see a list of countries and contributions.

Documentary Spotlights West African ‘Sisters In Law’

Two women in the West African nation of Cameroon are delivering justice and breaking gender barriers in the courtroom. Their work is the subject of the documentary Sisters-in-Law. (audio at NPR)

Cat Alerts Homeowner of Roof Fire

Willow, the Colorado cat found in NYC - NBC video

cat-calico-NBCvidHere’s another great pet story (including video), sent by Jim K., about a cat who notified his owner of a fire. (

A London Program Teaches Inner-City Kids Reading, Writing, and Reformation

“The From Boyhood to Manhood Foundation takes in dropouts and delinquents that other schools can’t reach.” (CS Monitor) Thanks to Steve G. for the link!

CHECK out the NEW Good News Merchandise


maternity-tee-gnn.jpgLook at this Maternity Top! “Good Happens” is our slogan and promise. Help spread the word, and spread the cheer. Check out the variety of designs, smart or sassy (for kids and adults) on tees and hoodies, now on sale at the Good News Network CafePress store

Muslim Helps Jews Attacked on New York Subway

"A Muslim man jumped to the aid of three Jewish subway riders after they were attacked by a group of young people who objected to one of the Jews saying ‘Happy Hanukkah’". (CNN)

Encouraging Iowa Students to Caucus

"Some Iowa colleges are trying to make it easy for their students to head back to campus early to help nominate the next president on January 3." (NYTimes)

Enduring Truce Keeps Memories of Victim Alive

"When a 20-year-old Boston gang leader was gunned down in November 2006, some community members feared the truce he helped lead between two city gangs would die with him. Instead, the cease-fire he brokered has held up over the past year, and the effort has been copied in other parts of the city." (BostonGlobe)

It’s a Bird. It’s a Plane … No, it’s a Rescue Tricycle

"An inventor has created a tiny, skeletal aircraft he hopes will revolutionize the business of disaster relief. The little planes can be packed into a container and flown to areas such as Darfur, where they could be deployed to hard-hit sites with loads of food and medical supplies." (Globe and Mail) Link from Andrew N.

Mystery Santa Decking New Jersey’s Garden State Parkway with Ornaments

“Someone is hanging Christmas ornaments with care, not by the chimney but on trees along New Jersey’s Garden State Parkway.” (Fox)

Chinese Medicine Allowed for Athletes at Olympics

Athletes will be able to use traditional Chinese medicines at next year’s Olympics without risking positive dope tests if they take basic precautions, a Beijing organizing official said on Tuesday.

Thirty $100 Bills Placed in Salavation Army Kettle

"An older man with glasses, a flannel shirt and jeans dropped thirty $100 bills into the red kettle of a Salvation Army volunteer in Pottsville, PA." (AP Wire)

YouTube Inspires Man to Stop Thief

An Elmwood Park, N.J., doughnut store employee used a coffee mug to whack a robber on the head because he wanted to look good on YouTube if the surveillance video were published.

Childhood Cancer Death Rate Down

boy with cancer - KCRG video

boy with cancer-kcrgvideoCancer deaths among kids and teens in the U.S. have become rarer, decreasing by 1.7% per year from 1990 to 2004, thanks to advances in treatment, according to a new study” (WebMD)

10 Qualities To Help You Reach Your Dreams (Part One)

the road leads ever on

road-to-2007-sm.jpgLooking at successful people, like actor Harrison Ford, author Maya Angelou, singer Gloria Estefan, and cyclist Lance Armstrong, we wonder: How did they do it? How did they achieve their phenomenal success? It starts with a dream, a deep-seated, heartfelt desire. Then, if you can steadfastly hold onto any of these 10 qualities, you will be on your way.