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Pamphlet Turns Life Around for Drug Addict in Kenya


sepia-street.jpgSammy Gitau grew up in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya. As a teenager, he joined a gang, and became a drug addict. But a pamphlet in a dust bin helped turn his life around. NPR’s Scott Simon speaks with Gitau, now a graduate of Manchester University. (Nat’l Public Radio audio)

I was affected by panic attacks…

Thank you for making this site. Daily, I was affected by Panic Attacks which were triggered from the news and all it’s negative content. I considered starting a good news site and I was so happy to find one already here.

            – Lisa

GNN has really changed the way I see the world…

GNN has really changed the way I see the world. A few months ago I realized that I was getting really bogged down by all the terror and destruction that hit me first thing in the morning, and throughout my day. Now, with the Good News Network set as my homepage, I see first the good that goes on in the world and my attitude and state of mind are much better.
– Brian Dicrocco

David Cooperrider absolutely loves our work

I am a professor at Case Western reserve University and absolutely love your work–it is very significant. I would like to share your link at our website on Appreciative Inquiry. Thank you for your work!

  -David Cooperrider

I’ve felt suffocated by today’s news…

Your Good News Network has changed my life!  -Camille in Seattle

I’ve felt suffocated by today’s news that rains down a storm of death, war and terrorism. I decided to search the web for positive news. Thank you for lifting my spirits, after only 10 minutes of reading I felt better about the world in which we live. -Paul Lastovica

One Laptop Per Child (Video)


xo-laptop.jpgUnits of the XO laptop are now shipping to Uraguay and Peru. Designed for poor children in developing countries, the XO is low-cost ($100-$200), durable, solar powered and includes a video camera, microphone, and long-range Wi-Fi. Donated models from the Buy-One-Give-One program are going to kids in Afghanistan, Cambodia, Haiti and Rwanda.

Ivory Coast Peace Hopes Rise (Video)

All parties have begun pulling back from front line positions they have held for more than four years under a peace deal signed in March.

Revealed: The Seven Great “Medical Myths”


eye-iris.jpgReading in dim light won’t damage your eyes, you don’t need eight glasses of water a day to stay healthy and shaving your legs won’t make the hair grow back faster.

Mentoring Program Gives Girls Strength to Succeed

A former corporate worker, Nicole Steele now helps troubled girls to transform their lives through her Diamond in the Rough program. ( Thanks to Steve G. for the link.

Untraditional Students Rewarded With Scholarships

Scholarships to the finest universities help students who might not have the highest grade point averages or SAT scores, but whose potential is undeniable. Since 1989 the non-profit Posse Foundation has helped more than 1,850 students get to and stay in college. (Atlanta Journal-Const.) Thanks to Steve G. for the link!

Dealing With Drought, Georgians Get Creative

Amidst the worst drought in one hundred years, Georgians are learning the importance of conservation and finding innovative ways to reuse water. (CS Monitor) Submitted by Steve G.

Brothers Hand out Christmas Cash at New York Mall

“Shoppers got a Christmas Eve surprise on Monday when a pair of brothers handed out $100 bills at a mall on Long Island, New York.” (Reuters)

Officer Helps Deliver Christmas Baby

A Philadelphia transit officer was driving on Christmas Day to deliver some presents when he heard a woman screaming and saw her on the ground near a bus stop. (Today)

I was feeling so depressed and so I googled “good news”

I was feeling so depressed and so I googled “good news” and found your site. It was so great! -Eileen

Wow. Very Good Idea. -Justin

What a relief to hear some of the positive things happening in the world. -Courtney Baird

This puts a little hope back into my soul…

After reading another horrible story on CNN, I typed in “good news”. To my delight, there IS actually some. Thank you for your fabulous website that puts a little hope back into my soul.  -Meredith

I typed in GOOD NEWS and found your site… Ahhh!

I was reading through all the negativity and stupidity this morning while drinking my coffee and something said, ‘how about some good news?’, so I typed in GOOD NEWS and found your site… Ahhh!  -John Longo

Oh my, you’ve made my day! I can’t tell you completely how happy you’ve made me. -Dany

I was absoutely blown away

I was absoutely blown away by the fact that there was someone out there in the world who had not only thought of creating a Good News Network, but who had done it for ten years. -Viktoria Roxie

What a relief to hear some of the positive things happening in the world. -Courtney Baird

Colin Powell: I enjoyed reading the positive stories…


I enjoyed reading the positive stories… I am heartened by the goodness and generosity that I see in people… Keep up your good work.

-Former Secretary of State, General Colin Powell, US Army (Retired)

I suffer from depression and paranoia…

I suffer from depression and paranoia. I feel like I can never truly be happy as I always get this sense of encroaching doom and most of my fears are heightened by media sensationalism. Your website is just what I need to focus.Mike

FINALLY!Equila Phelps

It helped get me out of the funk I was in…

When the war in Iraq started, I went into a depression state. I felt constantly worried and agitated and it was hard to enjoy doing things I loved to do. Then I found your site. It lifted my spirits and helped get me out of the funk I was in. Now I’m going to school and enjoying the things I like to do. – Camry V.