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Heisman Trophy Winner Great Off the Field, Too


tebow.jpgHeisman trophy winner Tim Tebow is not only a college football hero who is strong in the classroom, he is humble and respectful and spends his summers in the Philippines helping the underprivileged. Fox Sports has the story of this homeschooled young man who is the only college player ever to run for 20 touchdowns and throw for 20 touchdowns in the same season. Thanks to Jim G. for sending the tip and helping to bring more sports stories to the GNN-i!

Florida Manatee Deaths Decreased in 2007


manatee.jpgEndangered manatee deaths in Florida waters dropped by 24 percent in 2007, says the state’s Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. (Reuters News)

100 Things We Didn’t Know Last Year


phone-keypad.jpgFascinating facts and amazing lore are exposed in the weekly BBC Magazine column, “10 Things we didn’t know last week.” Here are my ten favorite of the year’s top 100:

3. Adding milk to tea negates the health-giving effects of a hot brew.
17. Two cups of spearmint tea a day is thought to control excessive hair growth for women.
19. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez hosts a daily radio phone-in show
27. Drinking, drug-taking teenagers are in the decline.  (GNN story on that US trend here)
31. There is mobile phone reception from the summit of Mount Everest.
42. Nearly seven out of 10 (69%) of adults are still in touch with at least one childhood friend.
46. Peanuts can be made into diamonds.
53. Renowned atheist Professor Richard Dawkins likes singing Christmas carols.
66. Gun ownership per person in Finland is the third highest in the world.
86. There is a monastery in every village in Burma.

Full list of 100 on the BBC.

Kid-friendly Sweden Aims to Better Families With Parenting Classes


baby-in-diapers.jpgAlready considered one of the best countries for raising children, Sweden aims to better its record by offering even more classes to help mums and dads improve their parenting skills.

Free Days Offered at French Museums

da Vinci drawing

davinci-drawing.jpg“Many national museums in France, including the venerable Louvre in Paris, will be offering free admission in the coming months. 18 museums will be participating in an experiment to get the public to experience high culture, the country’s Culture Ministry announced.”

(Canadian Broadcast Corp)

Homeless World Cup Film to Premiere at Sundance


us-homeless-worldcup.jpgKICKING IT is an intimate film that chronicles the lives of seven homeless athletes who achieve goals on the football field while overcoming poverty and addiction, and further representing their countries on the way to the Homeless World Cup in Cape Town.

The film portrays the seven on a once in a lifetime journey alongside homeless athletes from 48 nations. The players come from war torn Afghanistan, the slums of Kenya, the drug rehab clinics of Dublin, Ireland, the streets of Charlotte, North Carolina, the overflowing public shelters of Madrid, Spain, and the shadow culture of the illegal rural immigrants to the big city of St. Petersburg, Russia.

KICKING IT is directed by Susan Koch and produced by Ted Leonsis, AOL vice chairman emeritus.

”Soccer is the world’s most popular sport and played in virtually every country around the globe, while homelessness is one of the world’s most pervasive problems,” said Koch. “When you bring the two together, lives can be transformed.  We found extraordinary people who for the first time were given the chance to stand tall and not be invisible.”

“That the inspirational story of the 2006 Homeless World Cup will be shown first at Sundance is a fitting testimony to the courage, determination and spirit of the players, said Kat Byles, Media Director, Homeless World Cup. “It is milestone achievement for the Homeless World Cup and one we hope will demonstrate the power of football to change lives to an even bigger audience around the world.”

AOL Vice Chairman Emeritus Ted Leonsis, whose first documentary Nanking won one of the major awards at the 2007 Sundance Festival, said of Kicking It, “Films can bring people together, and amplify passion. We are thrilled to help spotlight these compelling individuals – and to show sports’ powerful ability to give hope, focus and balance to us all.”

Fishermen Can Make Cash Without Overfishing


shrimp-trawer“Can commercial fishermen make more money by fishing less?  They can, according to a study published in the journal Science — with one condition. They must be in a cooperative fishery, like those operating in New Zealand and Australia, where individual fishermen own a share of the total harvest, rather than competing in a race to catch the most fish.

(Associated Press)

Happiness is Good for Your Health

optimistic oldster

optimistic_oldster.jpg“In a study of nearly 3,000 healthy adults, researchers found that those who reported upbeat moods had lower levels of cortisol—a ‘stress’ hormone that, when chronically elevated, may contribute to high blood pressure, abdominal obesity and dampened immune function, among other problems.”

Op-Ed: Daring To Hope, Obama in Iowa


obamasouthcarolina.jpg(OP-ED) I heard my first political speech of the ’08 presidential race on the car radio today. Four years ago I was so intensely invested in who won the presidency that I flew to Iowa and stood in sub-zero temperatures to volunteer for the Dean for America campaign.

Dean’s enthusiastic “screaming” into a crowded hall (filled with deafening noise) where we, his most fervent fans, were gathered (after having just lost Iowa), caused him to lose in other states and the campaign that once fed my political heart, caused it to break.

Oddly, because it was four years later nearly to the very day, I found myself glued to the radio listening to a political speech — after having stayed as far away from the primaries as I could get, so as not to have my heart broken again.

Vote for America’s Favorite Heroes

 Less than one week remains to vote for your favorite hometown heroes in the 6th Annual Volvo for life Awards. The winner will receive a new Volvo car every three years for life. Watch a video, below, featuring one the inspiring heroes of the past (pictured here, Dr. Ingida Asfaw of Detroit).

When the poll closes Jan. 7, 2008, the top three vote getters in the categories of Safety, Quality of Life, Environment  — and the Butterfly Award, Volvo’s youth category — will be in the hands of celebrities including Sen. Bill Bradley, Hank Aaron and Dr. Sally Ride who will choose and name the winners. The winner, “America’s Greatest Hometown Hero,” will be named in March.

Volvo Cars of North America has led this national initiative since 2002, honoring and rewarding local heroes. This year, Volvo doubled the charitable donation amount given to the top three winners. One top hero in each of the categories of Safety, Quality of Life and Environment will receive $100,000 for their charities; two runners-up in each category will receive $25,000. Each winner will be recognized at the annual Volvo for life Awards Ceremony in New York City, March 19, 2008.

A fourth Volvo for life Awards category is up for grabs this year – but only America’s kids are eligible for it. Volvo is elevating its annual Butterfly Award to its own youth hero category – with a $25,000 prize for the winner and $10,000 to two runners-up.

When the voting period ends Jan. 7, 2008, a panel of  judges including Hank Aaron, Bill Bradley, Dr. Sally Ride, Maya Lin, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Mae Jemison and Edsel Ford, will select one winner from the three finalists in each of the four categories.
Visit to view your favorite American hero finalists.

Watch this moving and inspiring Volvo video about the Detroit heart surgeon, Dr. Ingida Asfaw, who organizes doctors to travel to Ethiopia and donate surgeries. Asfaw was featured on Good News Network as a Volvo award winner in April of 2006.

Injured Football Star Offers Therapy to Abused Shelter Animals (Video)


Raiders football player Jarrod Cooper had to give up the season with a knee injury, but he won’t give up spending his hours with abused animals at an Oakland shelter.

Cooper transforms his anger about the animals’ treatment into love and hugs for the dogs there. He is offering personal tours of the facility, beginning January 5th.

(WATCH the video above or READ the story from the San Francisco Chronicle)  

File photo by John Stone

Fast-Food Worker Returns $185,000 Check

“The 47 year-old man who receives government-issued food stamps for low-income workers and works at a McDonald’s, said he did not think twice about trying to cash the $185,000 check.” (Associated Press)

Snake Saved by Surgery After Swallowing Golf Balls

“A veterinary surgeon in Australia has saved the life of a snake that mistook some golf balls for chicken eggs and ate four of them.”  Story below. Also, here is a photo of the lumpy snake.

Last Year One of the Safest to Fly in Decades


jet-wing.jpgLast year was one of the safest years in modern aviation history, with the lowest number of crashes worldwide in 44 years. The total of fatalities in 2007 was 25 percent lower than the year before, and is the lowest since 2004. (Full story at

New Fuel Standards for Beijing in Drive for Cleaner Olympics

Beijing introduced new vehicle fuel standards on Tuesday for gasoline and diesel, in another bid to ensure the “green Olympics”  China envisioned. Also this week, the city registered its 246th “blue sky day” on Monday, beating by one its goal for the year, to reduce the familiar smoggy haze in time remains a key concern for next year’s Olympic Games.


Deaths Fall as Baghdad Celebrates New Year

“The number of civilians killed in Iraq is continuing to fall, according to Iraqi ministries. The December death toll was 480, down from almost 900 two months ago and about 2,000 in December 2006. “I haven’t seen a happy place like this in so long,” said one New Years reveller.” Here are four voices from around Iraq who describe the improved security to the BBC.

The original story linked on New Years Day to the BBC, has been redirected to a bombing story (even in the Google result with the above headline), but I have provided a link here to the “cached” version of the story on Google’s servers (which means it may not be there long, because it is no longer on the BBC site), so here it is!

Deaths Fall as Baghdad Celebrates  

Diners Find Rare Pearl in Plate of Clams

“A Florida man was halfway through a plate of steamed clams when he chomped down on something hard — a rare, iridescent purple pearl. It could be worth thousands.” (Associated Press)

Laptop Project Enlivens Peruvian Hamlet


xo-laptop.jpg“Doubts about whether poor, rural children really can benefit from quirky little computers evaporate as quickly in this hilltop Andean village, where 50 primary school children got machines from the One Laptop Per Child project six months ago.” (Associated Press w/ photos)

FREE Mp3 Download of Great Mentors Audio Program: Make 2008 More Successful!


geri-in-ny-sm.jpgHappy New Year to all my viewers! I have a GIFT FOR YOU: a free download of my Great Mentors tele-seminar (in MP3) featuring millionaire success coach, David Neagle in “The Secrets of the Mind Money Connection“.

Top Ten Pet Stories of 2007

cat sniffs-out cancer - video snapshot

cat sniffs-out cancer - video snapshotI compiled this list for the Ellen DeGeneres show and suggested they ask their audience to vote (with  cheers) for the Top Pet Hero of 2007. Which would you choose?  All these stories were featured in our PETS category, under FAMILY LIFE. (right, Oscar the cat senses when nursing home patients will die)

10) Shepherd Rescues Crash Victim by the Collar

A stray German Shepherd dragged a bloodied woman up to the highway, and let her lean against him so she could flag a passing motorist, after her car careened down an embankment 50 yards distant. The dog, renamed HERO, was taken to a shelter where numerous people wanted to adopt it. A dog trainer has agreed to see if he has the right stuff for search and rescue work.

9) Dog Saves Owner from the Same Fire Twice

An abused stray dog adopted by an Idaho City resident turned out to be twice a hero, saving Candace Jennings a second time from a raging house fire in the middle of the night after Jennings risked her life to go back into the home to get keys belonging to other people.

8) Cat Saves Entire Family From Poisonous Gas

A 14-year-old Indiana cat saved a family whose home was filling with deadly — though odorless — carbon monoxide while they slept. In the middle of the night, Winnie the wonder cat jumped up and down wildly, while screeching madly, to spur the family into action. Their son was already unconscious, while the mom through her dizziness reached the phone to dial 911. retriever-in-waves.jpg

7) Dog Saves Woman’s Life With Heimlich Maneuver

A woman was in danger of choking to death alone in her Maryland residence when her golden retriever came to the rescue. “Toby suddenly got up on his hind legs, pushed her to the ground and began jumping up and down on her chest. Incredibly, his efforts succeeded.”

6) Firefighters Rally to Save Exhausted Horse From Mud Pit

A frightened horse was saved by a team of firefighters in Oregon, who comforted the mare by administering oxygen and using portable lamps to warm the shivering animal. They fashioned a sling and used their manpower to pull the huge animal from the mudhole.maryann-window.jpg

5)  Cat Walks 4 Months to Return to Owner

A New Zealand cat traveled 93 miles on its own, crossed a river and journeyed for four months to be with her owner after disappearing while on a family holiday last October. “In what was surely an astonishing feat of navigation, Molly (who wore no tags) somehow found her way back to the home in Hamilton she had lived in for only three weeks.”

4)  Jessica the Hippo, A Most Unusual Family Pet

Although hippos kill more humans than any other mammal in Africa, Jessica the hippopotamus has become part of the family in a South African home, even roaming into the kitchen for a snack. She eats with the family’s dogs before going up river to cavort with a pod of wild hippos. She always returns home to the game warden, who found her washed up after a flood when she was only one day old. (YouTube Video)hippo-jessica.jpg

3)  Cat Senses Final Hours of Elderly Patients

I came across a wonderful story about a cat who snuggles up beside citizens of a nursing home four hours before they die. It’s happened so often that nurses now know when to call family members and let them know when their loved ones are near death. (Oscar’s story was written up in the New England Journal of Medicine)

2)  Golden Retriever Nurses Stray Kitten

Honey, a golden retriever from Virginia, hadn’t given birth in 18 months, but the cries of Precious, an orphaned kitten, made her a mother again.
dog in research on cancer
1)  Cat Sniffs Out Cancer in Owners Breast

Can cats and dogs predict the onset of serious illness prior to diagnosis? Lynda’s cat began kneading her left breast insistently without stopping. Unbeknownst to the Denver woman, the exact placement of her cat’s affection was a cancerous tumor. Because of the cat, she took a closer look at the area and discovered a lump, and within days had undergone surgery in both breasts. (Since then, Lynda, a cafe owner has designed a new coffee with proceeds going to breast cancer patients in need. It’s called Bald Lady Coffee!)