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Activists Win: New Jersey Scraps Plan to Buy Amazon Rainforest Timber

A Victory for those working to end ancient rainforest logging: The city council of Ocean City in New Jersey voted 6-0 last Thursday to cancel a $1.1 million purchase of timber originating in the Amazon rainforest, thanks to pressure by environmental groups, including Ecological Internet, which runs, a forest news web site.” The purchase would have violated a ten-year-old pledge by the council to avoid using rainforest timbers. ( )

Honest New Yorkers Follow Clues to Find Camera Owner

Canon powershot

canon-powershot.jpgAlan Murphy had been planning a trip to America for years. After visiting Florida and New York City, before heading home to Australia, Murphy left his Canon digital camera on the seat of a taxicab. He was devastated to lose the pictures but a few weeks later learned that a pair of honest, industrious New Yorkers would be sending the camera back, after finding it in the cab and tracking down its owner by following the clues in the photos. A fascinating, inspiring tale of kindness. (Associated Press via Wash. Post) Thanks to a GNN viewer for the tip!

Desperate Housewife Steps Up for Breast Cancer Patients

“Desperate” to raise awareness, Marcia Cross meets with lawmakers to pursue positive changes in women’s healthcare The Desperate Housewives star delivered on behalf of Lifetime Network 20 million signatures to congresswomen in support of legislation to mandate minimum hospital stays for mastectomies. Read the full story at

Inspirational Basketball Player Defies Disability

A boy plays division 1 basketball, averaging 18.6 points per game, even though he was born with only one hand. His coach says “They ought to build a monument of him, all about defying the odds and playing for the right reasons.” (Metro) Thanks to Ashley B. for the link!

Trucker Drives Million Miles, No Accidents

Michael Crone was honored by his Indianapolis trucking company for his consistantly safe driving — over one million miles with no accidents in his 20-year career. The 43-year-old truck driver was the 13th in the company’s history to achieve the mark.  (Read More Good Bites)

Dropping 110 Pounds Transforms Woman’s Life

Deciding she’d had enough at 250 pounds, Heather Davis took it upon herself to make lifestyle changes through regular exercise and a healthier diet to lose weight. In 12 months she lost 110 pounds, not through fad diets but by adopting a healthy regimen. Now working towards her master’s in public health, she wants to use her experience and knowledge to help others win against obesity. (Story at

DR Congo Peace Agreement Welcomed After Ceasefire in Country’s East

The Democratic Republic of Congo government on Thursday officially declared a ceasefire in the embattled east following a peace deal signed by warring parties, the defense ministry said. President Joseph Kabila has promised to bring peace to the region after the end of two civil wars between 1996 and 2003 in which 4-million people died.

Magical Moments in Winter


snowy-tree.jpgI just want to say that we can all seek magical moments, even in the midst of winter.

A group of us met on the phone last night for a LIVE Great Mentors tele-seminar with Carol Adrienne, a beloved life coach. Even though both Carol and I were dealing with throat and nose concerns, in some phase of a head cold, our symptoms fell to the background as we began connecting on the very personal level that these tele-seminars provide.

Thanks to Carol and all the wonderful people on the call who asked questions — were mentored by Carol — and shared their wonder.

To hear the free recorded call (a 70-minute program delivered via US phone number) or more information about signing up to learn about my Great Mentors tele-seminars, check out

There, you can download a previous program for free and listen on your computer or ipod, as my New Year gift to you. The program featured David Neagle, a success coach, delivering the Secrets of the Mind-Money Connection. (Just scroll down to see David’s picture.)


Indiana Coach Bares Feet for Charity

starbury one shoes

starburyone.jpgA college basketball coach strode the court yesterday in bare feet to raise awareness for poor kids worldwide who have no shoes. At the last minute Converse donated 10,000 pairs of shoes pushing the total number donated to more than 100,000 for a US charity called Smaritan’s Shoes.

Rain Power: Harvesting Energy from the Sky


stormy_beach_sky.jpgResearchers who study energy harvesting see energy all around us – we just need to find a way to capture that energy. One of the latest energy harvesting techniques is converting the mechanical energy from falling raindrops into electricity that can be used to power sensors and other electronics devices. (story at

Woman Searching for Father Discovers She’s Been Working In His Home

A Vietnamese woman, Tran Thi Kham, 40, travelled to Taiwan in 2005 hoping to find her biological father. For seven months while she searched for him, she was working in his own home. Then, the man opened a bag she had left behind and found keepsakes of which only he would know the meaning. (Thanks to Shannon G. for the tip!)

A Black Cat is Good Luck for Family

“A cat’s caterwauling during a pre-dawn house fire may have saved the lives of five family members, a firefighter said. A woman awoke to hear the family’s black cat howling and screeching from the garage, where it spends its nights. She went to investigate her pet’s cries.” (Newsvine)

Progress Being Made on Many Fronts, Says UN Health Agency


sudan-kids-smiling.jpgProgress in many areas of public health are a cause for optimism said the head of WHO, the UN’s World Health Organization, this week. The past year produced three particularly encouraging trends: an increased investment in health systems; recognition of the reality of climate change by world leaders; and the resurgence of interest in primary health care, including the “record-breaking” effort to slash measle deaths in children.

In Papua New Guinea, Mothers Take Charge


papua-moms.jpgA group of women villagers on a remote island off Papua New Guinea have funded and built their own medical aid station. They decided to do something after government infrastructures like schools, road and clinics had deteriorated or been completely closed due to lack of funds for maintenance. (

Simon Cowell to Leave His Millions to Charity

Music mogul SIMON COWELL has vowed to leave the majority of his $200 million fortune to a variety of children’s and animals charities upon his death, writing it into his will. The American Idol judge, 48, plans to donate $180 million (£90 million) to various different causes after he dies – dispelling the ‘Mr. Nasty’ nickname his sharp tongue on TV talent shows has earned him.

Observant Teacher Likely Saves Student’s Life (Video)

A Florida kindergarten teacher is credited with saving a student’s life after she noticed the 5-year-old girl wasn’t making eye contact and walked with a wobble. The teacher suggested the girl see a neurologist and doctors found a tumor.

11-Year-Old’s Idea to Become Law


apple-cartFlorida restaurants usually throw out perfectly good food that 11 year-old Jack Davis figures can feed the hungry and the homeless. To make that happen, he is trying to reverse a Florida law and provide protection for restaurants from being sued if anyone who ate the food became ill or developed food poisoning. It’s called the “Lending a Helping Hand” act. Click to see the Sun Sentinel Report

Waiting Rooms Turn Into Meditating Rooms


smtroysunset.jpgWaiting rooms across the country are transforming into MEDITATING rooms as part of one Oregon woman’s national Don’t Wait—Meditate™ campaign. The goal is to help 100,000 people develop the habit of meditation without asking them to commit any extra personal time beyond the time they usually spend waiting. 

Kabul’s Old City Gets Major Renovation


kabul-man-turquoise-mt.jpgTo improve living conditions, attract business and reduce the constant threat of disease, Kabul’s Old City has been cleared of rubbish and mud — so much that street levels dropped by nine feet uncovering building foundations submerged for over 60 years.

Johnny Depp Donates $2M to Children’s Hospital


depp.jpgTalk about generous… Johnny Depp paid a secret visit to London’s Great Ormond Street Children’s hospital on Sunday – and donated $2 million of his own money to thank staff for saving his young daughter’s life.