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A Tax We Could All Benefit From


plastic-bag-litter.jpg“In 2002, Ireland passed a tax on plastic bags; customers who want them must now pay 33 cents per bag at the register. Within weeks, plastic bag use dropped 94 percent. There was an advertising awareness campaign and within a year, nearly everyone had bought reusable cloth bags, keeping them in the backs of cars.” They became socially uncool. (New York Times)

7 Steps to Positive Thinking


7-sunlit-steps.jpgI’m sure you have a bright idea hidden somewhere in the back of your mind that you know would be a success. But, for some reason, you’re just not doing it. Maybe your mindset is blocking your action. Remember that a correct and positive attitude in whatever you do will make things easier, and even enjoyable. Why not make 2008 the year you achieve your goal and bring that idea to life using these tips?

Diddy Pushes Youth to Vote Once Again


vote-button-lrgHip-Hop legend Sean “P. Diddy” Combs campaigned across the country four years ago to get young people to vote using the bold slogan “Vote or Die.” Young people did turn out in record numbers thanks to his and other organizations, like Rock the Vote. He is at it again in 2008 trying to awaken “a sleeping giant” in an effort to make change.

(Associated Press)

Bishops Urge Cutting Back on Carbon for Lent


cfbulb.jpgBishops in London and Liverpool are championing a new kind of 40-day fast calling on Britons to cut back on carbon, rather than chocolate or alcohol, for the Christian period of Lent this year. (article continues below)

In Memorial: Maharishi Passes on in 91st Year


maharishi-portrait.jpgThe founder and leader of the Transcendental Meditation movement, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 91, has passed on this week leaving behind some five million followers worldwide.

The one-time guru for the Beatles taught that meditating twice a day in half hour sessions could help people achieve inner peace. Practitioners of TM believe that meditating in large groups can generate positive energy to help end violence and war.

The Maharishi wrote in 1967, “Being happy is of the utmost importance. Success in anything is through happiness. Under all circumstances be happy … Just think of any negativity that comes at you as a raindrop falling into the ocean of your bliss.”
(story continued below)

Family to Adopt Dog Partner of Slain Marine Son“A U.S. military dog whose handler and best friend was killed in Iraq got a new assignment for the New Year — retirement with honors in Mississippi to live with the young Marine’s family.” They had lobbied hard for months to adopt the dog, whose relationship with their son was so strong, it took several Marines to pull it away so that medics could attend the soldier’s body.


Fewer People Trashing U.S. Roads, Beaches


coastline_cleanup.jpgAmericans are tossing less litter despite the fact that there are more people on the roads. “Experts estimate that deliberate trash-tossing has fallen about 2 percent a year since the mid-’70s in communities where it’s been measured.” (Frank Greve, McClatchy News Service)

30,000 in Barcelona Share Bikes


bicing-bikes.jpgBarcelona has gone bike crazy, with 30,000 people signing up in the first 2 months to participate in a new public transportation system involving shared bikes.

With 1500 bicycles and 100 stations, connecting other public transport stations such as metro, train, buses and major car parks, the red and white bikes are to be seen all over town.

(READ the story in Treehugger)

Blind photographer to hold exhibition


canon-rebel-xs-cameraA wildlife photographer is to hold an exhibition of her pictures – taken despite being blind.

Alison Bartlett’s hearing is so acute that she can pick up birds’ wings flapping or a squirrel nibbling a nut, reports The Sun.

“It hurts that I can’t see the pictures – but if it encourages other blind people to continue hobbies, it’s worth it.”

(READ the story from the Daily Mail)

Music Video by Black Eyed Peas Frontman Inspired by Obama Speech


yes-we-can-song.jpgA group of friends in the entertainment industry inspired by Sen. Barack Obama’s speech following the New Hampshire primary have produced a powerful music video urging Americans to vote. The filmmaker is Jesse Dylan, son of activist musician, Bob Dylan. The new song, written by  Black Eyed Peas’ frontman and songwriter,, was released Friday after being filmed and performed entirely in the two days prior.

Celebrity-filled music videos have been created to support many social movements, from famine relief to  American farmers, from AIDS relief in Africa to the anti-apartheid fight, but this is possibly the first time celebrities and musicians have banded together to create new music in the midst of a presidential campaign. says, “I’m not trying to convince people to see things how i do. I produced this song to share my new found inspiration and how I’ve been moved. I hope this song will make you feel…
love… and think… and be inspired just like the speech inspired me.”

Check out this inspiring MUST-SEE video:

Abortion Rate at 30-Year Low

The U.S. abortion rate has reached a 30-year-low. In 2005 a survey of abortion providers showed the rate was lower than the number of abortions in 1975, which was just two years after Roe v. Wade became the law of the land. The results revealed an eight percent drop in totals from 2000 to 2005. -Alan Guttmacher Institute

Woman’s Kiss of Life Saves Tiger Cub

A young mother visiting a zoo saved a four-month-old tiger by giving it mouth-to-mouth resuscitation while fully grown adult tigers prowled nearby. The zoo agreed that “the tiger would be dead if not for her.” (The Age,  Australia)

Wind Power in U.S. Grows by 45 Percent in 2007

“Overturning all previous records, the U.S. wind energy industry installed 5,244 megawatts of power in 2007, expanding the nation’s total wind power generating capacity by 45 percent in a single calendar year and injecting an investment of over $9 billion into the economy, according to the American Wind Energy Association, AWEA. The new wind projects will power the equivalent of 1.5 million American households annually.” (Environmental News Service

I read some research on the effects of bad news…

My daily habit a year ago was to read the news with my morning coffee. I felt the entire world was falling apart and getting worse day by day. Then I read some research on the effects of bad news, and made a conscious choice to read uplifting stories… Now I’m excited about all the wonderful things around the world, instead of feeling helpless. When I read the stories on GNN I feel empowered, included, and encouraged to get involved.  – Kerrie S., OK

NASA Beams Beatles Tune ‘Across the Universe’ Into Deep Space


Beatles-arrival.jpgU.S. space officials said The Beatles song Across the Universe will be blasted directly into deep space tonight.The tune will be beamed toward the North Star to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the day The Beatles recorded the song, as well as the 50th anniversary of NASA’s founding.

Gates Donates $20M to Help Rice Farmers

Bill Gates, the world’s richest man, is to donate nearly 20 million dollars for research into helping rice farmers deal with global warming, the International Rice Research Institute said last week, specifically to harness scientific advances that address major unsolved problems in agriculture.

Wild Elephants on Increase in Kenya

Kenya’s population of elephants is increasing thanks to successful protection measures and a ban on ivory trade, wildlife officials said. (Associated Press via PR Inside)

Scientists Discover Way to Reverse Loss of Memory

Improve the memory — even in Alzheimer’s patients — by providing a “pacemaker” for the brain. Electrodes applied have been shown to improve memory. Trial studies have commenced to provide the proof. (Belfast Telegraph)

Waiter’s Flawless Service Rewarded With Full College Scholarship

A full scholarship to a $34,000-a-year private college for an excellent waiter! Always doing your best pays off… ( Thanks to Linnea for the inspiring link!

George Clooney Visits Peacekeepers in Sudan as New UN Ambassador (Video)


clooney-in-africajpg.jpgFollow George Clooney as he visits refugee camps and uplifts UN peacekeepers in his new role as UN Peace Ambassador. CBS’s Harry Smith interviews the star about his journalist father and the hope he feels when he visits Darfur refugees.