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Loss of Leg Doesn’t Stop Police Cadet from Achieving Dream (Video)

Adam Griggel says even after he lost his leg, he was determined to become a Wisconsin police officer. Now as a police cadet he is top in his class. He has achieved his dream with determination and a great attitude. (MSNBC Video) Also see the WEAU-TV News report here

Record Year for Blue Butterfly in UK


karnerblue.jpgEfforts begun in 1983 to re-introduce the large blue butterfly in England have paid off. A new survey within a key breeding area revealed a record number of the rare butterflies, known to have disappeared from the UK in the late 1970s. (BBC News)

Suicide Rate Drops in Young Men

“The suicide rate among young men in England and Wales is at the lowest level for 30 years,” reports the BBC.

For males aged 15 to 24, the overall suicide rate dropped from 16.6 per 100,000 people in 1990 to 8.5 per 100,000 in 2005. Amongst men aged 25 to 34, overall suicide rates declined almost seven percent.

(Read All Good Bites)

New Miracle Mosquito Nets (Video)


mosquito_net.jpgSleeping under mosquito nets treated with insecticide has been shown to be an extremely effective and cheap method of preventing deadly malaria. Now, a manufacturing partnership between Japan and Tanzania is creating superior nets in the heart of Africa where they are needed most, “supporting African innovation for Africans”. (AFP Video)

US Kids Deliver Playground Pump to Thirsty School in Africa


playground-pump.jpgAmerican children became inspired to help African kids turn on the faucet for the first time and find clean water. US kids raised $14,000 to send a new playground water pump that with rotation of the merry-go-round delivers water to the township.

“I finally get to do something big in the world. I’m not just a small person in society,” says 9 year-old Liam Keran. (Wonderful MSNBC video)

With Down Syndrome and a Passion to Help Others

Simon Eng, 22, has already touched the lives of thousands of children around the world and he wants to help a lot more. Born with Down Syndrome, Eng explains his passion simply, “Poor countries, poor people and poor children—I want to help them.”  Despite limited communication skills, Eng began packing school kits for MCC Alberta in November 2006. Fourteen months later he had reached the milestone of 10,000 school kits. (story and photo at

Jewelers Shun Gold From Proposed Alaska Mine

“Five of the nation’s leading jewelers have sworn off gold that could someday come from the proposed Pebble Mine, a huge deposit near the world’s most productive wild sockeye salmon stream.” (AP via MSNBC) KTVF Alaska TV news:

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College to Give Bikes to Freshmen

Ripon College hopes to ease its campus parking shortage with a bicycle giveaway for incoming freshmen: “If they promise not to bring a car to campus for a full year, they’ll receive a Trek 820 mountain bike, helmet and lock for free.” (Associated Press via NewsVine )

Write Your Love On the Eiffel Tower


eiffel-tower-proposal.jpgSince its launch on Valentine’s Day 2006, a French company has arranged creative marriage proposals and  public declarations of love for couples planning romantic trips to Paris. The company, ApoteoSurprise, will project an image onto the base of the Eiffel Tower featuring the photo of a bridegroom-to-be, along with a personal proposal, while lovers enjoy a candlelight cruise along the Seine.

Finding Love Getting Easier in Rural Areas


redbarn.jpgCatering to rural Americans, a unique online matchmaking service, FarmersOnly, launched in 2005 has brought together some 85,000 lovers (of tractors) seeking companionship. The business has also made some money for its entrepreneurial founder.

(AP report via MSNBC

London to Spend US$975 Million on Walking and Cycling Programs

chicago bikeway

chibikeway.jpgLondon is committing to bike programs in a big way. “It will spend US$975 million over the next ten years to implement five new programs with the aim of having one in ten round trips in London each day made by bike, and saving some 1.6 million tons of CO2 per year .” (Treehugger)

Unhooked: Fishing Fleets to Help Albatross

Fishing fleets around the world have agreed to launch measures this year to protect sea birds from fishing hooks, including the use of blue dye to camouflage the seductive bait. (AP report via MSNBC)

India to Create 8 New Tiger Sanctuaries


amur-tger-cub.jpg“Conservationists welcomed an Indian government plan to create eight new reserves to protect the country’s dwindling tiger population, the government’s Tiger Project announced Tuesday.”

(Associated Press via NewsVine)

Kite-Fueled Cargo Ship Completes Maiden Voyage, Saves 20% on Energy (Video)


Beluga_SkySails.jpgThe world’s first commerical ship partially powered by a giant kite successfully crossed the Atlantic producing energy savings of between 15 and 20 percent during the 14-day voyage from Germany to Venezuela, while cutting down on CO2 emissions.

Australia Formally Apologizes to its Aboriginal Stolen Generations


sorryaustralia.jpgToday, the Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, apologized to the ‘Stolen Generations’ of Aboriginal people — a truly historic moment in our country’s history, and a positive step towards reconciliation between indigenous and non-indigenous people. (Sydney Morning Herald) Thanks to Liz U. and Tom R. for submitting the link. Sonja recommends reading the text of the apology, calling “truly amazing.”

Five-Seat Concept Car Runs on Air


air-car.jpegAn engineer has promised that within a year he will start selling a car for in-town driving that runs on compressed air and produces no emissions at all. The tanks on the OneCAT can be filled with air from a compressor in just three minutes. (BBC report)

If You Expect the Worst From Strangers this Story is for You


friendly-boulder-art.jpgMy faith in human nature has never been so inflated as it was last weekend after our family get-together in Vail. Here’s the story…

On Saturday, we all went to the farmers market right in the middle of Vail. Near the end, we all met at the fountain near the covered bridge, and the kids waded around in the fountain until we left. This is easily one of the busiest pedestrian thoroughfares in Vail.
Afterwards, we went back to the condos and went swimming for the afternoon. Late in the afternoon, my son Ponder (age 7 at the time), realized that he could not find his backpack, which contained his Gameboy [with all the game cartridges] and his watch. After a thorough search, we determined that he must have left it at the fountain in Vail.

Ponder has never lost anything. He even has every pair of sunglasses we have ever bought him. He is so good about this that we just take for granted that he needs no supervision concerning his stuff.

He was inconsolable, not about the Gameboy, but about the watch. He said to me, through massive tears, “But Dad, they (Burger King) don’t make that watch anymore.” We were all very sad. Our dinner reservations were at a restaurant just on the other side of the covered bridge, so I promised him that we would not only search the area around the fountain when we went back for dinner, but we would also find the police and ask them if the backpack had been turned in.

As we exited the parking garage, we could see the fountain as we descended the long staircase. I saw something black sitting there, but it was right next to a woman sitting by the fountain, so I could not tell what it was or if it seemed to be hers. I said, “Do you see it, Ponder?” He said, “I see it, Dad.” I said, “Don’t get too excited cuz that may not be it.” But that was it. It had been five or six hours since we left the fountain, and it was still there. There was no I.D. in it, and it looked like someone had looked through it and then set it right out where all could see it.

I literally cried when we got to it and were sure that it was his. Everyone in our party was blown away by this “miracle.” In my wildest dreams, I never would have dreamed that this would/could happen nowadays.

What a charmed life, eh? Later, I said to Lori and Lorrie (my wife and my girlfriend… another long story for another time) that this was the perfect lesson for a child in losing something important… to lose it and feel the full weight of that loss, and then to miraculously get it back. It was amazing… I still get goose bumps when I think about it.
My faith in human nature has never been so inflated.

Mark Stine is a master stained glass artist living near Denver. He calls his son Ponder, his primary source of inspiration. See his art at Transparent Dreams Glass Studio

HP Recycles Plastic Bottles Into Printer Cartridges

Hewlett-Packard has manufactured some 200 million printer ink cartridges using a new process that utilizes 100% post-consumer content, like recycled plastic water bottles.


Robot Offers Hip Surgery Success

“A surgical robot developed by UK scientists makes hip operations so simple even students get good results.” (BBC Health)

World Bank Plans Clean Technology Fund for Poor

REUTERS – “Poor countries will soon receive billions of dollars from a new World Bank fund to help them cut pollution, save energy and fight global warming.”
(Environmental News Network)