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Creating Life-Saving Jobs for Disabled (Video)


jewelry-making-4-disabled.jpgIn Peru, where jobs are scarce, it’s nearly impossible to find work if you have a disability. But three friends are fighting to change that. Angeles Anonimos (Anonymous Angels) trains the disabled and handicapped — regarded as unemployable — to create fair-trade sterling silver jewelry. Karina feels it is a life-saver…  (Watch the beautiful video at

New Drug Helps Dogs With Cancer

A new cancer vaccine treatment for dogs with melanoma can prolong life for pets and may well help humans with the same disease. (Video)

Satellite Successfully Intercepted by US Missile


rocket-lift-off-c-u.jpgDefense officials have a ‘high degree of confidence’ that the U.S. missile successfully hit the fuel tank last night of the satellite that was on a coarse to crash to earth carrying toxic fuel. None of the debris from the strike is larger than a football. (Video)

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Road Closed to Help Frogs Get to the Other Side


golden-toad.jpg“He still remembers the time he helped carry 437 frogs and salamanders across Shades of Death Road. But it wasn’t enough. When he and the other “amphibian crossing guards” returned to the road an hour later, hundreds more had come and they were all dead, crushed by car tires.”

This year will be different.

(READ the story from NJ Audubon – scroll down the page to “Independence Twp. helps frogs get to the other side”)

Random Acts of Kindness Kick Off First Ottawa Kindness Week

NICE license plate

nice-license-plate.JPGFor one week, February 15 to 24, Ottawa is choosing to be kind. The city will be celebrating, encouraging, and even keeping a web journal to showcase the simple acts of kindness brought to life throughout the community this week.

The new kindness organization, the brain child of a local rabbi, is seeking nominations of people, workplaces and organizations deserving recognition for kindness.

“Ottawa’s bus service OC Transpo is donating a bus to carry a “Kindness Crew” of university students who have volunteered to travel around the city to commit “surprise acts of kindness,” such as helping shovel snow and carry groceries.


For people “caught” committing random acts of kindness, Ottawa police will give out “Kindness Citations” that can be redeemed for a treat at Ottawa’s well-loved Rideau Bakery.

And during the week there will be more than 200,000 “Kindness Cards” in circulation in the region…”

Visit the website

Thanks to Sarah C. in NY for sending this inspiring story!

Volvo Unveils Sixth Annual Hometown Hero Award Winners


volvo-awards-logo.jpgVolvo yesterday announced the top three winning heroes in the 6th Annual Volvo for life Awards: After a tragic farm accident involving her son, Marilyn Adams founded Farm Safety 4 Just Kids and set out on a mission to promote safe farm environments across the country. Matthew Sanford, paralyzed from the chest down, became a nationally recognized yoga teacher and founder of Mind Body Solutions, a nonprofit organization dedicated to revolutionizing the rehabilitation process. Lorraine Kerwood created an electronics recycling and distribution center, NextStep Recycling, which brings refurbished computers to disadvantaged communities and benefits the environment by reducing electronic waste.

Next, these three will be honored as Hometown Heroes at an awards gala on March 19.  They each will receive a $100,000 contribution for the charity of their choice. The winner in March will receive a new Volvo every three years for the rest of their life.

Since 2002, Volvo has contributed nearly $5 million in funding and awards to help real-life heroes continue extraordinary work in their communities.

The Volvo for life Awards, launched in 2002, is the largest-ever national search for and celebration of everyday heroes in the categories of Safety, Quality of Life and Environment. Volvo Cars of North America provides $1 million in awards and contributions in honor of heroes. Since the inception of the program, Volvo has contributed more than $5 million to help hometown heroes continue their extraordinary work in their communities.

The American public selected nine finalists, three in each category of Safety, Quality of Life and Environment. A distinguished panel of judges—including Hank Aaron, Sen. Bill Bradley, Maya Lin, Dr. Sally Ride, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Dr. Mae Jemison and Edsel B. Ford II—then selected the three category winners, who are:

volvo-hero-08-1.jpg.jpg Marilyn Adams, Earlham, Iowa

Twenty years ago, Marilyn Adams, 57, faced every mother’s greatest fear. Her 11- year-old son, Keith, suffocated in a gravity flow wagon while helping with the first full day of harvest on the family’s farm in Iowa. Determined to find a constructive outlet for her grief, she was inspired to create a nonprofit organization working to educate children about farm safety and health. Today, thousands of volunteers across the United States and Canada work to keep rural kids safe and healthy. In 1987, Adams founded Farm Safety 4 Just Kids and set out on a mission to promote safe farm environments and eliminate farm-related child health hazards, injuries and fatalities. A report by the National Safety Council found that children between the ages of 5 and 14 were 66 percent more likely to be injured in a farm accident than adults aged 45 to 64. Farm Safety 4 Just Kids’ contribution to the farm safety movement has helped to reduce the number of agriculture-related fatalities among children in the United States. Farm families now have additional programs and educational materials highlighting the dangers that children can encounter on farms, and information about how to avoid them. Farm Safety 4 Just Kids now has 137 chapters throughout North America. Through her visits to rural schools, media appearances, testimony before government agencies and in Congress, Adams has spread her farm safety message across the country.

Lorraine Kerwood, Eugene,

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the United States generated 2.6 million tons of electronic waste in 2005, only 12.6 percent of which was recycled. Lorraine Kerwood, 47, has set out to improve this statistic. Her computer recycling and distribution center, NextStep Recycling, brings refurbished computers to disadvantaged communities and benefits the environment by reducing electronic waste. While attending the University of Oregon, Kerwood taught herself how to rebuild computers, which she then gave to people who couldn’t afford them. With her new skill set, and her passion for helping the disadvantaged, Kerwood established NextStep Recycling. The organization has recycled more than 800 tons of electronic waste and placed 11,000 computers in disadvantaged communities in the United States and abroad. More than 500 computers have been shipped to rural Guatemalan schools, orphanages and non-governmental organizations. This has drawn the attention of corporate, government and academic institutions. Tulane University studied NextStep’s computer labs built in partnership with rural Mayan communities. They determined that the labs improved the lives of more than 5,000 Guatemalan children.

Matthew Sanford, Orono,

At age 13, Matthew Sanford was involved in a car crash that took the lives of his father and sister, and left him paralyzed from the chest down. Advice from his doctors to “forget his lower body,” however, was what really crippled Sanford, leading him to ignore his once-athletic body, until he discovered yoga at age 25 and the power of the mind-body connection. Now a nationally recognized yoga teacher, author and renowned expert in mind-body integration who has inspired and enhanced the lives of thousands. In 2001, Sanford, 42, founded Mind Body Solutions, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the simple and practical notion that minds and bodies work better together, offering programs in the workplace, in corporations, at the yoga studio and in the community at large. Sanford teaches yoga to people of all abilities at the Courage Center in Minneapolis and at fitness studios throughout the country, but he is a pioneer in adapting yoga for people living with disabilities. Sanford also shares his philosophy on the fundamental importance of the mind-body relationship for everyone through his personal memoir Waking: A Memoir of Trauma and Transcendence, and a busy schedule of speaking engagements to a broad base of audiences nationwide. He is currently using his personal experience to help transform the delivery of healthcare, including an initiative for veterans.

The six remaining finalists in the 6th Annual Volvo for life Awards will receive a donation of $25,000 to the charities of their choice. The remaining finalists are:


  • Ronald Dunon, 58, Kalamazoo, Mich., who founded the AED Fund of Kalamazoo County to help increase the chances of survival for future sudden cardiac arrest victims in underserved communities.
  • Jeff Payne, 40, Las Vegas, Nev., who teaches thousands of youth how to avoid vehicle accidents and drive safely through his program “Driver’s Edge.”

Quality of Life:

  • John Dau, 35, Syracuse, N.Y., who has raised $700,000 to improve healthcare and literacy in southern Sudan.
  • Darius Weems, 18, Athens, Ga., who works to raise money for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) research through “Darius Goes West,” a documentary that chronicles his courageous journey across America, his first time ever outside of Georgia.


  • Zander Srodes, 17, Cape Haze, Fla., who has educated more than 5,000 students about sea turtle conservation through a series of educational presentations called “Turtle Talks.”
  • Charles Turner, 48, Sedley, Va., who founded the Blackwater-Nottoway Riverkeeper Program, which mobilizes individuals to patrol rivers looking for signs of pollution and educate others about the importance of clean, wild waterways.

Butterfly Award Winner for Youths

In addition to the three category winners, Volvo also named 10-year-old Zach Bonner, of Valrico, Fla., the winner of the Alexandra Scott Butterfly Award. The award was created by Volvo Cars of North America to honor young heroes who do the extraordinary in the areas of Safety, Quality of Life and Environment in the name of Alexandra Scott, a Volvo for life Awards winner from Wynnewood, Pa., who passed away at age eight from cancer. She raised more than $1 million for pediatric cancer research through lemonade sales and other fundraising activities. Parents Jay and Elizabeth Scott continue promoting Alex’s cause and raising money for pediatric cancer research through their foundation, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation.

Bonner, who will receive a $25,000 charitable donation, founded the Little Red Wagon Foundation, Inc., an organization that collects and donates backpacks filled with food and school items to disadvantaged children nationwide. In late 2007, Bonner completed a marathon walk from Tampa to Tallahassee, Fla. covering – 280 miles over 23 days, raising money and awareness for homeless children along the way.

Source: Volvo for Life Awards Youtube channel

Kenyan Youth Club Helps to Heal Ethnic Tensions (Video)

In Nairobi’s Mathare slum, a youth association helps to heal ethnic tensions which have flared up recently in Kenya. The group won a Nobel Peace Prize nomination in 2003 for its success in fostering community development through sports and particularly soccer. Now, they are initiating classes in tolerance and justice and forming new inter-ethnic teams. (Video)

Whole Foods Ditches Plastic Bags

whole foods logo

whole-foods.jpg“Paper or plastic?” will be a question of the past at Whole Foods, a leading natural foods retailer. The market has decided to forgo plastic grocery bags, eliminating that option from its checkout lines. Recycled paper bags will still be offered for free while plastic bags made from recycled bottles will be sold for 99 cents alongside reusable bags for $6.95. The option they are promoting on their website is to Bring Your Own bag (BYOB)!

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911 Dispatcher Honored for Helping Homeless


homeless.jpg“For Toni Dukes, love isn’t delivered with a sugary sweet Hallmark card or an overpriced bouquet of red roses. It’s given in a Ziploc bag stuffed with a hat, gloves and a packet of Kleenex, and the words “From the Heart” written in black marker on the outside.” (San Francisco Chronicle)

Vanity License Plate Brings $14 Million for Charity

The auction of a single vanity license plate brought in a record $14 million for charity in the United Arab Emerites. Featuring just the number ‘1’ the plate, along with a total of 90 other specialized plates, raked in $24 million for accident victims. (Video)

Helping Disabled to Become Entrepreneurs in London

“A new initiative aiming to break down the barriers preventing London’s 800,000 disabled people from starting their own businesses, was launched last week.” It’s called Enabled 4 Enterprise (E4E). (Real Business)

The Friendliness of Canada Returns my Lost Blackberry


cell-phone-lost.jpgI am enamored of all things Canadian right now because of the kindness of someone I was visiting. That kindness seems to exude from all corners of her country…

When I recently visited Calgary, Alberta, Canada, my Canadian friend, at my request, stopped her busy workday to take me to Banff. I don’t ski or snowboard, and it was a real hassle for this person to help me go, but she did so cheerfully and willingly.

We were walking down the street on the way to finding a restaurant when I stopped to take a picture or two. We went on to our restaurant (where she got ill because of the garlic in the bread, another story), when I realized that my business cell phone, my Blackberry, was not on my belt. She immediately switched from being the one needing care to caring for me.

We drove around Banff for a little bit, trying to figure out where I could have lost the thing. She then just dialed my number (which I could have done, except I was stupified about what to do) and a person answered. It turned out that I had dropped the phone and the holster outside a candy shop. The counter person answered and told us where to come.

When I got there, she would not even take a tip. I bought some chocolate anyway. The point is that the information on the phone is largely irreplaceable and having someone find the thing and turn it in – without using it – was a miracle for me.

Regarding Canada, it was cold as hell, but I loved the country, the family I was with, and everyone I met. I can say also that, had the phone been lost in San Francisco, that might have been the end of it. I had a wonderful time, especially because of that incident.

First Day of Spring?

rose arrangement

rose-arrangement.jpgI was campaigning last week for my candidate in the Virginia presidential primary and it was frigid, icy cold. Today, one week later, it is probably 80 degrees and balmy. (I wish the campaigners in Wisconsin todat enjoyed weather even half this warm!) … By the way, have you benefitted from viewing the Good News Network, or from my Great Mentors tele-seminars?  I am collecting testimonials from people about either my website, newsletter or, especially, the Great Mentors audio series.

Please email your praise or leave a message on my toll free number with your name and where you’re from — and your website, if you’d like: 1-866- Good News (866-466-3639)

maternity-tee-gnn.jpg • I’ve sent some maternity tops to a few pregnant celebrities (J-Lo, Nicole Kidman and Jessica Alba) and asked them to help support my effort to get good news into the hands of new mothers. We know postpartum depression can be debilitating, and positive news every day can only help. Give the gift that reminds new moms to stay on the bright side: Shop at

• If you’ve ever experienced depression or ADHD, plan on attending our next Great Mentors FREE tele-seminar, “Discovering the Gift Within Your Symptoms – Listening to Depression and ADHD.” How do we find purpose in our pain? We’ll ask Dr. Lara Honos-Webb, expert and author of the new book, Listening to Depression: How Understanding Your Pain Can Heal Your Life, and author of the book, The Gift of ADHD.  We’ll be taking your questions LIVE or by email. Join us Feb 26 — OR LISTEN TO THE FREE RECORDING afterward. All the info and the phone numbers are on my page.

~Enjoy your week! Geri


Ugandan Boy Brought to US for Surgery Attracts Support From Locals

This is an ongoing story of merit, accomplishment, and community caring. A Ugandan boy was brought overseas for surgery and now the whole town in Southern Oregon is chipping in to help his family to buy food back home. (Mail Tribune w/ photo ) Thanks to Jim for submitting this story!

Colorado Encouraging “Green” Construction

Governor Ritter wants Colorado to be the example for the rest of the nation when it comes to green technology and energy efficiency giving thirty seven communities across the state a grant from the governors energy office to encourage the building of energy efficient homes.

Green соnѕtruсtіоn, or Grееn Building аѕ many саll іt, has started аttrасtіng more аnd more аttеntіоn durіng thе lаѕt уеаrѕ. Thе соnсерt bеhіnd grееn соnѕtruсtіоn lіеѕ fаr beyond thе creation оf a buіldіng thаt doesn’t hаrm the еnvіrоnmеnt. Green соnѕtruсtіоn tries tо establish thоѕе соndіtіоnѕ that will еvеntuаllу uрgrаdе thе ԛuаlіtу оf our рlаnеt.

There are mаnу dіffеrеnt оріnіоnѕ around thіѕ еffоrt which mаnу times іѕ mіѕtаkеnlу conceived as аn unnесеѕѕаrу luxurу. By investing іn green construction, уоu аrе іnvеѕtіng іn thе planet аnd hence іn уоur оwn wеll-bеіng. In other wоrdѕ, grееn construction isn’t fосuѕіng only оn thе рrе-buіldіng рrосеѕѕ but іt рutѕ extra wеіght оn the gеnеrаl improvement оf thе nаturаl ѕurrоundіngѕ.

The truе vаluе of grееn construction:

In оrdеr tо fully realize hоw сrіtісаl іѕ fоr оur industry tо start adopting a grееnеr рrоfіlе, іt would bе useful to сhесk оut mаnу dіffеrеnt ѕоlutіоnѕ thаt grееn соnѕtruсtіоn соuld оffеr tо uѕ:

1. Mоrе effective management оf thе аvаіlаblе rеѕоurсеѕ
Thе uѕе of grееn mаnufасturіng techniques can ѕаvе vast аmоuntѕ оf nаturаl rеѕоurсеѕ. Bу limiting the wаѕtе of еnеrgу оr оf vаluаblе rеѕоurсеѕ ѕuсh аѕ wаtеr, for example, уоu can boost рrоjесt’ѕ ѕuѕtаіnаbіlіtу and protect bіоdіvеrѕіtу.

2. Bеttеr protection of the natural hаbіtаt
One more advantage оf gоіng grееn іn соnѕtruсtіоn hаѕ to do with thе environment itself. Mоrе ѕресіfісаllу, grееn buіldіng рrоmоtеѕ thе іmрlеmеntаtіоn of methods thаt соntrіbutе tо the mіnіmіzаtіоn оf аіr аnd ѕоund роllutіоn durіng thе соnduсtіоn оf a project. On top оf that, a ѕіgnіfісаnt rеduсе оf рrоduсеd wаѕtе соuld bе аnоthеr step towards the rіght dіrесtіоn.

3. Higher lіvіng standards for thе residents
Thе еxtrа attention for people’s wеll-bеіng саn hаvе a vеrу роѕіtіvе impact оn the еvеrуdау life оf thе реорlе whо lіvе оr wоrk іn “green” buіldіngѕ. An есоlоgісаl frіеndlу buіldіng саn uрgrade.

Disabled Iraqi Children Get Wheelchairs


wheelchairs-for-iraqis.jpg A private contractor in Iraq noticed a need. Now prisoners in South Dakota are building — and the US military is delivering — wheelchairs to needy children and their families, spreading hope and compassion to the people of Iraq.

Congratulation to Brad Blauser, the founder of Wheelchairs for Iraqi Kids. Visit his website to donate: Wheelchairs For Iraqi Kids.

(Read the story at CNN)

Thanks to Laura and Shelley for sending the link!

Former Gang Rivals Embrace Each Other in Ministry Outreach

The California Cease Fire Ministry seeks out hard-core Mexican-American gang members to participate in a truce. The program is run by ex-gang members, 50-year-olds who successfully persuade California’s murderous Latino gangs to embrace each other and rebuild their lives in the church. (San Jose Mercury News)

Glucosamine and Chondroitin Trial Support Health Claims


glucosamine.jpgA six-month trial by the U.S. NIH has shown that glucosamine and chondroitin supplements are even more effective in combination for treating moderate-to-severe knee pain from osteoarthritis than a COX-2 inhibitor anti-inflammatory drug. (The StarOnline)

200 Converge on Grand Central Station in Guerilla Comedy Mission (Video)


grand_central_freeze.jpgOn a recent Saturday two hundred New Yorkers sycronized their watches, converged on the grand concourse of the world’s largest train station and froze in place like statues while hundreds of travelers gawked in awe at the Grand Central Station spectacle.

The “flash mob,” as such groups are known, was organized by Charlie Todd whose website is dedicated to causing “scenes of chaos and joy in public places.”

Check out more about Imrove Everywhere in this special report by ABC News:

$42 Million Raised in Valentine Art Auction for AIDS


valentine-auction.jpg“A Valentine’s Day art auction conceived by U2 frontman and activist Bono together with British artist Damien Hirst has raised $42.5 million for UN-backed health programs in Africa.”

The contemporary art auction was part of the (RED) campaign, which, since being launched in 2006 by Bono and Bobby Shriver, has become one of the largest consumer-based fundraising efforts by the private sector in support of international humanitarian issues, specifically The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

The Age in Australia reports, that artists such as Georg Baselitz, Howard Hodgkin, Jasper Johns, Anish Kapoor and Jeff Koons contributed works for the red-themed Valentine’s Day, which was attended by Tennis legend John McEnroe, supermodel Helena Christensen and Hollywood actor and director Dennis Hopper.