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Teen Finds She Has Four Kidneys, Wants to Donate

“A one in a million Leeds teenager has pledged to see if she can help patients desperately in need of a transplant – because she’s got FOUR kidneys.” (Yorkshire Evening Post) This story was submitted by Jessica on Feb. 21.

First Sioux Soldier Given Nation’s Highest Honor


sioux-medal-of-honor.jpgIt’s taken nearly 60 years for Master Sergeant Woodrow Wilson Keeble to become the first Sioux-American to be awarded the Medal of Honor, the nations highest, for heroic actions on the battlefield in Korea.

“A terrible injustice was done to a good man, to his family, and to history. And today we’re going to try to set things right,” said the president who awarded the medal posthumously to Keeble’s son.

(President George W. Bush bows his head during a prayer Monday, March 3, 2008 in the East Room of the White House, standing before two chairs in honor of U.S. Army Master Sgt. Woodrow Wilson Keeble, left, and his wife, Bloosom, moments before presenting members of the Keeble family with the Medal of Honor, posthumously, in honor of Keeble’s gallantry during his service in the Korean War. Keeble is the first full-blooded Sioux Indian to receive the Medal of Honor. – WH photo by Eric Draper)

“On behalf of our grateful nation, I deeply regret that this tribute comes decades too late. Woody will never hold this medal in his hands or wear it on his uniform. He will never hear a president thank him for his heroism. He will never stand here to see the pride of his friends and loved ones, as I see in their eyes now.”

Woody Keeble was already a decorated veteran of Guadalcanal in WWII, but volunteered to serve his country a second time. “Woody said he volunteered for Korea because, “somebody has to teach those kids how to fight,” Bush told the gathering of officials, family, friends. “He quickly became a mentor, a teacher, and a legend. He was so strong that he could lift the back of a jeep and spin it around.”

The heroism on the battlefield which earned him the Medal of Honor took place on October 20, 1951. U.S. forces were under attack by a furious assault. “One soldier said the enemy lobbed so many grenades on American troops that they looked like a flock of blackbirds in the sky. Allied forces had tried heavy artillery to dislodge the enemy, and nothing seemed to be working. The offensive was failing. American boys were dying.” But they had one advantage — his name was Woody.

“Soldiers watched in awe as Woody single-handedly took out one machine gun nest, and then another,” Bush said. ”When Woody was through, all 16 enemy soldiers were dead, the hill was taken, and the Allies won the day.”

Even at this late date there is a way for Americans to show their gratitude.

“We can tell his story. We can honor his memory” Bush insisted. “And we can follow his lead, by showing all those who have followed him on the battlefield the same love and generosity of spirit that Woody showed his country every day.”

Though decades went by while family members and friends worked to steer the paperwork through a beauracracy that could give the recognition he deserved, and though the paperwork was lost more than once, Bush said Woody never complained. “See, he believed America was the greatest nation on earth — even when it made mistakes.”

(NBC News)

Starbucks Barrista Donates Kidney to Customer


coffee.jpg“For three years Starbucks barrista Sandie Andersen served coffee to regular customer Annamarie Ausnes, who has plycystic kidney disease.  A typical Starbucks acquaintanceship — until one extended the offer of kidney.” New York Times

India Sets Up Anti-Poaching Force for Endangered Tigers

India on Tuesday opened a national wildlife crime prevention bureau aimed at intensifying a difficult fight against the poaching of tigers and other endangered species, officials said.

Facebook Reunion Leads to Kidney Donation (Video)


facebook-kidney-friends.jpgTwo grade-school friends who reconnected thanks to the social networking site, Facebook, after more than a decade are becoming more than bosom buddies. One is donating a kidney to his rediscovered pal.

Teen Athlete Triumphant and Proud of her Amputated Legs


jessica-long-swimmer.jpgTo Jessica Long, not having legs isn’t a disability — even with all of the pain. It’s an opportunity. The teen swimmer is a world-champ, despite being born without bones in her lower legs.

“If I had the option, I would choose to be this way,” she says. “I think it’s cool to be able to inspire people and be a role model,” as a member of the U.S. Paralympic Elite Swimming Team. “If I had legs, I probably wouldn’t be involved in swimming.”

“I don’t think I can imagine my life with legs.” (Read the story at Rivals

Thanks so much to Shannon G. for submitting the inspiring link! 
Visit and read more about this terrific teen.

Pakistani Party Wants to Win Over Insurgents


pakistani-flag.jpg“The secular party that won last week’s elections in Pakistan’s northwest province plans to open peace talks with al-Qaeda-allied Islamic insurgents, instead of continuing the army offensives they say have killed, maimed and displaced untold numbers of civilians, driven recruits into the arms of the radicals, and fueled a surge in suicide bombings. To persuade militants to quit the insurgency, and to weaken the popular support that allows al-Qaeda to maintain a sanctuary in the region, the party pledges to build clinics, schools and roads for the area’s three million desperately poor people.” (MCCLATCHY NEWSPAPERS via

Most Romantic Marriage Proposal by Man Named Casanova


pink-rose.jpg“This may go down as the most romantic marriage proposal in years. Brad Casanova — yes, that’s his REAL last name — pulled off a proposal involving a 17-destination scavenger hunt, a nearly seven-hour ordeal that took three months of planning, in order to give the woman of his dreams a memory to last a lifetime.” (Asheville Citizen-Times) Thanks to Linnea L. for the submission!

Super Soaker Inventor Aims to Cut Solar Costs in Half

Lonnie Johnson, the American inventor of the Super Soaker squirt gun, has patented what he calls a breakthrough new way to turn heat into power, something that could drastically reduce the cost of solar power and potentially harvest waste heat from engines, turbines, and even the human body itself, using no moving parts that could cause friction or mechanical breakdowns. (Popular Mechanics) Thanks to Tom for submtting the link.

We Need Graphics Help

da Vinci drawing

davinci-drawing.jpgAre there any graphic artists out there who want to help me design a logo for the Great Mentors audio series? I’m getting ready to do some marketing of CD’s and study guides based on the wonderful tele-seminars presented by the Good News Network since September. I need a logo, and also an expanded design for a CD cover and study guide cover based on the logo and also incorporating the slogan, “Delivering virtual access to great mentors in the fields of health, happiness, style, success, business, and spirituality”. Send your ideas and expressions of your willingness to help to me by email to:

Glad to be a part of the healing energy

I am very excited about your website. I  definitely want to be part of the healing energy of your Good News Network. – Ann
I get my news from the internet, including Google News, Huffington Post & the NY Times. But my first and last visit is always your site. Thanks for being here.

– Jim Fenno

Be Positive Do Something Positive Day, March 1, Created Through Tragedy


be-positive-day.jpgAfter surviving three years of loss, trauma, and grief, Harold Cameron has transformed himself into the “The Chief of Helping People.” His mission and passion is to encourage positive thought and action and, along with the governors of three states, he has proclaimed March 1 to be “Be Positive, Do Something Positive Day”.

Governor Jennifer Granholm wrote in an official proclamation, “The citizens of Michigan, as well as those across the country, are experiencing negative news on a daily basis, and as a result are feeling the negative emotional and health impacts of this news.”

Governor Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania agreed and extended his support of the March 1 effort. “It is my hope that positivity in thought and action will lead people to be more positive and do some good things for another person, organization or charity.”

Governor M. Jodi Rell of Connecticut has also joined with Harold Cameron, along with Senator Arlen Specter, Senator Robert Casey, Jr., and Congressman Paul Kanjorski. Hundreds of people have even contacted President Bush asking him to issue a Presidential Proclamation for the “Be Positive Day”.

The genesis of positive thinking for Cameron, 51, occurred when he read the best-selling book, The Secret. It turned his life around and ignited a passion for positive action toward others.

Before his encounter with the book in November of 2006, he had experienced three years of loss, trauma, and pain, the likes of which only the biblical character Job could have imagined.

First his mother passed away, then his step-mother passed away, “who was a saint.” He developed two brain tumors before his father passed away. “He was my hero and the wind beneath my wings.”

He was burned out of his home and lost nearly everything. He lost his rights to the family homestead, where he had lived as a child and young adult. His sister, who was suffering with mental illness, suddenly suffered two strokes and had to move in with Harold. “She was so bad I had to have her committed to a mental institution.”

Disabled with illness, he lost his job at a printing company, which he had loved.  Meanwhile his sons’ lives were in absolute chaos and one of them twice tried to kill himself.

“Needless to say, things were not looking good,” Harold told me. “But one day I was watching Oprah on TV and she raved about a book called, The Secret, and I knew I had to have the book.”

“I got it and started reading it—no devouring it—as my soul was starving for something positive. My head, my heart, my entire being needed to know “The Secret” and discover it I did.

harold-says.jpg As a result of reading and practicing what the book teaches, along with a daily practice of meditation and visualization, his life began to change.

“I changed my thoughts and I changed my life. I started helping people as a consumer advocate which gave me a great deal of joy and satisfaction, Cameron said. “I also created The Be Positive, Do Some thing Positive Day.”

“I knew how I had suffered and how my life had been. At the time I sure needed something positive, but I also realized other people needed someone and something positive in their lives as well…someone like them—not rich and famous…just an average guy who could relate to them on a personal level, respond to their pain, and help them in a positive way, (with no hidden agenda or asking for anything in return).”

Since then his life and the direction of his life has been all-positive. His health overall has improved. His sons are doing better than they have in years.

Through his collective philanthropic efforts to help consumers — under the banner of Harold Says — he helps people from all across our country with their consumer issues or questions.

He cites these examples:

  • A young lady who recently lost her father and mother, (within a 5 month period of time), called me with a crisis situation. She is an epileptic and has grand mal seizures. She had been out of her medication, Depakote, for over 30 days. Because of missing an appointment with the state agency that oversees our medical assistance program she lost her benefits so she could not afford the medication. That very day I had a small supply of medication for her, at no cost to her, and within a couple of days her benefits were reinstated. She is now on her medications, has the benefits she needs and is doing much better.
  • A disabled young man had applied for Social Security Disability. He had not heard anything about his claim in months. I contacted people I work with at the SSA and within a couple of months he was approved for his benefits and got his first check in the mail. I have helped several people get their SSA disability claims issues resolved.
  • A family had a complaint concerning their Lenovo laptop computer and could not get it resolved with the company. I made a couple of calls to the executive offices at Lenovo and within a short period of time the laptop was repaired by the company at no expense to the consumer and returned. The laptop is now working fine and the family is satisfied with the results.

“My message is one of positivity and hope for all people everywhere in the world. I believe that as we change our thoughts we change our lives. I am living proof of that. My mission is to promote a positive message and action to all people so that we can create change in our homes, our communities, our states, in our country and in our world. My goal is to create a safer, better, and more positive world in which we all can live.

Harold Cameron, Chief of Helping People, lives in Pennsylvania. He achieves his goal of helping people using the HaroldSays Blog and  the BePositiveDay website.


Bush Presidential Slide Show Highlights His Favorite Trip and Legacy in Africa


bush-welcome-africa.jpgPresident Bush highlighted the successes of his mostly-compassionate African policies while on a recent 5-nation tour there, from a quadrupling of U.S. humanitarian aid since he took office to his programs that fight AIDS and malaria.

He and his wife Laura visited a sub-Saharan US-built hospital that has saved thousands of lives and a factory that facilitates the new program in Tanzania to distribute — in partnership with the World Bank — 5 million bed nets providing every child in the country up to the age of five with protection from the deadly Malaria mosquito virus.

“Americans should feel proud, mighty proud, of the work we are doing in Africa,” he said during a recap of the trip which included a presidential slide show. “Without a doubt, this was the most exciting, exhilarating, uplifting trip I’ve taken since I’ve been the president,” Bush told hundreds assembled at the event for an African development foundation.

He called U.S. aid to Africa an act of self-interest, citing the desperation that might otherwise fuel extremist attacks.

250,000 African men, women and children now receive lifesaving HIV anti-viral drugs — up from 800 four years ago — thanks largely to the plan Bush launched in 2003. One of his most widely praised foreign-policy initiatives, rock star Bono said it “turned the fate of the continent around”.

Bush urged lawmakers to quickly approve his new proposal to double America’s donation to the Global HIV/AIDS fight, from 15 billion dollars over five years to 30 billion.

While on tour, the president and Laura Bush danced with locals (watch video below).

Teen With One Arm Takes Team to State Playoffs


one-armed-teen-athlete.jpgA Salt Lake City high school boy with one arm led his baseball team to a state title last year and now has risen, again, above all expectations becoming one of the high-scorers on his basketball team which made it to the state semifinals. Porter Ellett earned first team all-state honors as a senior baseball player and the MVP award as a junior.  (KSL-TV)

India Cancels Small Farmers’ Debt Across Nation

“The Indian government plans to cancel the entire debt of the country’s small farmers in a giant program that will cost 600 billion rupees ($15 billion). The move is a centerpiece of India’s latest budget, with the government also increasing education spending by 20% and health funding by 15%.”  (Full story at BBC News ) Thanks to Victor R. for the link.

Kenya Rivals Agree to Share Power


kenya-deal-reached.jpgMediator Kofi Annan pushed throuhgh a deal to end post-election turmoil in Kenya that has killed nearly 1,000 people. For the first time in a month, opposition leader Raila Odinga and president Mwai Kibaki sat down at the same table. They shook hands amidst applause after signing a power-sharing agreement that seemed to signal a return to peace and mutual understanding. (Video and text)

Redecorating Bedrooms for Sick Kids Fulfills Passion for Iowan

Enchanted MakeoversAn Iowa woman working in public relations found a passion for redecorated bedrooms for sick kids. Her first project picked up the broken pieces of a dream for an elementary school teacher who experienced a major car accident that left her 6-year-old daughter in a body cast and herself to deal with months of recovery. Each of the children got a new bedroom and Project Dream Space was born.

The full story from the Des Moines Register is copied below because the story is no longer on the internet. Here it is:

For six years, Nancy Berg of Waukee couldn’t get the idea out of her head.

In 2002, she read about an Ohio-based nonprofit that redecorated bedrooms for sick kids. Since then, the mother of three kept revisiting the concept, believing a similar project was her purpose in life.

A tragic accident finally put her dream into action.

Berg initially contacted the Ohio group after reading about its work, but discovered starting a nonprofit is cumbersome. She needed a business plan and a foundation, and the Ohio nonprofit wanted a share of her proceeds.

Still, she held the idea.

“I’d bring it up every two or three months to somebody,” said Berg, who works in public relations. She wanted to help, not only children with illnesses but also those who had been injured in an accident or who were dealing with disabilities.

“I just have a passion to do something better and do something for the community where I live, and I’m good at organizing and love decorating and painting,” she said.

“Kids are my passion and going over the top for their bedrooms is my little pet project.”

Finally, her friend, Amy Brown, decided to help. She said the words that kicked Berg into action: “Let’s find a project.”

Berg said she thought about a recent e-mail she’d received about a teacher who had been in a car accident. Berg realized she already knew the family who might benefit.

They decided to call their new organization Project Dream Space.

Before April 11, 2007, the Julseth family of Earlham had plans to move to a different house, a home where each of the children could have a bedroom.

A car accident changed that.

Jacy, then 6, was in the hospital for nearly a month afterward, healing in a full-body cast. Robin, his mom, a Waukee elementary school teacher, was in the hospital for more than a month.

“Jacy lacerated his intestines, groin, liver, and broke his back and had multiple fractures,” Robin said. “I had multiple fractures to my hip. I was trapped under the dashboard. … I broke my ankle and heel. … They had trouble getting my foot out. And I have tons of nerve damage.”

Suddenly, the family had new plans to follow: a long schedule of surgeries.

They had a pile of hospital bills and Robin was confined to a wheelchair. A new house was nowhere on the agenda. Instead, she and her son were literally stuck in their old house. He wasn’t allowed to go outside and her injuries kept her in the chair.

“Just getting outside and enjoying the sunlight was not something we could do,” she said.

Berg arranged to meet the Julseths in May.

“Amy and I walked through the door and Jacy said, ‘Are you here to paint my room?’ ” Berg said.

Berg had hopes for an even bigger improvement. She had mentioned the project to a builder, D.J. Schad of Destination Homes. Their sons played on the same soccer team.

“I approached (Schad) and I said, ‘I have three plans. Plan one is to build a bedroom.’ And the builder said, ‘Done,’ ” she said.

Berg’s to-do list grew longer from there.

They repainted the house, resided the exterior, added landscaping, replaced the windows and turned the porch into an entryway and closet.

“Jacy loves science and space, so they gave him his own little laboratory with a sink and a fridge where he can do experiments,” Robin said. Project Dream Space decorated the room with a picture of Einstein and his famous discovery, “E=mc.”

His sister, Addison, received a room makeover, too. The team painted her room with a woodland princess scene.

While the accident disrupted life for months, Robin said the family has been blessed, not only with the makeover but also with support from friends and family who helped keep the household in order while Robin was recovering.

Living in the improved space has eased the stress of adjusting to the accident.

“It’s wonderful,” Robin said. “Because of the accident, it takes a couple of years to settle the insurance.

You have to wait until the surgeries are done until you get a settlement. So there would be no way we could move…. And (paying for) all my equipment, the wheelchair, ramps, bathroom shower chair.

“We were thinking, ‘this is how it will be for two years, and it’ll be tight.'”

Instead, their old home feels almost like a new one.

“It’s wonderful,” Robin said. “It was a load off our heads. It looks like a brand new house on the inside.

“We’re at home now.”

Which is more than Berg had hoped to achieve with her first project. She’s now fundraising and seeking kids to help with Project Dream Space. She is also seeking people to form a board of directors for the organization and leadership team.

She hopes to eventually expand the organization to tackle projects throughout central Iowa.

“I want a stash of funds for the accidents and sudden situations that come up, so we’re able to help a child immediately,” she said. “I also want to have some funds on hand where we can help children that are new to a wheelchair or have a long-term illness.”

EDITOR’S UPDATE (8/2014) This project may be inactive because no further info is available since 2008.

Thanks to Linda P. of Clive, Iowa for submitting the inspiring link!

Student Attempts Courageous Rescue in Icy Harbor

“Saint John police are praising a 24-year-old university student for his attempts to rescue a man drowning in the frigid city harbour. Alex Scott had been trying to keep the other man’s head above water for about 10 minutes.” CBC (Thanks to my friend, Blue Melnick, for submitting the link.)

With all the negativity in sports these days

With all the negativity in sports these days (i.e. Michael Vick, steroids, exorbitant contracts, etc.) I’m glad to see GNN come out with a sports section to report all of the good things that are happening in the world of sports.  Great for kids and adults to view the good side of sport celebrities. I love GNN.  It starts my day off in a great frame of mind. 

-Jim G.

My prayers for peace are being answered

Your site is great for me.  When I read it I can see how my prayers for worldwide peace and tolerance are being answered.

– Kay Haraguchi

Thanks for the fantastic site. It’s a relief to go somewhere with REAL news that leaves me in a good mood.

– Ellen M.