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Breast-Feeding Seen to Curb Type 2 Diabetes Later

Breast-fed babies appear to be less likely to develop type 2 diabetes when they reach adolescence, according to findings published in the medical journal Diabetes Care.

Cancer Survivor Triumphs for Second Year in Iditarod Race

“It was the kind of victory that only comes true in fairy tales. A cancer survivor nobody thought could win has beaten the big guys in the grueling 1,100-mile (1,800-kilometer) Iditarod Sled Dog Race for the second time in a row… In its 36th running, the Iditarod commemorates a run by sled dogs in 1925 to deliver lifesaving diphtheria serum to Nome.” (Sports Illustrated)

Peace is Delicious for Traditional Foes Who Now Grow Coffee Together


delicious-peace-coffee.jpgIn Uganda, one man went to his neighbors and his friends and brought together three groups of people – Christian, Muslim and Jewish – to put aside old differences and create a coffee cooperative that now boasts some 700 members of all three faiths.  The result: They named their coffee Mirembe Kawomera, which means, “Delicious Peace.” You don’t even have to like coffee to drink this in…

“When Thanksgiving Coffee Company’s CEO Paul Katzeff learned of the Peace Kawomera Cooperative, he said, “This is the greatest coffee story ever told. We will buy all of your coffee and share your dream of peace with the world. This coffee belongs directly in the hands of people who will help us build peace.”

“This is not business as usual. Mirembe Kawomera “Delicious Peace” Coffee comes directly from the hands of the farmers, to the hands of our Roastmaster, right into your cup. Now, with every pound and every cup, we are forging a more just and personal relationship between coffee farmers and coffee drinkers.

“Mirembe Kawomera coffee began with one man’s dream and now involves hundreds of people of different backgrounds working in unity to do something together that none could do alone. Together we are moving a mountain of coffee: 112,000 pounds—the entire crop produced by Peace Kawomera’s 705 farmers. Across the country, people are spreading this story and bringing Delicious Peace coffee into their places of worship, offices, schools and more. This community includes Jews, Christians, Muslims, Catholics, Methodists, Lutherans, mothers, writers, Rotary members, journalists, teachers, filmmakers, politicians, musicians, and children. One by one, each is doing their part to build the market for Delicious Peace.

Start a Monthly Buying Club

Delicious Peace is looking for individuals to help them grow peace by inspiring your community to create an ongoing relationship with the Peace Kawomera Cooperative, to provide lasting support for the dreams and livelihoods of the farmers and their families. The ultimate way to provide ongoing support for the Cooperative is to organize your community into a monthly buying club. A buying club is a group of people who join together to order their coffee. By placing one group order, you can receive wholesale discounts on orders of 20 packages or more, and you save on shipping costs by distributing the coffee through one central location.

You can also use the coffee as a fundraiser for your organization or school by placing a wholesale order and reselling it at our suggested retail price.

To get involved, contact Holly at (800) 462-1999 ext 49, or [email protected]
More info on the Delicious Peace website.  (Thanks to Mike for recommending this inspiring story)

Polish Priest Wins Templeton Prize for Uniting Science and Religion


michael-heller-priest.jpgMichael Heller, a Polish Roman Catholic priest and cosmologist whose intellectual and religious life has been grounded in the insights of both science and religion, has won the 2008 Templeton Prize, believed to be the largest yearly monetary award given to a single individual. Heller, 72, who teaches at the Pontifical Academy of Theology in Cracow, was awarded the prize for his work in connecting the realms of physics, cosmology, theology and philosophy.

Firefighter Uses CPR to Save Tiny Dog

“A firefighter performed mouth-to-nose resuscitation and revived a small dog he found lifeless inside a burning mobile home.”

Breakthrough in Canadian Indigenous Rights Lumber Flashpoint

“An Indigenous Canadian community’s longstanding campaign to stop clear-cut logging on its land has prompted a multinational paper company to boycott the wood fibre from this area. Boise Inc announced it would “stand in support of Amnesty International’s recommendation” and not buy any wood fibre from the traditional territory of Grassy Narrows First Nation in northwest Ontario until the community has given its consent to logging.” (Amnesty International)  

Clooney Group Makes Donation for Darfur


not-on-our-watch.gifGeorge Clooney and other Hollywood stars have donated half a million dollars to the World Food Programme in Darfur, following warnings that cash shortages could ground its humanitarian flights. In June 2007, Not On Our Watch, founded by Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Don Cheadle and Jerry Weintraub, donated $2.75 million to the Darfur cause.

‘Disaster Divas’ Charity Met With Great Success (Video)


disaster-divas.jpgOne of the smallest tornado relief charities in middle Tennessee has been met with such enthusiasm and genoristy that girls throughout a destroyed high school will be choosing new prom dresses to wear this spring. “Many families have suffered devastating losses. As they try to rebuild their lives, many of the luxuries they once had are now put on hold. Many of these victims were in the process of planning their weddings, picking  prom attire, or attending other social events.” Disaster Divas to the rescue.

Baby’s Got Book! Tot Shocks Parents by Reading

It’s hard to imagine, but at just 17 months Elizabeth Barrett is already reading. She shows her amazing talent live on TODAY. “Way back when she was 13 months old, she read her first word, “corn.” She just pointed at the word and read it. She also signed the word in sign language.” (Video or text)

Free Tote Bags in March for GNN-i Supporters


tote-bag.jpgHappy month of March!  While I want to keep my website free, I also need to pay my costs (around $600.00 per month now) so I’ll send a FREE Good News Network Tote Bag to anyone who sends a new $25.00 donation during the month of March… It’s a nice fairly large canvas bag. Be more enviro-friendly and spread good news at the grocery store! tote-bag.jpg

Please donate to support our growth!

Former Palestinian and Israeli Fighters Unite for Peace


combatants_for_peace_logo.jpg“Combatants for Peace tries to end the cycle of violence in Israel and Palestine by bringing together individuals who previously fought against each other. 450 Palestinians and Israelis are members of the group.”

(National Public Radio)

Kosovo’s ‘Woman of Courage’ Bridges Ethnic Divide

“A 34-year-old Albanian who survived the ethnic violence in Kosovo in the 1990s, has reached out to her Serb neighbors. She founded a multi-ethnic organization to try to heal the wounds of war. The group facilitated the return of some displaced Serbs to their homes in Kosovo — which led to death threats from Kosovar Albanian militants. However, it also led to an International Woman of Courage award.” (National Public Radio photo, audio, and text)

UPDATED w/ Video- Dolphin Rescues Stranded Whales, Leads Them Out to Sea

A caring dolphin guided two stranded whales to safety after human attempts to keep the animals off a New Zealand beach failed, a conservation official said Wednesday. “I’ve never heard of anything like this before, it was amazing.” (Thanks to Rose Marie for the link!)

The Charity That Announced It Had Raised Enough


Kiva“Has a charity ever announced that it had enough money?” did.

Their website, which allows visitors to fund start-up ventures for women in third world countries with micro-loans as little as $25.00, announced in January that every business in its database had been fully funded.

Almost a quarter million people with one click have funded $19.5 million worth of loans.

But don’t worry, a new batch of loan-seeking entrepreneurs have been added to, and the funding goes on.

(READ the story in the New York Times story)

Wrong Number Leads to Love

A man sends a text message to the wrong number and ends up engaged! “Michelle Morris mistakenly thought his flirty message was from a male friend of hers and fired off a cheeky reply, reports the Daily Mirror.” (dailymail)

Kitty Survives Far-flung Journey Crossing Ocean as Stowaway (Video)


trans-ocean-kitty.jpgA scrawny black and white kitten was the only survivor of her family which made a trip across the Pacific Ocean in a shipping crate. She was found inside a spooled steel coil when the crate was opened in Cleveland.

Thrift Store Worker Returns $30,000 Found in Donated Clothes

“A thrift store worker in Southern California found an envelope amidst a pile of donated clothing that contained $30,000 in cash. She didn’t think twice about returning it — and was rewarded for the good deed.” (Associated Press) Thanks to Gisele for submitting the link!

How to Build a House for £4,000

“A £24 million funding package was put together earlier this year to help first-time buyers in Scotland to build an eco-friendly home for as little as £4,000.” (BBC News)

Jon Stewart Hosts a Comedians Benefit for Autism

“Jon Stewart will host the second “Night of Too Many Stars: An Overbooked Benefit for Autism Education” on April 13 at the Beacon

Theater in New York. The show will air live on Comedy Central (8 p.m. EST).” Download the show on iTunes for a $1.99 fee with all proceeds going to charity. (Associated Press story)

Brazilians Promote Good News ‘Day of Light’ March 9


brazil_promotes_good_news.jpgOn March 9th, if you see a newpaper or magazine with any good news published, buy it. This is The Day of Light, a day that asks people to stop and choose their attitude, making there needs to be more positivity in the media.

Created in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the Day of Light began as a conversation among a group of DJs, videographers, advertisers and journalists who noticed that the public gets hit too often with negative news. The way out, they decided, was to regain power over the news by actively influencing the stories that shape the lives of those who read them.

So, on March 9th, you are invited to stop, step out of your roles of spectators and only buy newspapers and magazines that display at least one positive story on the cover.

“Bad things do happen, and they do have to be brought to people’s attention,” says Fabio K. Guimarães, who ignited the idea. “But there is also good news, which can inspire people and generate positive initiatives. We intend to make people aware of the fact that good news attracts good things and to propose more balance to the media.”

The initiative is supported by Cláudio Lins, Eduardo Moscovis, Natália Lage, Ingrid Guimarães and other well-known local TV personalities.

The Day of Light is not, however, just a day to read good news. On the same day (March 9th), at 11 a.m., a group will leave from Posto 6, in Copacabana beach, and walk as far as Leme – in a collective act to raise awareness for the cause.

The organizers are inviting others to do the same, wherever they are. Watch the video below. (If you speak Portuguese, choose that option on YouTube, since it has more nuance in the original.)