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Chevy Sequel

Chevy Fuel Cell Car Goes 300 Miles Without Refueling — on Hydrogen

General Motors made history yesterday as its Chevy Sequel became the first electric fuel cell vehicle to achieve 300 miles on one tank of...

EPA Giving $71M to Cities in 38 States To Clean Up Industrial Pollution, Blight

Abandoned gas stations and industrial sites may be cleaned up in your city with Environmental Protection Agency funds made available Monday. Seventy-one million dollars...

Work Begins on Brad Pitt’s Green Project in 9th Ward

"Construction is to begin on an environmentally friendly new home, based on the winning design in a competition launched by movie star Brad Pitt....

States and Cities Move to Curb Toxins the EPA Hasn’t

"From California to Maine, state and local officials are taking steps to ban toxic substances found in consumer goods ranging from TVs to baby...
rose mapendo's family

Tortured Congolese Mom Wins America’s Hometown Hero Award and New Car

In 1998, Rose Mapendo was sitting on the concrete floor of a Congolese prison cell summoning up every ounce of courage, strength and intellect...

Brewing a Sustainable Energy Solution — With Beer!

A joint project between Australia's most famous lager brewer, Foster's, and the University of Queensland to turn beer wastewater into electricity has won $140,000...
earth keepers clean sweep 2007

Ton of Pharmaceuticals Kept Out of Michigan Rivers (Earth Day Follow-Up)

Pharmaceuticals in the water supply likely are responsible for crises of sexual mutation in fish found in the Potomac River and deformed frogs in...

Pope Issues new Green Message for World’s Catholics

"The Vatican last week added its voice to a rising chorus of warnings from churches around the world that climate change and abuse of...

U.S. Mining Company Agrees to ‘Green’ Review After Shareholder Pressure

"For the first time, an American mining firm has supported a "social responsibility" resolution put forward by shareholder activists. The move shows the power...
carbon capture devices

CO2 in the Air? Why Not Suck it Out? A New Machine Does Just That

Just before his death in 2006, Gary Comer, founder of Lands' End, funded a start-up company to develop ways to pull CO2 out of...
recycled paper

Top Ten Tips for A Greener Work Day

In celebration of Earth Day this Sunday, Office Depot has released the company's Top Ten Tips for A Greener Worklife. If small businesses improve...

Colombian Rebels Ready to Solidify Cease-fire, Urged by Novelist Marquez

Colombia has initiated several rounds of peace talks with that country's second largest rebel group. In addition, the Colombian Nobel-winning novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez...

200 Service Stations Make the Switch to Greener Fuels

Australia — The ethanol industry in Queensland reached a major milestone, with more than 200 service stations now offering drivers the choice of renewable ethanol-blended...
LEED platinum building Nat'l Renewable Energy Laboratory

U.S. Government Building Awarded Top Green Label in the World

Only 28 other buildings in the world have achieved the green label of excellence that is called the LEED platinum award. A government U.S....

7 Ways to Make Yourself Happier in the Next Hour

You can make yourself happier — and it doesn’t have to be a long-term ambition. You can start right now. In the next hour, check...

After Supreme Court Ruling, California Free to Set Tough Emission Standards

By a 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court has assigned the problem of greenhouse gases and auto emissions firmly under the purview of the federal...

$10 Million Prize Offered for Best 100-mpg Car

The X PRIZE Foundation, the organization that awarded the $10 million prize for a workable private spacecraft, is launching an Automotive X PRIZE for...

$500 Million Pledge to Reverse Childhood Obesity in U.S.

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation today announced it will commit at least $500 million over the next five years to tackle childhood obesity. The...

Mankind Has Never Been Healthier, Wealthier or Freer. Surprised?

Environmentalists and globalization foes are united in their fear that greater population and consumption of energy, materials, and chemicals accompanying economic growth, technological change...
deathly hallows

New Harry Potter Book Friendly to Forests

The printing for the final Harry Potter book will not only be the biggest, but also the greenest. For the initial U.S. printing of...