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Man Gives Quarter Million Homemade Wheelchairs to Needy Around the World

Don Schoendorfer creates makeshift wheelchairs for the disabled around the world. They cost him less than $49, but he has given away a quarter million of them for free. This video report aired in December, but last week Don became one of three American unsung heroes to recieve the Above and Beyond Citizen Honors, awarded by the Society of Medal of Honor recipients.

Also watch an NBC clip of the awards ceremony on their website,, and while you are there, DONATE to this noble, wonderful effort.


Small David(son) Slays Goliaths in Cinderella NCAA Run


stephan-curry.jpgAm I hallucinating? Is this some sort of basketball Pleasantville coming to life in an 80,000-seat football dome? Can a private liberal-arts school from down Mayberry R.F.D. way actually advance behind a puberty-faced 6 foot 2 inch shooter to the almighty Elite Eight in NCAA’s March Madness?

Davidson College has been slaying one Goliath after another led by Stephan Curry’s supple flick-and-swish outside shot — 33 points against Wisconsin, 30 against Georgetown and 40 to topple Gonzaga.

(READ the article from the Chicago Sun-Times)

Join Earth Hour Tonight! Turn Off Your Lights for One Hour (Video)


Earth Hour was a shared experience in Sydney, Australia last April, when the people came together, turned off the lights for one hour, and saved 10% of their energy consumption. Half the city joined in – 2.2 million — from the suburbs to the high-rises, from the city’s businesses to the mayor. (The Good News Network linked to these A.P. photos of the night sky.) 

From that success, the World Wildlife Fund has grown a global movement in one year culminating tonight at 8PM.

Millions of people, businesses, governments and civic organizations in nearly 200 cities around the globe will turn out for Earth Hour. More than 100 cities across North America will participate, including the US flagships–Atlanta, Chicago, Phoenix and San Francisco and Canada’s Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver.

Heroes in School Shooting and Bridge Collapse Receive Prestigious Medals


medal-of-honor-wh.jpgTwo years ago, a Nevada Middle School gym teacher confronted a student gunman who had already wounded others. With compassion and persuasion she convinced him to put down his weapon embracing him until authorities arrived.

She was one of three national winners who this week were awarded the Above & Beyond Citizen Honor. The honors are unique, because they are personally presented to unsung heroes by our nations most honored heroes, the 109 living Medal of Honor recipients themselves.  Brian Williams and Colin Powell hosted the first annual ceremony on March 25, declared as Medal of Honor Day last year by Congress. The Washington, DC gala will be broadcast to the nation on MSNBC this Sunday evening, March 30.

Jencie Fagan of Reno, Nevada, said it was a “huge” experience to receive the award for her part in disarming the school shooter. Matthew Miller, a 22-year-old student of Fridley, Minnesota, was also honored for going above and beyond during his courageous rescue of survivors in the I-35W bridge collapse.

On August 1, 2007, Miller, a college senior, was part of a summer construction crew working on the 35W bridge in Minneapolis when on his way to work he watched in horror as the bridge buckled and collapsed. The Above and Beyond website described the scene: “Ignoring his own safety, Miller climbed down into the wreckage to look for survivors. Trained in first aid, he helped four injured co-workers get to a place of safety before following cries for help from the riverbank. Rappelling down a cliff, Miller pulled eight people out of their smashed cars and the river that day and stayed long after the first respondents left, making repeat trips to look for more survivors. Later that night, an exhausted Miller helped load people onto Coast Guard boats and drove the injured to the hospital in a company truck that he had turned into a makeshift ambulance. Miller’s selfless actions that day resulted in more than ten lives being saved.” The Twin Cities press covered the story of Matthew  receiving the award.

The day in Reno, when Jencie heard shooting in her school, she ran into the hallway and discovered an armed 14-year-old student randomly firing at his fellow classmates. “Ushering nearby students to cover, Fagan, with complete disregard for her own safety, called out the student’s name and approached him. Engaging him in an empathetic conversation, she was able to focus all of the boy’s attention on her and away from the others. Earning his trust, she convinced him to put down his weapon. She then embraced the student and held him in a “hug hold” until police and other staff arrived.”

The Good News Network featured the creation of the awards and the call for nominees from every state last November.

Big Idea For CA Solar Energy: Cover Unused Commercial Rooftops with Panels

“What do you do with 65 million square feet of unused rooftops on California commercial buildings?” If you’re Southern California Edison, you cover them with solar panels to provide energy for 165,000 homes. Governor Schwarzenegger likes the idea… (Thanks to ZDNet for the details)

Free Postage for Old Cell Phones to Recycling Heaven


cellphonepile.jpgDo you have a drawer full of old cellphones, inkjet cartridges and good intentions? Now the Post Office is providing free envelopes for sending away your old gadgets to a recycler – without having to pay for postage!

Launched in 1,500 Post Offices located in Chicago, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Washington, D.C., the new “Mail Back” program sends your electronic junk to Clover Technologies Group, an Illinois company that recycles the bits into new bytes.

Pronounced Dead, Man Takes ‘Miraculous’ Turn

angel of lights

angel_of_lights.jpg“Some four hours after doctors declared Zack dead,” a nurse began to remove the 21-year-old ‘s feeding tubes. His two cousins observed “something about Zack’s appearance that made them think he wasn’t as dead as the doctors said.

On a hunch, one of them, who is a nurse, pulled out his pocket knife and ran the blade up the sole of one of Zack’s feet. The foot yanked away.” (View the Today show segment or read the story) Thanks to James Wittkop for submitting the link along with his hope that we all be grateful for the blessing of life we have been given.

Here’s a Sneak Peak of my $1 eBook: a Free Chapter


greatmentors-logo.jpg Sneak peak:  I’m on a HIGH this week creating my best content
since starting the Good News Network. It can change lives! Here is the first chapter for FREE right now. It’s a preview of my eBook that will launch next week, “Get Instant High-Powered Mentoring in 7 Areas of Your Life…Without Lifting a Finger.”  (the One Dollar eBook)

Best part? I’m selling the eBook for the insane price of ONE DOLLAR!! … This is the first guide, Learn to be Happier – 10 Steps to Contentment: a special report (121.49 Kb) (in PDF). Print it out and come back here and tell me what you think! I’m so excited to be bringing this great content finally to market — especially when people in other countries have not been able to hear the programs LIVE via telephone.

I am planning to have the CDs ready — and transcripts, too — by end of next month. For now, enjoy my Learn To Be Happier mentoring guide as my sneak peak for you! ~ Geri

P.S.  Sign up at Great Mentors to be instantly notified when the one dollar eBook becomes available…

Honey Bees Stage Major Comeback

honey bee photo by John Stone,

honey-bee-eye.jpgOver 85 percent of Ohio honeybees survived the past winter, a huge relief for farmers who rely on the marvelous insects to pollinate more than 70 different crops, including apples, pumpkins, and strawberries. Last year, less than 28 percent of the bee colonies survived a cold snap and mysterious illness. Scientist continue to monitor the situation, but farmers are optimistic for the future of the bee colonies.  (More at The Columbus Dispatch)

Australia to Train Aboriginal Doctors

“Australia committed $17 million on Thursday to train Aboriginal nurses and doctors, as part of efforts to close a 17-year gap in the life expectancies of indigenous and other Australians.” (Associated Press)

Breakthrough Cancer Surgery Saves Terminal Patient

“A Florida woman with a golf ball-size tumor buried so deep in her abdomen that it was first called inoperable and terminal, risked a cutting-edge surgery to save her life and is now on her way to a full recovery.” (ABC News has the story)

Somalia Once Again Polio-Free, Declares UN


swazilandchild.jpgIn what is being described as a major victory in the global fight against polio, the United Nations health agency announced yesterday that the disease has been eradicated in strife-torn Somalia thanks to the efforts of some 10,000 volunteers and health workers across the Horn of Africa nation.

Against a backdrop of widespread conflict, migrating populations, and an ineffective government, transmission of poliovirus in the country has been successfully stopped, said a UN World Health Organization (WHO) news release.

Biomass Gas Project Provides Clean Power for India Villages

A new biomass plant that converts wood or agricultural waste into a combustible gas mixture is offering remote communities access to electricity in an environment friendly, carbon neutral way, thanks to the United Nations Development Program.

The gasifier was fired up yesterday in a remote village of southern India called Boregunte, in Karnataka state. 

Kindness of Strangers Brings Hope to World’s Tallest Man

 Just because you are in the Guiness World Record book doesn’t mean your life is all roses. Leonid Stadnik got frostbite from walking in socks, because he couldn’t afford custom shoes to fit his frame of 8 feet 5 inches . He walked with crutches when his knees gave out from the strain of supporting 440 lbs. But the Ukrainian has found new hope in the kindness of strangers who sent a giant bicycle to help with transportation and oversized shoes and clothes — even a computer with internet service. The Heartwarming story is from AP via MSNBC.

Message in a Bottle is a Real Blast From the Past

“A Seattle student’s school project to learn about oceans comes full circle 21 years, 1,735 miles later in Alaska along a quite beach along the Bering Sea.” (AP story via MSNBC)

Wheelchairs Keep Disabled Pets Moving

This is a really sweet story about how tiny–or not so tiny–wheelchairs are giving disabled pets a new lease (or should that be ‘leash’?) on life.  (Associated Press w/ photos) Thanks to Sondra for submitting this!

Marine Mom Adopts Platoon


marine-foster-mom.jpgMaureen O’Haire gave birth to five children, adopted another four and cared for more than 50 foster kids. But now she’s playing mother hen to an entire platoon of Marines. Steve Hartman brings us this inspiring video report. Pass the tissues!

(Video w/ 30 sec ad from CBS News)


Overcoming “You Won’t Learn” With Arts and Mom’s Determination

The elementary school I attended told my mother that I would never get past a first-grade reading level, and that I would never graduate from high school. I started to take opera and piano lessons and my reading and learning skills started to improve. I decided to sing Italian opera. I now sing on stage with a perfect Italian accent.” (The Salt Lake Tribune)

It Pays to Play Nice, Harvard Study Says

A new Harvard study suggests that people who go to the trouble of punishing colleagues, co-workers or others in one-on-one situations do not profit from their revenge. Nice guys do finish first! Thanks to Sondra for submitting the link!

1 Week Notice: Great Mentors Collection Available for Download – Virtually Free


eastereggs.jpgHappy Spring and Happy Easter — a time of renewal, rebirth, and growth! … Does your life need a little renewal? Are there dandelion weeds in your head? If so, I’ve got great news, and you won’t have to lift a finger! Next week I’m releasing a stunning collection of my *personal notes* from the past 7 Great Mentors tele-seminars, with high-powered experts, virtually free.

(You remember, the free calls featuring top-notch authors and coaches straight from the N.Y. Times Best Seller list, Oprah, and the Whoopi show? Experts like Carol Adrienne, Debbie Macomber and Joan Marie Whelan?)