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Kindness is Booming in Montana

Not only did the Helena auto mechanic stop to help a stranger on the highway whose car was in need of major repair, he and his girlfriend drove to town several times, purchased the parts, completed the repair and topped off her fluids — all for no charge. . . Now, that’s some Big Sky kindness! Thanks to Chris Jones and Melinda Wilcox. ( has the story) Submitted by Kim Rieser, Helena MT

Dell Headquarters Goes 100% Green Energy

Dell is now powering 100 percent of its 2.1 million square-foot global headquarters campus, home to more than 10,000 employees, with 100 percent green power, the latest step in meeting the company’s 2008 carbon neutral commitment.

The 50th Anniversary Of The Peace Symbol


peace-artist-gerald-holtom.jpgIn case you missed this gem in Friday’s ‘On This Day in History’ column (featured every day at the bottom of the Good News Network homepage), the peace sign was created 50 years ago by artist Gerald Holtom in London for an anti-war protest. Peace activists marched from Trafalgar Square to an atomic weapons factory 50 miles away in Aldermaston. The new symbol of their movement was printed on clothing and signs — and ten days later debuted for Americans in a Life magazine photo. The design incorporated the flag signals (semaphores) for the letters N and D –for Nuclear Disarmament. Gerald Holtom and his anti-nuclear compatriots deliberately didn’t trademark the symbol, so it was free for everyone to use.  Happy birthday, peace sign!

(Read this anniversary tribute in the CBS News.)


Former Hunters Help Rare Birds Recover


stork-on-voltage.jpgOne-time hunters recruited to a conservation project have helped threatened bird populations in Cambodia’s Great Lake recover, according to a report Friday. The Wildlife Conservation Society report said populations of some of the bird species had increased 20-fold since the project began in 2001 at Tonle Sap Lake, known as the Great Lake.

Elephant Paints Self-Portrait (Video)


elephant-painting.jpgElephants are one of the smartest and most inteligent species, on par with apes and dolphins. This remarkable video shows elephants in Thailand creating realistic paintings of other elephants whenever they’re given paints and brushes.  Thanks to Donna Jones for the tip! 

Portland Hopes to Win the Battle of the Butts


butts.jpgGlobally, over 2 billion cigarette butts are tossed to the ground every day, the most littered item in the US and the world. But now a group of motivated community members are organizing in Portland, Oregon to spread the word that tossing your butts is illegal — and making the world an uglier place.

King’s Memphis Motel Now Marks National Civil Rights Museum

mlk-large.jpg40 years ago yesterday — one day before he was shot — Martin Luther King, Jr. predicted, “I may not get there with you, but I know tonight that we as a people will get to the promised land.” The Lorraine Motel where he was killed was rescued as a landmark by a small band of admirers and became the home of The National Civil Rights Museum in 1991.

For a brief moment in 1968, the attention of the nation focused on the tiny Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tenn. It was April 4th, and Martin Luther King, Jr. had come to Memphis in support of striking sanitation workers. There was much turmoil surrounding his appearance in Memphis, but King knew what to expect. In a somewhat prophetic tone the night before, he had proclaimed to a capacity audience at Memphis’ Macon Temple that his time may indeed have been at an end. (Watch the speech below)

Less than 24 hours later, King was dead from an assassin’s bullet.

5th-Grader Points Out Mistake at Smithsonian

“Is fifth-grader Kenton Stufflebeam smarter than the Smithsonian?” He was hailed as correct after he informed the staff of the national museum that they had mistakenly used the phrase Precambrian Era to describe a unit of time. His teacher back in Kalamazoo, Michigan had taught him that the proper term is otherwise… (Associated Press via MSNBC) Thanks to Ro for the story tip!

Disabled Veterans Serve in New Mission Tutoring Disadvantaged Kids


veteran-tutors.jpgAmidst the flood of young disabled veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, a group of older veterans organized themselves to help ease the return of the soldiers to civilian life. was set up as a way to sponsor these young veterans and help train them for new careers.

The group understands that returning veterans want nothing more than to return to their units but need to face the reality that service on active duty is over. The success of the Veteran Tutors hinge on finding a new   mission for the returning wounded that allows them continue to serve their country and their fellow-citizens. For most it is a life-saving experience, for all it is a pathway to healing.

The mission that these soldiers find so rewarding is helping disadvantaged kids to stay in school and acquire the technology skills needed to compete in the digital economy. Many of the veterans come from disadvantaged homes themselves so the match is perfect.

Veteran Tutors’ Dropout Intervention and Recovery Initiative is a joint effort of experienced educators and disabled veterans and is based on research conducted by Steven D. Levitt, an economist at the University of Chicago, whose analysis of the records of the 400,000 students in the Chicago Public Schools over a period of twenty years found that the only students who saw a dramatic change from transferring to another school were “those who entered a technical school or career academy. These students performed substantially better than they did in their old academic settings and graduated at a much higher rate than their past performance would have predicted.

Now the group is getting help from some national funders. Executive Director Richard Ehrlich went to Washington D.C. to visit Congressman John Carter  (R-TX ) who represents the district that houses Fort Hood and serves on the Veterans Affairs sub-committee. The Congressman agreed that Veteran Tutors is an outstanding idea and recommended the group for a National Science Foundation grant.

“This opportunity to help the public schools keep at-risk kids out of trouble and get them into college should not be missed. From my position on the House Appropriations Committee and on the Veterans Affairs subcommittee, I constantly have to weigh the “bang for the buck” we get from each taxpayer dollar.  The notion of using the same taxpayer dollar to help at-risk youth stay in school while helping our disabled veterans transition to civilian life is compelling.”

Ehrlich, a veteran himself who returned from the Viet Nam war in body cast, hopes to enlist the help of VFW posts nationwide to help reach the vets who need help.

“Man Who Stopped Knife Fight….was Blessing From Above”


“Police do not recommend doing what Will Gardner did Tuesday afternoon, but they do acknowledge that he probably saved a life. The 56-year-old intervened in a brawl just off Interstate 40, kicking a knife out of the hand of one man and then separating the fighters. But Gardner, an ex-Marine who saw combat in Vietnam, says he did what most people would do in that situation — the right thing.” (Asheville Citizen Times)

Man Wrestles Croc to Rescue Wife

“A woman has been rescued from the jaws of a saltwater crocodile in Australia after her husband jumped onto its back and forced it to flee.” (Read it in the BBC News)

Antigang Group Turns New York Thugs into College Students


council-for-unity.jpg “DaJuan Hawkins spent four months in jail for assault and thought he was destined for a life of street crime.  Today, the high school senior is heading for college and writing poetry… What transformed Mr. Hawkins into confident, productive, and compassionate human beings, they say, is the Council for Unity.”

“Founded as a small antigang group in 1975, the council now claims to reach 100,000 people of all cultures in multiple US cities and even in Africa.”

By implementing school-based and after-school programs in leadership development, mentoring, career, college guidance and gang prevention, the Council successfully promotes inter-group relations and reduces violence in schools and communities. An incredible rate of 94% of all participants graduate from high school and 96% of those attend college. For more info, see the inspiring story in The Christian Science Monitor via Yahoo News or visit ther website at
Thanks to Mary in the Bahamas for submitting the link!

Rick Warren Helps Rwanda Become a Country With a Purpose


40_days.jpgPastor Rick Warren, author of The Purpose-Driven Life, along with the president of Rwanda launched ’40 Days of Purpose’ for thousands of Rwandan Christians, and affirmed a Global Peace Plan that tackles five of the largest problems facing the world today including, poverty, disease, and ignorance. (full story at

Physically Challenged Kids Build Skills at Go-Karting

Physically challenged children gathered in a suburb of Mumbai, India, to compete in the only contest of its kind, the Hakone Go-Karting and rock climbing championship for physically challenged kids. The 8th annual event was a rare opportunity for differently-abled children to competing in challenging sports like Go-Karting and Rock-Climbing. The Planet Powai Community Newspaper reports , “Many of these children experienced karting for the first time during the practice session and were truly delighted.” (with photos)

A Health Club for Exercising Your Imagination


bornintheusa.jpg“Bucketworks can be described as a ‘health club for the brain’. Instead of exercising your body…you exercise your inspiration and leadership. People in Milwaukee use the huge 22,000 square foot space to share their passions, build and make art, play with technology and envision businesses together. Members are allowed to basically do whatever they want inside that space. (WTMJ-TV Video, story and photos) Thanks to Kurt for the submission!

Check out the Bucketworks Website — A place to share and explore passions for art, theatre, dance, business, technology, and leadership.

Afghan Girl Sets Sights on Olympics


afghan-olympian-girl.jpgAfghan athletes trained hard despite a lack of sports facilities in the country and proper coaches in preparation for the 2008 Olympics.

In country where women are still rare in athletic events, one teenager, is defying social norms to represent her country in the Beijing Games.

(READ the story from Reuters)

Australia Media Boosts April Fool’s Day Fun With Fake News Like ‘No Seat Airfares’

Australian media indulged in some April Fool’s Day humor on Tuesday, carrying hoax reports of ads for “no chair” airfares, a restaurant offering a 10-course whale tasting menu and shrinking brains in homeowners due to mortgage stress! Love those Aussies!

A Victim Treats His Mugger Right

Julio Diaz bought his mugger some dinner and possibly changed the teenager’s life. The man earlier handed over his wallet to the knife-wielding teen, and as a result had to ask for it in order to pay the tab at the diner. (When he got his wallet back he gave the kid $20 and likely a new lease on life.) Read about this unusual encounter – or listen to Julio in his own words – at National Public Radio’s StoryCorps page.

Cubans Can Have Cell Phones for the First Time


 Cubans new president has authorized Cubans to officially get mobile phones, until now mainly reserved for foreigners and government staff, the state telecommunications company announced Friday.

Father Released From Prison To Visit Dying Daughter

“An imprisoned father went to his dying daughter’s bedside Wednesday, a visit federal authorities allowed only after being deluged with letters and phone calls from across the nation.” (KETV-Omaha) This story speaks to the needless heartache of our drug laws, jailing those who commit victimless crimes (and providing hardened criminals for company), rather than rehabilitating them — and letting them recover in halfway homes near their dying family members… What do you think?

Thanks to Graciela for submitting the link.