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Passenger Train Service Between Bangladesh and India Resumes After 43 years

Train service resumed after 43 years between Bangladesh and India after being suspended during wartime in 1965. The train named “Maitree (Friendship) Express” carried 370 jubilant passengers and journalists toward the boarder as dignitaries cheered from the platform.

Seahorses Return to Thames River


thames-seahorses.jpgDespite almost vanishing because of pollution, seahorses are now back and thriving in London’s Thames River. Thanks to improved water quality other species are also making a comeback in the river, which is now home to more than 120 species of fish. (Video)

Extinct Plants Rediscovered in Flora-Rich Queensland

50 plant species new to science are discovered and documented in Queensland, Australia every year. In fact, two plant species thought to be extinct since 1873 were rediscovered this year in the area of Cape York. (Queensland government’s State of the Environment report, 2008)

Inmate Hopes to Go Free After Secret Revealed (Video)

prison bars

prisonbars.jpgLawyers in two states recently took the difficult and unusual step of breaking confidences to right what they saw as wrongs in controversial murder cases.

2 Extinct Plants Rediscovered in Flora-Rich Queensland

50 plant species new to science are discovered and documented in Queensland, Australia every year. In fact, two plant species (herbs) thought to be extinct since 1873 were rediscovered this year in the area of Cape York. (Queensland government’s State of the Environment report, 2008)

Bid Your Inner Bitch Bye-Bye: 7 Tips to Squash Your Sugar Habit


inner-bitch.jpgAre you often overcome with an urge to splurge on candy, cookies, and chips – and then afterwards do you become an argumentative Sugar Shrew? Do you pop by the drug store for paper goods but also stock up on soda and chocolate — and then get depressed as the bathroom scale numbers move highter and higher? Do you feel like a sad, moody, anxious sugar addict with zero will power?

Take heart. You can quit — or cut way back on — sweets and processed, “much-like-sugar carbs” such as white bread, white rice, and pasta. The best part is, when you curtail your consumption of these “culprit carbs,” you will likely be able to say farewell to your sugar-triggered, inner bitch.

I am proof of that!

“The Best Job I have Ever Had in My Life”


012_sm.jpg“After the sudden death of her 26-year-old daughter left five grandchildren in her care, a Detroit woman and her husband returned to Africa to raise their new brood and watch the coconut trees grow. But the universe had other things in mind for Viola Vaughn and she started a school for hundreds of girls who were falling through society’s cracks.” (CNN Heroes) 

Thanks to Alyssa Holiday for sending the story!

Making Kaua‘i’s Beaches a Little Safer One Tube at a Time

Kauai’s sometimes treacherous beaches will be a little safer thanks to an inexpensive solution dreamed up by resident John Tyler. Lifeguards can’t be everywhere, so rescue tubes will be placed at unguarded beaches. (

I Meant to Invite You Sooner — Free Business Coaching


gerisgoodnews-sm.jpg HERE IS SOME EXCITING NEWS! … One of the Great Mentors featured in my tele-seminar series and eBook, David Neagle, who in chapter 3 of my new $1 eBook reveals the ‘Secrets of the Mind-Money Connection’, is offering to coach you for a whole day for free!…

Boy With Autism Helps Save Mom in Labor (Video)


autism-hero-boy.jpgOn the first day of April, which is “Autism Awareness Month”, an eleven year-old Salt Lake City area boy reacted to an emergency with mature awareness, despite his autism. He found help for his mom in the nick of time.

Neighbors Bestow RV on Homeless Man Evicted From Treehouse

A man down on his luck had been living in an amazing treehouse he constructed on city property in Seattle for the past several years. Last week the city took action to evict him, but his concerned neighbors who benefitted with his presence (the vacant lot was always kept clean and the crime rate kept low as he looked after the place), have rallied together to buy him a used RV.

Two stories to read: Seattle-area residents who’d read the fiirst news report, of the impending eviction, were outraged and called for — and received — a delay in the legal action against the ingenious tree-house maker. (Seattle P-I then followed up with the photos and story of the happy ending. Now, people are trying to come up with a place to park the RV!) Thanks to Sondra Lewis (and also Cynthia S.) for submitting the story!

Sight Restored After 66 Years

John Gray, 87, injured during a bombing raid in the Blitz was told he would never again see through his right eye, but surgeons have now restored his sight after 66 years. (BBC via Ananova News)

Dalai Lama Supports Chinese Olympics Calls for Calm and Cooperation


dalai-lama.jpgIn a news conference today, the Dalai Lama discussed recently protests surrounding the Olympic Torch, urging supporters to keep the demonstrations peaceful, defending freedom of speech, and supporting China’s role as host of the Olympics. His values of compassion, tolerance, empathy and cooperation are in full view in this fascinating piece of tape.


Bangladesh Street Kids Turn From Begging to Banking


smmoney.JPG“Raju’s life changed after he discovered an unlikely profession for a street child: banking. The 16-year-old boy started working for the Children’s Development Bank , a Bangladesh-based lender that is owned by a non-government organization and managed by street children. He now earns $30 a month and can save a portion of his income.” (Reuters-India)

Scrub Your Floor and Chase Away Depression

“Working up a sweat while performing household chores may not just improve the cleanliness of your home, but your mental health too, a survey suggests. Just 20 minutes of sustained exercise a week – from cleaning to jogging – can impact upon depression, the British Journal of Sports Medicine study found.” (Get the full story at BBC News)

Boy, 11, Steers School Bus Out of Semi’s Path


bus-crash.jpg“An 11-year-old boy who steered a runaway school bus to safety said he took the wheel because the vehicle was rolling toward a semi. Other children on board during Monday’s crash were “freaking out,” screaming and hollering, but David Murphy decided he had to do something.”

Canada to Create Giant New Northern National Park


caribou.jpg“Canada will create a giant new national park covering some 1.9 million acres along one of the country’s most spectacular northern rivers, Environment Minister John Baird said on Monday.” (Reuters News has the story)

How to Be Happier – 7 Steps to Contentment


ftcollins-woman-celbrating.jpgIf happiness is the currency of life — the true measure of success, how hefty is your happiness account? How abundant is your contentment? How much happiness can you afford to give? Do you hoard or hide your true desires? Do you resent others for their happiness and curse their rose-colored glasses? Here are seven ways to boost your levels of happiness, and therefore, your success.

It’s Not the Goal that Matters

The purpose of naming long-term goals is to facilitate the enjoyment of the process. The journey on our way to the goal is made happier when we’ve envisioned our destination clearly in mind. Goals keep us from feeling aimless. But achieving the goal does not necessarily provide the happiness. Enjoy the journey — including the struggles. Become WHO you want to be along the way so that the achievement of the goal isn’t the most important effort, and doesn’t leaving you feeling empty once the goals are in the past.

Memphis Zoo Successfully Breeds Endangered Frog


gopher_frog.gif“Hope is alive for the endangered Mississippi gopher frog thanks to the Memphis Zoo, the first zoo to successfully breed the vanishing amphibians. Using in-vitro fertilization techniques, the zoo has produced 93 Mississippi gopher tadpoles, to nearly double the number of frogs alive today in the wild (100).” (News story in in Memphis)

How Would Love Respond? A New Book Shows How Love Can Transform Your Life and Business


kurek-book.jpg Have you ever thought of using love as a method of quitting your unhealthy addictions —to cigarettes or food  — or as a method of finding success in life or business to turn around negativity and underachievement? Peak Performance & Success Coach Kurek Ashely has. His new book How Would Love Respond?: Imagine If You Were Given a Gift So Powerful That You Knew You Had to Share It with the World teaches you how to set and achieve goals with no limitations. A death experience helped turn his life around and taught him how to change using the infinite power of love.

After a horrific helicopter crash in which his best friend died in his arms, Kurek Ashley suffered for two years with severe depression, until he finally experienced a transformation through the source of pure and infinite love. After receiving a glimpse into the source of this infinite power, he transformed his own life and has transformed the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world. With his higher purpose in mind, he offers “How Would Love Respond?” a spiritual toolkit for creating global abundance through love and by harnessing and directing the thought processes that create success and failure. How would love respond? This is the powerful question that changes every decision and can change lives.