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Family Rescued From Toy Dinghy

A WOMAN and three children were rescued yesterday after they were blown out to sea in a toy dinghy without paddle or lifejackets. (Scotsman has the rescue story)

The Art of Word Fasting: Today’s Word is ‘Lie’


acronyms.jpgPushing TRUTH away is much like trying to push a beach ball under the water, the more you push it down, the stronger it wants to resurface and hit you in the face. Here is an acronym to reframe your thinking about lies.

The acronym for today is: L.I.E. (Living In Exile)

Every time I LIE to myself or to others, I force my personal truth into exile. This was a profound realization for me.

Boy in ‘Bubble’ Cured of Life-Threatening Disease

A seven-year-old boy kept in a “bubble” for two months has become the first person in Britain to be cured of a rare life-threatening disease with a bone marrow transplant. (Read the good news at

Fire Hero Dashes into Blazing House Three Times to Save Pal

A hero tenant burst into a burning flat three times in a desperate attempt to rescue a man still inside. Terry Collyer, 41, fought back intense smoke and flames after realising his neighbor was unconscious in his bedroom. “I kicked the door in but there was so much smoke, I couldn’t breathe. I went downstairs twice to get my breath back.” (Read the heroic tale at B&D Recorder)

Asthma Inhalers Going Green

By the end of the year 22 million asthma patients will be breathing with the help of new environmentally friendly inhalers.  The current inhalers use Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) which are the main cause of ozone depletion in the stratosphere, which are being phased out in the United States on December 31.

Hybrid Car Sales Surge

Hybrid car sales during the year 2000 numbered fewer than 10,000. Last year sales climbed to 330,000 vehicles.

In May 2008, auto sales for every US manufacturer was down by up to 28%. Only Honda sales were up (by 16%) led by their popular hybrid.

Iran Couple Bikes for Peace and Changing Country’s Image

rmc-4-peace-bikes-01-01.jpgFor 395 days, an Iranian couple has been bicycling around the world to promote peace, heal it’s country’s image, and heal the environment by planting trees. They are now in the United States (currently in Seattle, Washington). Their compelling story has been featured on both BBC and CNN. I currently live in Japan, and am hoping to host them for a few days in the fall when they arrive in the far east.

Visit their website at: (Watch the CNN video on their site and the “movie” featuring a TV report about their tree planting on the campus of VA Tech. — really touching.)

Sanctuary Rescues Lions From Concrete Pens


lion-face.jpgNine cubs, and an adult lion and a tiger, rescued from bleak Romanian zoos sniffed the grass and began purring loudly, taking their first steps onto African soil, thanks to Austrian-based animal welfare organisation Vier Pfoten (Four Paws). (NBC News)

Naked Cyclists Rally in Cities (Video)

chicago bikeway

chibikeway.jpgCyclists gathered over the weekend in Mexico City to celebrate the annual World Naked Bike Ride which took place in 132 cities. This is quite amusing — and it’s Video! Don’t worry though, the BBC has blurred certain spots.

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Mood Foods To Keep Us Happy (Video)


peas.jpgRegistered dietician Kerri Glassman shares her tips for food that will help our brains and make us happy — the Early Show on CBS News.



U.S. Violent and Property Crime Dropped in 2007

prison bars

prisonbars.jpgWith a steep drop in urban homocides leading the way — 10 percent decline from 2006 in major cities — the FBI’s preliminary crime report for 2007 reveals good news across the board in categories of both violent and property crimes.

14-month-old Girl Can Hear for the First Time

“A baby girl who was born deaf can now listen to bedtime stories and jiggle about to music thanks to a life-changing cochlear implant operation.” (Daily Mail has story and cute photo of happy mom and baby)

Finished Highway System Boon for Appalachia: Study


blue-ridge-mts.jpgA wise investment in new highways linking 3,500-miles within Appalachia will likely lead to tens of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in investment for one of America’s most poverty-stricken regions, according to a new study. (Full story at Associated Press)

Elevating Brain Protein May Help Alcoholics From Relapse

glass of beer

glass-beer.jpgOne of the cruelest aspects of alcoholism is the fact that hard-won recovery can turn into relapse with just a single drink. Now Bay Area scientists may have discovered how to help the brain give up the alcohol — and, even the craving — for good.

Local Governments Can Take On Greenhouse Gas Emissions

LEED platinum building Nat'l Renewable Energy Laboratory

stf-platinum-bldg.jpgPasadena, Long Beach, Santa Monica and West Hollywood, have all adopted new strict Green Building Codes, but Los Angeles is poised to become the largest city in the nation to do so.  “According to studies, green buildings on average can cut greenhouse gas emissions by 40%. Because buildings account for more than 70% of electricity consumption nationwide, mandating more efficient buildings can help significantly reduce emissions.”

Additionally, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority has “made a priority of encouraging development near its rail and bus stations.”

(Read the full editorial in the Lost Angeles Times written by president-elect of the American Planning Association California Chapter)

Incredible Shadow Puppetry Video


shadow-puppetry.jpgEvery image you see is created by a cast of human hands in shadow. The stunning Volkswagen commercial is a promo for its handmade car, the Phaeton, which never made it to the US. Apparently, the factory where the Phaeton is made really does allow for hand-crafted detail in the manufacturing process, which one auto fan calls “incredible”.

Toyota Brings Fuel Cell Dream Closer to Reality


honda-clarity.jpgToyota Motor Corp. said Friday it had developed a new zero-emission fuel-cell vehicle that has a longer cruising distance than previous models and can operate in freezing temperatures. Japanese companies have been working to create a viable zero-emission car running on fuel cells, which produce electricity through a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, leaving water as the only by-product.

Honda plans to begin leasing its hydrogen-powered fuel cell sedan, Clarity, in the United States starting next month, and is testing a home refueling station for it. MSNBC has a nice page here about the Honda plans and some interactive features, like a comparison of hybrid cars along with a list of greenest 2007 vehicles.

Anthony Eggert, a researcher at the Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Davis, also sees it as promising. “Home refueling,” he says, “is one potentially attractive strategy to get fuel cell vehicles into the market without wide-scale infrastructure availability.”

The World’s Most Ethical Companies

Kellogs, McDonald’s, Starbucks and Nike are a few of the companies named to the 2008 list of World’s Most Ethical Companies. Ethisphere magazine takes its ethics seriously and its annual list of companies, even moreso. The World’s Most Ethical Companies are the ones that “go above and beyond legal minimums, bring about innovative new ideas to expand the public well being, work on reducing their carbon footprint, and respond to lawsuits not with a PR campaign, but with real action, such as complete transparency and significant effort toward fixing the core problem.

And, apparently it pays to be ethical. Companies on the Most Ethical list consistently outperform the S&P 500. Find the 2008 list and methodology here.

Stem Cells Offer a Potential Cure for Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s is a debilitating disease characterized by loss of muscle control, but there may be new hope for people with this illness in the form of stem cells.

Researchers at Griffith University have found that adult stem cells from the noses of Parkinson’s patients can be used to grow dopamine-producing brain cells in rats (the brain cells that degenerate in people with Parkinson’s).

(Full story at

 – Photo via public domain

Great Seminar Where I Met Some GNN Supporters


neagle-weis-balto.jpgIT was wonderful to go see income acceleration coach (and Great Mentor) David Neagle in a daylong free seminar yesterday. Especially fulfilling was meeting some Good News Network members for lunch.

Jane, Phil and Linda provided me with insights, ideas and friendship and they went home with a “Good Happens” canvas bag. We all went home with more inspiration about how to LET IN the abundance and an intention to look at who we are being, instead of what we are doing, to allow all the brilliance in. Anyone who was new to David’s seminar was blown away by the heft of information and insight given to the audience.

neagle-weis-balto.jpgThe seminar was a preview for David’s Experience the Reality of Success seminar (to which I went last year) and I highly recommend it for anyone who has issues with money or beliefs about limitations that are holding them back.

GET A FREE DOWNLOAD OF David’s 3-part Art of Success workshop — the one that started me down the path to success.

Highly Recommended: David’s 4-day Experience the Reality of Success Seminar, delivered twice per year. Get all the details on his website- Click here .